Electric Telegraph


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Henry S. King & Co Precancel
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This is gb-precancels.org rising from the ashes !

  I am now back as Telstamps.org.uk and can be contacted at Steve [at] Telstamps.org.uk.
  I have also revived the site translation, now using Google (which made it hard to test in Shanghai).  
My thanks to Bill Burns (Webmaster of atlantic-cable.com) for helping to make it happen


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English & Irish, no letter, used
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W. H. Smith & Son 1st Precancel - Small


Telegram Seals


Hints :

UPT Telegraph LDTC Telegraph BBIM Telegraph Bonelli Telegraph Electric Telegraph ENT.O.1 Cancel DS/F Cancel Smith Elder Cancel HSK Cancel DS/F Cancel

Spain Telephone Colombia Telegraph Spain Telephone Morocco Telegraph Argentina Telegraph Cuba Telegraph HK Telegraph JK, India Telegraph Ceylon Telegraph TV Telegraph NSW Telegraph

German Telegraphs Austrian Telegraphs French Telegraphs Canadian Telegraphs Hungarian Telegraphs Iranian Telegraphs Italian Telegraphs Luxembourg Telegraphs Danish Telegraphs Swiss Telegraphs Turkish Telegraphs

American Rapid Telegraphs B&O Telegraphs Cal. State Telegraphs C.L. & M Telegraphs Continental Telegraphs Mercantile Telegraphs N.A. Telegraphs Postal Telegraphs Postal Telegraphs Telepost Telegraphs WU 1871 Telegraphs

WU Business Frank 1878 Telegraphs WU Business Frank 1891 half rate Telegraphs WU Business Frank 1961 WU Long Service Frank



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Comments, criticisms, information or suggestions are always welcome.

Contact:     Emale

Last updated 22nd. January 2023

©Copyright Steve Panting 2010/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/23/24/25 except where stated.
Permission is hereby granted to copy material for which the copyright is owned by myself, on condition that any data is not altered and this website is given credit.


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