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This is the country which seems to show the greatest variety in its telegram seals,
in that there have been a number of telegraph companies operating and using their own seals.
It is also one of the only countries for which a comprehensive listing of such seals has been published.


Updates. The above was written by Steve Hiscocks.
I have found an Argentinian catalogue that lists Telegram seals
It is by Victor Kneitschel and dated 1958.
I have added a column for his reference numbers (VK).
I have added the prices from the VK catalogue, but multiplied
by 3 to give reasonable current GB£ pricing.

Shortcuts to different sections:
National Directión General de CyT Ministerio del Interior Ministerio de Comunicaciones Admiralty Public Gendarmeria Buenos Aires T T Entre Rios Army Railway Miscelaneous



Seals-pg-9aa Seals-pg-9ab
#1 1888 #2 1889, 30.5mm


Seals-pg-9ac Seals VK 4
#3 30.9mm #4 30.3mm
No Face on sun and only short rays.


RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RH1 1 1 1 1888 Imperf. Blue 9.00 - -
RH2 2 2 2 1889 Imperf. Dark blue. 6.00 - -
RH2a 2 2 2 Blue. 9.00 - -
RH3 3 - 3 Imperf. Milky blue 6.00 - -
RH4 4 3 4 Imperf. Milky blue 6.00 - -




'Phrygian cap' sideways, curved horizon.

Seals-pg-9ba Curved Curved
#5 1903, 34mm, curved horizon,
small sun looking forward. 20 lines behind cap.
#6 34.3mm, curved horizon,
larger sun looking left. 22 lines behind cap.
#7 1906-7, 34.7mm, curved horizon,
larger cap and sun looking right. No hyphens.


RH # Type. was VK Description - curved horizon Mint Used On telegram
RH5 5 4 6 1903. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, small sun. 6.00 - -
RH6 6 - 5 Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, medium sun looking left. 9.00 - -
RH7 7 - 7 1906-7. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, medium sun looking right. 3.00 - -


'Phrygian cap' sideways, nearly flat horizon.

Seals Arg-VK-8a Arg-VK-8b

#8 1909, 35mm
Rounded 'C' and 'G' in 'C
Accent more acute over 'Ú' and mark on 'T'.
8b Characteristics of 8a, and
additional mark over 'L' of 'TELÉGRAFOS'
RH8b Characteristics of 8a, and
additional mark over 'L' of 'TELÉGRAFOS'


Seals-pg-9bb ARGENTNIA H9c
#9 1910, 35.4mm
Straight-back to 'C' and 'G'.
*#9A (RH9c), 35.9mm
No accents on 'O' or 'E'.


Seals-pg-9cc Seals-pg-9cc Seals-pg-9cc
#10 (RH10) 1910-12, 35.8mm
Smaller lettering away from top perimeter.
#10 (RH10a) two shades of blue.


RH # Type. was VK Description - nearly flat horizon Mint Used On telegram
RH8 8 - 8 1909. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, large sun. Rounded 'C' and 'G'. 3.00 - -
RH8a             Accent more acute over 'Ú' and mark on 'T'. - - -
RH8b             Accent more acute over 'Ú' and mark on 'T' and additional mark over 'L' of 'TELÉGRAFOS'. - - -
RH9 9 5 9 1910. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, large sun. 3.00 - -
RH9a     9a       'ARGENTNIA' for 'ARGENTINA'. 9.00 - -
RH9b     9b       1913 Blue(shades) / white. 6.00 - -
*RH9c 9A - - Date? Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, large sun. Without accents over 'O' or 'E'. - - -
RH10 10 9 10 1910-12 Die-cut circle, Black / white. Large centre, large sun. 'Correos' moved inwards. 6.00 - -
RH10a     10a       Blue shades. 6.00 - -

* Added due to example shown.


'Phrygian cap' front view, flat horizon (cap flops left unless otherwise stated).

VK-11 VK-12
#11 1915. Arms and hands partially shaded.
30 lines behind cap.
#12 1916. Arms and hands totally shaded.
23 lines behind cap.


Arg-VK-13 Seals-pg-9bc Seals-pg-10aa
#13 1918, 34mm Only arms partially shaded
30 lines behind cap.
#14 1920, 34mm Little shading on arms.
29 lines behind cap.
#15 1920, 34.3mm Rounded 'C' in 'Correos'.
The base of the sun is simply a line. Cap flops right. (29 lines)


VK-16 VK-17 VK-17
#16 1919, 34.7mm   Ribbon in bow at base of sun.
'TI' joined in 'Argentina'. (27 lines)
#17 1931 Thin letters, poor printing. (29 lines) #18 1933? poor printing. small "Republica Argentina"


Seals-pg-9ca Seal of 1934
#19 1933-5, 34.2mm (smaller wreath, 22 lines) #20 1934, 34mm leaves below sun. No shading on sun.
(33 lines)


Seals-1939 Seals-1939 Seals-1939
#21 1939, 34.4mm (22 lines) #21 1939, 34.8mm (22 lines)
These are from congratulatory telegrams all used on 29 November 1939 to the same person. The first two have a mark on the spear, the last is slightly larger. These are similar to #18 but without the stippled shading.


RH # . Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RH11 11 - 11 1915. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Medium centre. Arms and hands partially shaded. (30 lines) 6.00 - -
RH12 12 - 12 1916. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Small centre. Arms and hands totally shaded. (23 lines) 9.00 - -
RH13 13 11 13 1918. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Small centre, small sun. Only arms partially shaded. (30 lines) 6.00 - -
RH14 14 6 14 1920. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Medium centre, medium sun. (29 lines) 3.00 - -
- - 8   Merged with old #10 below (indistinguishable despite different description). - - -
RH15 15 10 15 1920. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Simple line at base. Cap flops right. (29 lines, VK says 28) 3.00 - -
RH16 16 - 16 1919 Die-cut circle, Black / white. Ribbon in bow at base of sun. 'TI' joined in 'Argentina'. (27 lines) 6.00 - -
RH17 17 - 17 1931. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Thin letters, poor printing. (29 lines) 6.00 - -
RH18 18 - - 1933 ? Die-cut circle, Black / white. Small "Republica Argentina". poor quality. - - -
RH19 19 7 18 1933-5. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Small centre, medium shaded sun. (22 lines) 6.00 - -
RH20 20 - 19 1938-41. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Small centre, medium sun. More shading. (33 lines) 3.00 - -
RH21 21 - - 1939-40. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Like #18, but no stippling. (22 lines) - - -
RH22 22 - - Date ? Die-cut circle, White on Blue. - - -

I am not sure where the one on the right fits in, but appears to come before the next section,
so I will put it on the end of this one.
Blue - Negative
#22  Blue - Negative





VK-20 VK-21 Seals-pg-10ac
#23 1942   No shading in lower half of oval. (19 lines) #24 1942-4, 33.5 mm   Shading on arms and lower oval.
1942 printing has thick lines in oval. 1944 printing has thin lines. (20 lines)
#25 1944 33mm   Post horn.


VK-23a VK-23b
#26 1945-9, 33mm   Accent over 'U'.   This exists in two types:
In the first the letters 'C' and 'G' are oval, the tube of the horn is long and
narrow and the hanging tassels are together.
#26a 1945-52, 33mm   Accent over 'U'.   This exists in two types:
In the second, the two letters are narrow, the tube is short and wider,
with the tassels separated. The thunderbolt differences are easier to see though.


Seals-pg-10bbb Seals-pg-10bbc #27 used
#27 1949-50, 33.9mm   No accent on 'U' of 'REPUBLICA'.
Slightly smaller letters.
#28 1951-6?, 34.5mm   Design away from perimeter.
Seen on telegram with imprint "248.T. Gráf. M. O, -12/957 - 12.000 B."
#28 A used example that looks like it is dated in 1956



Argentina-H28 Seals-pg-10ba
#29 33.7mm #30 1952-4, 33.8mm



Arg H30
#31 1960, 32.5mm


RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RH23 23 - 20 1942. Die-cut circle, Black / white. No shading in lower half of oval. (19 lines) 3.00 - -
RH24 24 - 21 1942-4. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Shading on arms and lower oval. (20 lines, thick or thin) 3.00 - -
RH25 25 12 22 1944. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn 3.00 - -
RH26 26 14 23 1945-9. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn in shield. Accent on 'Ú'. Type-1. 1.00 - -
RH26a 26a 14 23 1945-52. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn in shield. Accent on 'Ú'. Type-2. 1.00 - -
RH27 27 - 24 1949-50. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn in shield. No accent on 'U'. 1.00 - -
RH28 28 - - 1951-2. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn in shield, No accent on 'U'. Smaller centre. - - -
RH29 29 - - Date? Die-cut circle, Black / white. Ministry of Communications 5.00 - -
RH30 30 13 25 1952-54 Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn in shield, Ministry of Communications 1.00 - -
RH31 31 - - 1960 Die-cut circle, Black / white. Post horn in shield, 'Correos y Telecomunicaciones' - - -




National Armada
#M1 1910, 35.5mm


RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHM1 M1 - 81 1910 Die-cut circle, Black / white. ARMADA NACIONAL 3.00 - -



VK-82 VK-83 VK-84
#M2 1910, 29.3mm(lettering)
rays of sun broken.
#M3 1913, 28.2mm(lettering)
rays of sun complete.
#M4 1914, 29mm(lettering)
rays of sun shorter. Distinctive letter 'A'.


VK-85 VK-86 Marina-Station
#M5 1917
large hands, distinctive lettering.
#M6 1919
small hands, distinctive lettering.
#M7 1920-31, 34.5mm(whole seal), 28mm(lettering)
larger sun, shaded hands.


RH # Type. was VK Description - ESTACION RADIOGRAFICA Mint Used On telegram
RHM2 M2 - 82 1910. black on white, rays of sun broken. 3.00 - -
RHM3 M3 - 83 1913. black on white, rays of sun complete. 9.00 - -
RHM4 M4 - 84 1914. black on white, rays of sun shorter. Distinctive letter 'A'. 6.00 - -
RHM5 M5 - 85 1917. Scalloped, black on white. Large hands, distinctive lettering. 6.00 - -
RHM6 M6 - 86 1919. Scalloped, black on white. Small hands, distinctive lettering. 6.00 - -
RHM7 M7 - 87 1920-31 Die-cut circle, Black / white. Larger sun, shaded hands. 6.00 - -



VK-88 Marina-Servicio Seals-pg-10bc
#M8 1924, 27mm(lettering)
Servicio Radiotelegráfico
#M9 1931-7, 34.5mm(whole seal), 27mm(lettering)
#M10 1952[?], 34.5mm


VK-90 VK-90 VK-90
#M11 1936, 26mm ? (Hiscocks)
RHM11 - 6 sun-rays RHM11a - 8 sun-rays


RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHM8 M8 - 88 1924. Die-cut circle, Black / white. Servicio Radiotelegráfico 6.00 - -
RHM9 M9 - 89 1931-7. Die-cut circle, Black / white. SERVICIO RADIOTELIGRAFICO 3.00 - -
RHM10 M10 15 - 1952[?] Die-cut circle, Black / white. ESTACION RADIOTELIGRAFICA - - -
RHM11 M11 - 90 1936. Blue / white. MINISTERIO DO MARINA / Buenos Aires (6 sun rays) 3.00 - -
RHM11a             8 sun rays. 3.00 - -




Public Services

Encotel-perforated Encotel-rouletted
#P1 46mm(design), 1978. Perf. 13½ #P1 43mm(design), 1982-8. Rouletted 8

Encotel-1-detail   Encotel-2-detail
Apart from colour and perforation, these two differ in the way they were printed. These 3 factors may not all have changed at the same time.
There may be other combinations between these dates, as well as other changes before and/or after these dates.
ENCoTel - "Empresa Nacional de Correos y Telégrafos" state-owned company from 1972 to 1997.


ENCoTel was privatised in 1997, becoming "Correo Argentino", part of Sociedad Macri (SOCMA).

Seals-pg-10ca Seals-pg-10cb
#P2 49mm #P3 48.8mm (across text)

I have a telegram of Correo Argentino sent without seal, in an envelope in 2009.
Presumably these ceased to be used before that date. This company still operates.


RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHP1 P1 - - 1978 Perf. 13½ Blue on white. Encotel. - - -
RHP1a             1982 Rouletted. Blue on white. - - -
RHP1b             1988 Rouletted 8. Light blue on cream. - - -
RHP2 P2 16 - Perf. 11. Dark blue and yellow on pale blue. - - -
RHP3 P3 17 - Rouletted 9½. Blue and orange-yellow on light blue. - - -

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Both 16 and 17 have 'Form No 3001/02-060-0628' reading upwards at the left.


GENDARMIA NACIONAL (Federal law enforcement)

Seals-pg-11aa Seals-pg-11a
#G1 Date ? #G2 1947, 32.5mm


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHG1 G1 - Date? Perf. 10½ Orange-red, Gendarmeria Nacional. 4.00 - -
RHG2 G2 96 1947. Perf. 10¾ Orange-red, Gendarmeria Nacional. 3.00 - -

Victor Kneitschel illustrates only #G2, but describes it as orange, suggesting that he thought they were all the same.
However there are differences in the swards, lettering and other details.

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Several radio telegrams used by the War Ministry in 1947 and sealed with this seal have lately appeared on eBay.



Regional Telegraph Company Seals

Provincia de Buenos Aires

#BA1 1915-20, 25mm, Perf.11½

Seals-pg-11bb? Seals-pg-11bb Seals-pg-11bc Seals-pg-11bc
#BA3 1930-47, 27.4mm, Perf.10¾ x 11½ ? #BA4 Date ?, 27.4mm, Perf.11½ #BA5 1921-36, 29mm, Perf.10¾
#BA5 1921-36, 29mm, Perf.10¾

Victor Kneitschel does not have an image matching BA4 above. It is similar to his BA3 but on that, the rays of the sun almost reach "O" of "BUENOS". On BA4, they are much lower.
By the same token, I have not seen anything matching VK#52 which is without an accent and lacking shading (his image is poor also).


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHBA1 BA1 51 1915-20, perf. 11½, blue(shades). (Imprint of Taller de Impresiones Oficiales.) 3.00 - -
RHBA2 BA2 52 Date?   No accent on "TELEGRAFO". Perf. 11½, grey-blue (shades). - - -
RHBA3 BA3 54 1930-47, perf. 12 x 11, violet (shades). 3.00 - -
RHBA3a BA3 53       Perf. 12½, light blue to blue (shades). 3.00 - -
RHBA4 BA4 - 1931, perf. 11½, violet to grey-lilac. 3.00 - -
RHBA4a BA4 -       Perf. 10¾, violet (shades). - - -
RHBA5 BA5 55 1921-36, Perf. 10¾, Accent on 'E' in 'TELÉGRAFO', violet to grey-lilac. (shades). - - -
RHBA5a BA5 -       Perf. 11½ - - -
RHBA5b (BA5) - 1947-49 No accent on 'E' in 'TELEGRAFO', light blue.
[This may be a confusion with VK52, which might just be very weak]
9.00 - -
RHBA6 6 - 1962 perf. 11½, blue (shades) on white. - - -
RHBA6a 6 -       Perf. 11, blue (shades) on white. - - -

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. There are several differences between #2 and #3 but the space around the wreath is the most obvious.
                Nos. 3 and 4 seem to have been reported as different seals but I suspect they are the same.
                All the violet seals I have seen have had the accent, which is very small, over the second 'E' and the
                only seals of that design without it that I have seen have all been of the quite different light blue colour.
#6 1962, 18.5mm


Compañía Telegráfico - Telefónica Nacional.

This company does not seem to appear in the Argentinian listing but it certainly used a well-known seal as below and its company address was in Buenos Aires,
although they seem also to have operated in Uruguay (1931). The 'TT' in a box was the logo of the company.

Seals-pg-12a Arg-gj-TT1
#T1 1924-6, 38mm #T2 used in Santa Fé (Answer by TT).


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHT1 T1 - 1924-26 Perf. 10¾ Blue. - - -
RHT2 T2 - Imperf. Date? Black on orange. (Santa Fé) - - -



Provincia de Entre Rios


Arg-Ent-Rios-1910-20 Arg-Ent-Rios-1920-30 Arg-Ent-Rios-1930-40
#ER1 1910-20, 33mm - vertical lines behind star. #ER2 1920-30, 33mm - shaded arms, few lines behind star
accent on "TELEGRAFOS"
#ER3 1930-40, 35mm - tall-close letters

#ER4 1949 - small "Y"


Arg-Ent-Rios-1950, 27 December Arg-Ent-Rios-1950-60 Arg-Ent-Rios-2a
#ER5 1950-51, bars at sides, red, blue, green, yellow. #ER6 1950-60, 35.5mm - eyes of sun close to rim, small flames. #ER7 1970-80, 35mm - large sun hits wreath

The images for ER1, ER2, ER3 and ER5 are courtesy of Humberto Brumatti.

RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHER1 ER1 - 1910-20 Die-cut circle, Black on white. 'Telegrafos y Telefonos'. Vertical background lines. - - -
RHER2 ER2 - 1920-30 Die-cut circle, Black on white. 'Telegrafos y Telefonos'. Shaded arms, few background lines. - - -
RHER3 ER3 - 1930-40 Die-cut circle, Black on white. 'Telegrafos y Telefonos'. Tall-close lettering. - - -
RHER4 ER4 - 1949 Die-cut circle, Black on white. 'Telegrafos y Telefonos'. Small "Y". - - -
RHER5 ER5 - 1950 Die-cut circle, Red, blue, green, yellow and black on white. 'Telecomunicaciones'. Side bars.. - - -
RHER6 ER6 - 1954 Die-cut circle, Red, green, yellow and black on white. 'Telecomunicaciones'. Small Sun. - - -
RHER7 ER7 60 1970's Die-cut circle, Red, green, yellow and black on white. 'Telecomunicaciones'. Large Sun. 3.00 - -

Strangely, the image of #60in the 1958 book of Victor Kneitschel, seems to match best the last image above.
That is currently thought to be from the 1970's, suggesting it was in use from much earlier or I am missing an earlier, though similar image.



Ejercito Argentino (Army)

VK-71, 72 VK-73
#E1 39.6mm   'TROPAS' (Troops) #E2 39.6mm   'TROPAS' (Troops)


#E3   'SubSecretaria'


RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHE1 E1 - 71 Grey-blue. Perf.11 9.00 - -
RHE2 E1 - 72 Blue-lilac. Perf.12 9.00 - -
RHE3 E2 - 73 Green. Perf. 11½ 9.00 - -
RHE4 E3 - 74 Black on white. Imperf. 6.00 - -





Hiscocks wrote: A number of these railway company seals have been reported but not yet seen.
Details and scans would be welcome for a future edition.


Ferrocarriles de Buenos Aires al Pacifico

VK101 SVK102
#FC1 35mm #FC2


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC1 FC1 101 Die-cut circle. Red. 3.00 - -
RHFC2 FC2 102 Perf.13½ Dark blue. 3.00 - -



FC Central Argentino



RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC3 FC3 - - Perf. 11½ Indigo 3.00 - -



FC la Plata a Meridiano Quinto



RH # Type. was VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC4 FC4 - 101 Imperf. Black 3.00 - -
RHFC4a   -         Tête bêche pair. 6.00 - -

The sheets were printed as 4 rows of 10 stamps.
Each row was inverted relative to the row above causing tête bêche vertical pairs.



FC Sud

#FC5 1939, 23mm.


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC5 FC5 106 1939. Perf. 11½ Indigo. 1.50 - -



FC General Bartolme Mitre

#FC6 23.9mm.
FNGBM = Ferrocarril Nacional General Bartolomé Mitre
(existed 1949-1956)
FCGBM = Ferrocarril General Bartolomé Mitre
(existed 1956-1971)


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC6 FC6 110 1949? Perf. 10¾ Lilac. FNGBM 1.50 - -
RHFC7 FC7 - 1956? Rouletted 14¼ Bright Lilac. FCGBM 9.00 - -

The 1958 Kneitschel, Catalogue, volume II, page 547, does not list #2.
It lists postage stamps up to 1957 so perhaps this was not issued until after 1957.




Ferrocarril General San Martin
Nationalised in 1948, then privatised in 1991)

Arg-FCNGSM-Private Arg-FCNGSM-1 Arg-FCNGSM-2
#FC8 - Private company under Secretariate. #FC9 33mm - Nationalised under Secretariate. #FC10 - Nationalised under Ministry.


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC8 FC8 - Perforated. (14) Blue "SECRETARIA" - - -
RHFC9 FC9 - 1956? Rouletted. Blue "SECRETARIA" - - -
RHFC10 FC10 115 Rouletted. Blue "MINISTERIO" 1.50 - -



FC Nacional General Roca

According to wikipedia, Ferrocarril General Roca (FCCR), named after the former Argentine president Julio Argentino Roca,
was one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948.

#FC11 1959, 22.3mm

This was on a telegram of 1959, but they were probably in use earlier than that.


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC11 FC11 - 1959, perf. 10¾, black on white. - - -



FC Argentinos General Belgrano

According to wikipedia, Ferrocarril General Belgrano (General Manuel Belgrano Railway (FCGMB)), named after the Argentine politician and military leader Manuel Belgrano,
was another of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948.

General Belgrano Line - 1976 General Belgrano Line - 1977
#FC12 1976 #FC13 1977

For Urgent Telegrams.


RH # Type. VK Description Mint Used On telegram
RHFC12 FC12 - 1976, black on white. - - -
RHFC13 FC13 - 1977, black on white. - - -





Casa de Moneda   RA-Sun wmk
This is described by as a "Proof made by Casa de Moneda of Buenos Aires, preparing a telegraph seal that was not issued.
Perforation 12½, gummed paper with RA in sun watermark." This watermark was in use 1928 to 1943. Kneitschel lists this also (Vol.2,Pg756).


Administration General Administration General

It is uncertain what these were used for. Possibly general use, possibly just as etiquettes.
It is also possible that they were never used, but were just essays. More information is needed.


Steve Hiscocks included the following advert. I see no reason not to repeat it.
Guillermo was helpful to Steve in preparing the original page and has continued to be helpful to me also, with many new images.
In addition he has supplied images to help with my Argentine Telegraph stamp page.



If anyone can provide scans to help with this, I am happy to give appropriate credit.



Comments, criticisms, information or suggestions are always welcome.


Please include the word 'Precancels' in the subject.


Last updated 7th. February 2024

©Copyright Notice: This work was originally started by Steve Hiscocks and is being continued by myself (Steve Panting).
For simplicity, my additions are under the same conditions as the original work by Steve Hiscocks.


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