General Telegraph 6d

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GB Telegraph Stationery.

Links to stationery sections of the other GB Telegraph companies.
British Telegraph British & Irish Eastern Tel. English & Irish General Tel. London District L.C. & D.R. National Telephone S.E.R. Submarine UK Electric Universal Tel. Railway Post Office Global List (beginnings)


My Note:
The stationery section of the Electric Telegraph Company had become very large causing it to take a long time for the page to load.
I have decided to split it off as a separate page, and since some people are primarily interested in the stationery, add links to the stationery sections of the other companies.


The Electric Telegraph Company.

Stationery section links:

Shortcuts to different sections
Subscribers' tickets Railway Message forms
Transmitting & Receiving forms
Delivery form
Delivery form
(204 M)
Delivery forms
Delivery forms
Forwarded Form
Messengers Ticket
Message Receipt Forms
Message Receipt Forms
Envelopes Miscellaneous

The Form numbers generally included the letter 'M' or 'W'. I suspect that it was to indicate the printer that produced them, McCorquodale or Waterlow & Sons respectively,
except for the 2-page form of 1856, apparently made by "Ralphs Envelope Paper, 36 Throgmorton St. London", though they may have been supplied by Waterlow & Sons.


First Message forms.

These are actually included also on the main page, but since they are Stationery, I will duplicate them here also.
Each has a sheet watermark across the middle like this :
ET Message form watermark.

FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE ONE SHILLING - Front and back, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. RHF1
These were not to be used for Continental Messages and 3d stamps were intended to be used for extra words.
This has Control Number 3189 at the top-left with the facsimile signature of the Secretary J. S. Fourdrinier below it.
I initially thought that they were all like that, but see below.
ET One Shilling Form - front.
ET One Shilling Form - back.


A later FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE ONE SHILLING - Front and back, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. RHF1a
This is similar to the last, but the Control Number 29930 is now on the right with the words "No OF MESSAGE" above.
It also has "No. OF WORDS" added below the "CODE TIME" on the left.
ET One Shilling Form 29930 - front.

The red note about porterage has been removed from the top and integrated into the instruction section which has been extensively updated.
ET One Shilling Form 29930 - back.


Another FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE ONE SHILLING - Front, this monochrome image is taken from "The Stamps of The Electric Telegraph Company (Great Britain)" by E. D. Bacon (1927). - My Ref. RHF1b
As with the last, this has Control Number 38323 on the right side, but now with the facsimile initials of the Secretary J S Fourdrinier above it, and initials JLR of the Chairman John Lewis Ricardo on the left side.
Bacon indicated that this was then in the Royal Collection and that the 1/- numbered 29930 (the one above) was in the Ferrari collection.

ET One Shilling Form - 38323.


FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE - courtesy of Steve Lawrie, Ex Iain Stevenson. - My Ref. RHF2
This was needed due to a price increase of the lowest rate in 1853. It is otherwise similar to the last 1/- immediately above.

ET One Shilling and Sixpenny Form 5449 - front.
150 dpi.

The Conditions section is for Un-insured Messages and ends with the name of the Chairman, J. L. Ricardo.
ET One Shilling and Sixpenny Form 5449 - back.


FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE TWO SHILLINGS - Front and back, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. RHF3
This is for distances over 50 miles, but within 100 miles.

ET Two Shillings Form - front.

The Conditions section is for Insured Messages with distances over 50 miles, but within 100 miles.
It omits the insurance information and does not name the Chairman.
ET Two Shillings Form - back.


FREE MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE TWO SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE - Front and back, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. RHF4
ET Two and Sixpenny Form - front.

E.D.Bacon describes another 2/6d form as being endorsed in red with:
"This 2s. 6d Message Paper can only be used for distances within a circuit of 100 miles."
ET Two and Sixpenny Form - back.
The watermark can be clearly seen on this. This is numbered 7588, number 7666 of the Iain Stevenson collection is illustrated in the L & H book, it is dated 14th July 1854 but not filled in.
The writing at the top written in red has been changed. Presumably an earlier version was unchanged.


FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE THREE SHILLINGS - Front, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. RHF5
ET Three Shillings Form - front.

This was for insured messages with distances over 100 miles, but within 150 miles.
ET Three Shillings Form - back.


FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE FOUR SHILLINGS - Front and back, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. RHF6
ET Three Shillings Form - front.

This was for insured messages with distances over 150 miles.
ET Three Shillings Form - bak.


FRANKED MESSAGE PAPER / PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS - courtesy of Steve Lawrie, Ex Iain Stevenson. - My Ref. RHF7
Part of the watermark can be seen.
ET Five Shillings Form - front.

This was for insured messages with distances over 100 miles. It is the only known example of this value.
ET Five Shillings Form - back.


RH # Hisc. Franked / Free Authentication. Message Form Description (1851?) Prefix Controls known
RHF1 - Franked J S Fourdrinier 1/- Black and light-blue on pink within 50 miles. (Serial No. on left) F 3189
RHF1a - Franked J S Fourdrinier         1/- (1852?) Black and light-blue on pink within 50 miles. (Serial No. on right) F 29930
RHF1b - Franked JLR / JSF         1/- (1853?) Black and light-blue on pink within 50 miles. (Serial No. on right) F 38323
RHF2 - Franked JLR / JSF 1/6d (1855) Black and dark-blue on pink within 50 miles. - A5449, A5451
RHF3 - Franked JLR / JSF 2/- (1855) Black and dark-blue on green over 50 miles but within 100 miles. - A7048
RHF4 - Free J S Fourdrinier 2/6d  Black and light-blue on blue over 50 miles but within 100 miles. ZD +7588, +7666
*RHF4a - Franked JLR / JSF         2/6d (1852?) Black and light-blue on blue over 50 miles but within 100 miles. ZD 2824
RHF5 - Franked JLR / JSF 3/- (1855) Black and dark-blue on blue over 100 miles but within 150 miles. - A2331
RHF6 - Franked JLR / JSF 4/- (1855) Black and blue on white over 150 miles. - A5890
RHF7 - Franked J S Fourdrinier 5/- Black and blue on white, over 100 miles. (Serial No. on left) F 18415

* RHF4a - See also L & H page 3. This was the first 2/6d to be reported in philatelic literature, however for the 1/-, the message forms authenticated by J S Fourdrinier alone have the
lowest control numbers. I do not have an image of this, but the description (1927 page 6) by the discoverer in the Record Room of the G.P.O., E. D. Bacon, which does
not specify the Authentication, does not note any difference between it and the 1/- item, control 38323, except that it
"has printed at the top in red ink in a straight line: 'This 2s. 6d. Message Paper can only be used for distances within a circuit of 100 miles.'",
so rightly or wrongly, though it is different to RHF4, it has been assumed that it says 'Franked' and was authenticated by 'JLR / JSF', though I have my doubts about both.
Does anyone have an image of it ?

E. D. Bacon illustrates RHF1b and describes it with "An illustration of the One Shilling value, in reduced size", with no credit for the image, and later mentions
"that in the Royal Collection is printed on the wrong side of the paper and has the control-number 38,323; the other, which was in the collection of the late Dr. A. Legrand,
passed into the Ferrari collection. The control-number on this is 29,930. The latter form has the word 'Cancelled' written across it in pen-and-ink."
I take that to imply that his image of 38323 (RHF1b) pre-dates the acquisition by the Royal Collection, unless there was a mix-up with the numbers.
It also implies that he thought that RHF1a and RHF1b were the same, which undermines the assumptions regarding RHF4a.

You can click on the reference numbers on the left to jump to the image/s.




The back of some of the delivery forms shown below have tariff information, but these items are specifically intended
to provide information about policies and tariffs.

June, 1857 - 4 pages courtesy of Edward Coombes.

Page 1, overview signed by the Secretary, J. S. Fourdrinier.
EITC 1857 Tariff - page 1.

Page 2, with a list of principal stations.
EITC 1857 Tariff - page 2.

Page 3, with a list of charges and available Franked Message Papers and Stamps, as well as an available discount of 12½% above £5.
EITC 1857 Tariff - page 3.

Page 4, with a map of the telegraph network in the UK and Europe.
EITC 1857 Tariff - page 4.
This map has been turned sideways.


July, 1865 - General Revision of Tariff, courtesy of Edward Coombes.

EITC 1865 Revision of Tariff.

The competing Company referred to was the United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Co. Ltd. (UKET)




L & H made a start on listing the Stationery used, though with few illustrations due to space constraints within a book.
I have no such constraints, so I will attempt to build on their work, building a framework and adding illustrations as they become available.
Their listing often refers to the front and back of forms. It is not always obvious which is the front. I will take the front as being the side bearing the form number.
Additional illustrations would be most welcome.

Subscribers' tickets.

Front and back of ticket numbered 1017 for the year ending 25 December 1850 signed by J. S. Fourdrinier - My Ref. ST-1850-1
Red hand-stamp of 11 January 1850, Image courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
Subscribers' ticket 1017 front.

Subscribers' ticket 1017 back.
Strangely this appears not to have been signed on the back.

Provisional Reference L & H number Year ending: colour Numbers known
ST-1850-1 - 25 December 1850 rose 1017
ST-1855-1 - 25 December 1855 blue 226

Raymond Lister (1961), says "Subscribers' Tickets (Lithographed) are known in dull ultramarine and in orange vermilion on white card.
They are signed by the Secretary of the Company, have the subscribers' name inserted and bear either the Company's seal impressed in wax or an official hand-stamp".
He puts a value on them as the same as the 277W Forwarded Form with a 3/- stamp on (see below).


Railway Message Receiving, Transmitting and Delivery Forms.

A form (200W) used 17 June 1859 courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 200W-1850-1
The message was sent from Rhyl to Euston. The back is blank. Size 140 x 220 mm. (5.5 x 8.66 inches)

Railway Message Receiving, Transmitting and Delivery Form - 1859.


A form (200W) used 21 January 1862 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 200W-1860-1
The message was sent from Rhyl to Euston. The back is blank. Size 141 x 219 mm. (5.5 x 8.64 inches)

Railway Message Receiving, Transmitting and Delivery Form - 1862.


Provisional Reference L & H number Pre-filled year Print colour Size mm. Dates known
200W-1850-1 - 185_ black 140 x 220 17/6/59
200W-1860-1 1 18__ black 141 x 219 21/1/62



Memo Forms.

A form [201W. / D] Small Memo Form used 27 October 1865 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 201W-1865-1
The back is blank. Size 191 x 120 mm.

Memo Form - 1865.


Provisional Reference L & H number Pre-filled year Print colour Size mm. Dates known
201W-1865-1 - 186_ black 191 x 120 27/10/65



Transmitting and Receiving forms (203W).

A Transmitting and Receiving form (203W) used 2nd May 1854, the year is pre-filled with "185" courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 203W-1850-1
The message was sent from London to Birmingham. The back is blank.
This has the wording "The following Message received at ... Station,"

203W Transmitting and Receiving Form - 1854.


A Transmitting and Receiving form (203W) used 26 February 1855, the year is pre-filled with "185" courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 203W-1850-2
The message was also sent from London to Birmingham.
This has an extra line "The following Message forwarded from ... Station," as well as the wording "and received at ... Station,"

203W Transmitting and Receiving Form - 1855.


A Transmitting and Receiving form (203W) used in August 1866 courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 203W-1860-1
The message was sent from Maryport to James Inving, a ship broker in Carlisle. The back is blank. Size 186 x 253 mm.
Printed by Waterlow & Sons, with black vertical lines. This has the year pre-filled "186" and the wording is changed again.

203W Transmitting and Receiving Form - 1866.


A Transmitting and Receiving form (203W) used in July 1869 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 203W-1860-2
This is similar to the last. The form number is now below the company name rather than above. Size 186 x 259 mm.
Printed by Waterlow & Sons, the fonts and spacing have changed and paper quality improved.

203W Transmitting and Receiving Form - 1869.


Provisional Reference L & H number Printer Print colour Size mm. Dates known
203W-1850-1 1 ? red 188 x 251 2 May 1854
203W-1850-2 - ? red 191 x 254 26 Feb 1855
203W-1860-1 - Waterlow red 186 x 253 August 1866
203W-1860-2 - Waterlow red 186 x 259 31 July 1869



Delivery form [169a]e.

A delivery form [169a]e with pre-filled year of "184" but changed to 9 May 1850 courtesy of Mark Gibson. - My Ref. 169a-184-1
This is a very simple form giving a message sent from Glasgow to Edinburgh. There is no Incorporation date.
Received at Edinburgh, with the word "Station" pre-filled.

Electric Telegraph Co Form 169a.
A slightly late use of an early form.


Another delivery form [169a]e with pre-filled year of "184" but apparently changed to 12 February 1859 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 169a-184-2
Sent from Birmingham to London, received at Central Station, Lothbury which is pre-filled.

Electric Telegraph Co Form 169a.
This is nearly 25% longer than the last form. It is an even later use of a very early form. Anyone have any used in the 1860's ?


Provisional Reference L & H number Printer Print colour Station Size mm. Dates known
169a-184-1 - ? black General ? 9 May 1850
169a-184-2 - ? black Lothbury ? 12 February 1859





Delivery form (204 M).

I suspect that the significance of the M as against the W designation was that it was supplied by McCorquodale rather than Waterlow & Sons.
The first 204M has the same wording on both sides as 204W-1856-2, differing only in the font used on the back.
For the McCorquodale examples, I do not know, L & H only list 204W McCorquodale forms and I have only seen 204M examples. L & H did not list any 204M items !
Perhaps the M was for McCorquodale, but they forgot to put their imprint on the first. If that is the case, then the 204W McCorquodale does not exist. Time will tell.
If W is for Waterlow & Sons, then they too forgot to put their imprint on many.


A delivery form (204 M) of 29 January 1857, Fleet street to Farringdon via Swindon, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204M-1857-1
The front gives a list of "Principal Country Stations" ( 31 plus one extra for Manchester), lists charges and contains the message.
No printers imprint.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M front.

The back advertises services with "upwards of 340 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland"
It is signed by J. S. Fourdrinier.
Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M back.
The bottom lists charges for porterage up to 3 miles.


A delivery form (204 M) of 15 May 1857 printed by McCorquodale with imprint under the Charges at top-right. - My Ref. 204M-1857-2
The front gives a list of "Principal Country Stations" ( 31 plus one extra for Manchester), lists charges and contains the message.
Apart from the printer name, the wording is the same as the last.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M McCorquodale front.

The back has the same wording as on the last form.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M McCorquodale back.


A delivery form (204 M) of 25 July 1857 printed by McCorquodale with imprint under the Charges at top-right. - My Ref. 204M-1857-3
The front gives a list of Offices in London ( Central, plus 18 branch offices "and at the Termini of all the Railways."
It also lists charges and contains the message.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M McCorquodale front.

The back has the same wording as on the last form.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M McCorquodale back.
Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


A delivery form (204 M) of 14 November 1857 printed by McCorquodale with imprint now including "Works, Newton." under the Charges at top-right. - My Ref. 204M-1857-4
The front gives a list of "Principal Country Stations" ( 31 plus one extra for Manchester), lists charges and contains the message.
Apart from the change in printer imprint, it is the same as the earlier form used 15 May 1857.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M McCorquodale front.

The back has the same wording as on the last form.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form 204M McCorquodale back.
This form had attached to it a Messengers ticket Form 276M with the same date. That is a form of a receipt. Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Date used Number of Stations Stations Listed Printer Secretary Change
204M-1857-1 - - 21/11/56, 29/1/57 340+ 29 Principal Country cities for 31 Stations ? Fourdrinier -
204M-1857-2 - - 15/5/57 340+ 29 Principal Country cities for 31 Stations McCorquodale Fourdrinier printer imprint added
204M-1857-3 - - 25/7/57 340+ Central London, plus 18 branch offices McCorquodale Fourdrinier London Offices.
204M-1857-4 - - 14/11/57 340+ 29 Principal Country cities for 31 Stations McCorquodale Fourdrinier printer imprint changed.

Note: L & H do not list 204M Delivery Forms. This is a little strange since Raymond Lister listed them in 1961.
They instead seem to have listed them as types of 204W forms that are unknown.


Delivery forms (204W).

Shortcuts to different types of 204W forms
Normal Electric Telegraph 204W Normal Electric & International 204W 204W Delivery Forms. A, B, C 204W Delivery Form. L 204W Delivery Form. M 204W Listing


A delivery form (204W) of 15 June 1852 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1851-1
The front contains only the bare essentials and a confusing date. It does not say "Delivery form" and there is no Incorporation date, which makes me think it is actually earlier than the one above.
No facility for extra charges. Nothing was printed on the back, but it does have confirmation of the year which was otherwise in doubt.
The primitive nature makes me think that this is late use of an earlier form than those below.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery.

The back confirms the date.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery.


A delivery form (204W) used 24 January 1853 courtesy of Mark Gibson. My Ref. 204W-1851-2
This has the Principal Office as Lothbury, London and the rates on the front with the Incorporation date.
"Charges to Pay" at the top-right.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - 1851-2 front.

The back lists 210 places that telegrams can be sent to and from London, with 2/6d and 5/- rates combined.
It names the Secretary as J. S. Fourdrinier and has a Waterlow & Sons printers imprint, but no date of printing.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - 1851-2 back.


A delivery form (204W) of 2 December 1852 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1851-3
If the front had a form number, it has been torn off. There is a list of 9 branch offices at the top. It has the Incorporation date.
"Charges to Pay" at the bottom-left.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - 1851 front.

The back lists places that telegrams can be sent to and from London, 113 places at 2/6d and 110 at 5/-. It repeats the list of London offices,
names the Secretary as J. S. Fourdrinier, has a Waterlow & Sons printers imprint and gives the date of printing as 17th November, 1851.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - 1851 back.


A delivery form (204W) of 24 February 1853 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1852-2
The front is fairly simple, but it does have a facility for extra charges at the bottom-left. Nothing was printed on the back.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - 1853.


A delivery form (204W) of 1 June 1853 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1852-3
The front now contains information on the rates and any charges to pay. There is nothing on the back.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853-3.


A delivery form (204W) of 29 January 1853 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1852-4
The front contains information on the offices in London and any charges to pay. There is nothing on the back.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853 front.

The back lists 80 places reached from London for 2/6d and 99 places for 5/-. It also lists 12 branch offices in London (mostly railway stations)
This is "By Order, J. S. FOURDRINIER, Secretary. Lothbury, London". At the bottom is the printers imprint of Waterlow & Sons.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853 back.


A delivery form (204W) of 14 November 1853 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1853-1
This is fairly similar to the last but for 2 things, above charges to pay has been added
"N.B.—You are requested to give no fee or gratuity to the Messenger, and to pay no charges beyond those entered in this sheet."
Additionally the routing now reads "The following Message received at ... Station"

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853-1.


A delivery form (204W) of 15 October 1853 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1853-2
The front lists a total of 9 offices in London and contains the message received, any charges to pay and a N.B. request to pay nothing more.
The N.B. request is now in the same section as, and immediately above the charges to pay.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853-2 front.

The back now lists 96 places in 3 columns to which 20-word messages can be sent for 2/6d from London, and 114 places further than 100 miles in 3 columns for 5/-.
Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853-2 back.
At the bottom it is mentioned that 20-word messages can be sent for 1/- between Metropolitan Stations and lists the same 9 Stations in London,
also, as on the front, it mentions that all London Railway Termini can be used. (By Order,) J. S. Fourdrinier.
Right at the bottom is the imprint of Waterlow and Sons, Printers, Carpenters' Hall, London Wall.



A delivery form (204W) of 28 March 1855 with delivery envelope, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1853-4
This is very similar to 204W-1853-1 but with the N.B. moved above charges to pay like 204W-1853-2.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853-4.


A delivery form (204W) of 20 March 1854 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1854-1
The front contains information on new rates and any charges to pay. There is nothing on the back.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1854.


A delivery form (204W) of 10 May 1854 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1854-2
The front contains information on new rates and any charges to pay. There is nothing on the back.
This is very similar to the last, except the routing has changed to "The following Message forwarded from ... and received at ..."

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1854.


A delivery form (204W) of 12 April 1854 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1854-3
The front lists 9 branch offices in London and contains the message received.

ETC 1854-3 front.

The back gives a list of 218 towns/cities falling under the different tariffs, by distance from London.
47 for 1/-, 51 for 2/6d and 120 for 5/-

ETC 1854-3 back.


A delivery form (204W) of 8 November 1854 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1854-4
The front lists 10 branch offices in London (adding Blackwall Railway) and contains the message received.
The routing has also changed. I don't see the form number on this, cut off perhaps.

ETC 1854-2 front.

The back gives a list of 218 towns/cities falling under the different tariffs, by distance from London.
47 for 1/-, 51 for 2/6d and 120 for 5/-

ETC 1854-2 back.


A delivery form (204W) of 8 July 1854 courtesy of Andrew Higson. My Ref. 204W-1854-5
The front lists 11 branch offices in London and contains the message received.
(North London Railway Station, Highbury was added)
The form number is very weak.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery.

The back gives a list of 218 towns/cities falling under the different tariffs, by distance from London.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery.


A delivery form (204W) of 3 May 1854 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1854-6
The front lists Stations in Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds, details any Charges, and contains the message received.
Both front and back are headed "The Electric Telegraph Company"

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery. MLL 1854 front.

The back gives a complete list of 224 Country Stations plus "LONDON" and quotes the different tariffs.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery. MLL 1854 back.
At the bottom it details Porterage charges. (By Order,) J. S. Fourdrinier.
Below that is the imprint of Waterlow and Sons, Printers, Carpenters' Hall, London Wall.


A delivery form (204W) of 29 September 1854 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1854-7
The front lists 27 Principal Country Stations, details any Charges, and contains the message received.
Both front and back are headed "The Electric Telegraph Company"

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery.

The back gives a complete list of 224 Country Stations plus "LONDON" and quotes the different tariffs.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery.
At the bottom it details Porterage charges. (By Order,) J. S. Fourdrinier.
Below that is the imprint of Waterlow and Sons, Printers, Carpenters' Hall, London Wall.


A delivery form (204W) of 6 June 1855 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1855-1
The front lists 12 offices in London with the message received.
It is still headed "The Electric Telegraph Company" on the front, but "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" on the back.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1855 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 320 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Companies" in large size, and illustrates their seals.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1855 - back.


A delivery form (204W) of 11 September 1855 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1855-2
The front lists 13 offices in London, adding No. 27, Cornhill, with the Charges and message received.
It is still headed "The Electric Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1855 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 320 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Companies" in large size, and illustrates their seals.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1855 - back.


A delivery form (204W) of 5 April 1855 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1855-3
The front now lists the offices in Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds, with the Charges and message received.
It is still headed "The Electric Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1855 - front.

The back has the companies seals and says 320 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Companies" in large size, and illustrates their seals.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1855 - back.



This shows a delivery form dated 20 January 1855, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1855-4
The front lists 27 principal cities with stations, two of which have 2 locations. It also has the Charges and message received.
It is still headed "The Electric Telegraph Company".

ETC 1855-4 - front.

The back has the companies seals and says 320 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Companies" in large size, and illustrates their seals.

ETC 1855-4 - back.

The delivery envelope has been kept with this and is shown below.

ETC 1855-4 - envelope.



This shows a delivery form dated 17 August 1855, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1855-5
The front lists 29 principal cities (adding Aberdeen and Dublin) with stations, two of which have 2 locations. It also has the Charges and message received.
It is still headed "The Electric Telegraph Company".

ETC 1855-4 - front.

The back has the companies seals and says 320 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Companies" in large size, and illustrates their seals.

ETC 1855-4 - back.

The delivery envelope has been kept with this and is shown below.

ETC 1855-4 - envelope.


A delivery form (204W) used at Dublin on 4 December 1855 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1856-2
The front lists 29 Principal Country Stations, charges and the message received.
It is now headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1856 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 340 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals. Lothbury, London, Signed by J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1856 - back.



A delivery form (204W) used at Central London on 21 June 1856 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1856-3
The front has a cachet at the top-left corner for "Ralphs Envelope Paper, 36 Throgmorton St. London". Around the outside it says "Registered 6&7 Vic.C 65,July 1855 No 3736".
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and lists the charges and the message received.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1856 - front.

The back of this has the companies seals, scales of charges and says upwards of 350 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland, it stresses its links to Europe,
stating "750 Stations on the Continent of Europe." It lists the Central office in London and 20 branches as well as 29 Country offices.
At the bottom it has "Lothbury, London, March 1856" and "J. S. Fourdrinier, Secretary."

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1856 - back.

The second page has the envelope with printed red seal, and this has the wax seal used for closing it. I think this has a plain back, it wasn't scanned.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1856 - back.

This is a closeup of the wax seal.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1856 - seal.



A delivery form (204W) used at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on 16 October 1857 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1857-2
The front lists 29 Principal Country Stations, charges and the message received.
It is now headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and has a Waterlow and Sons imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1857 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 340 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals. Lothbury, London, Signed by J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1857 - back.



A delivery form (204W) of 11 July 1859 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1858-1
The front lists 31 Principal Country Stations, adding Dundee, Falmouth and Sheffield, and dropping Windsor, with charges and the message received.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company". "INCORPORATED 1846" is no longer in brackets.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1859 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 340 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals. Lothbury, London, Signed by J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1859 - back.

A delivery form (204W) of 1 January 1859 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1858-2
The front lists 18 London Branch Stations, charges with the message received.
It is now headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1859 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 340 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals.
Marked Lothbury, London, Signed by Secretary J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1859 - back.

A delivery Form C (204W) of 6 May 1859 courtesy of Edward Coombes. My Ref. 204W-1859-1
The front lists Offices in Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds, with the 'Message forwarded from' and received.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Form C 1859 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 340 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals. Lothbury, London, Signed by J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Form C 1859 - back.


A delivery form (Form B) used on 5 October 1859, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1859-2
The front of Form B lists 18 London Branch Offices, with the message received. The year is pre-filled only with 18__
The heading is "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 340 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Hague and Amsterdam.
It is signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.
Porterage is listed at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - back.


A delivery form (Form B) used on 8 March 1862, courtesy of Steve-Lawrie. - My Ref. 204W-1860-1
The front of Form B lists 21 London Branch Offices, with the message received. The year is pre-filled now with 186__
The heading is "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - front.

The back says "Upwards of 340 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Hague and Amsterdam.
It has "Lothbury, London." and is signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.
Porterage is listed at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - back.


A delivery form (204W) of 20 May 1862 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1861-1
The front lists 31 Principal Country Stations with charges and the message received.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company". There is a Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1861 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 590 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals.
The lines under "REDUCED RATES" were originally copied from the forms for 340 stations but it was decided to charge for the addresses and they were manually amended.
By a week after this, new amended forms were available. Note that "590" is skewed on this, that got corrected too.
There may be some that were not manually amended, anyone have one ?
"Lothbury, London.", Signed by Secretary, J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1861 - back.

A delivery form (204W) of 20 May 1862 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1861-2
The front lists 31 Principal Country Stations with charges and the message received.
It is now headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company". There is a Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1861 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 590 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals.
"Lothbury, London.", Signed by Secretary, J.S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1861 - back.

A delivery form (Form B) used on 7 July 1863, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1861-3
The front of Form B lists London Offices(21), with the "message forwarded from".
The heading is "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 590 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'Lothbury, London. Signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.
Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - back.


A delivery form (204W) of 6 September 1862 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. My Ref. 204W-1861-4
The front lists 31 Principal Country Stations with charges and the message received.
The routing has changed from the last Form A.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company". There is a Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1861 - front.

The back now has the companies seals and says 590 Stations in Great Britain, it stresses 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
The back is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" and illustrates two seals.
"General Offices, / Telegraph Street, London, E.C.", Signed by Secretary, J.S. Fourdrinier, differing from the previous Form A.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1861 - back.

A delivery form (Form B) used at Regent street on 7 July 1863. Courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 204W-1861-5
The front of Form B lists 27 London Branch Offices, with the "The following message forwarded from".
The heading is "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - front.

The back says "Upwards of 590 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Unusually, under that it has 'General Offices, / Telegraph Street, London E.C. Signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier, without a date.
Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - back.


A delivery form (Form A) used on 1 June 1863, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1862-1
The front of Form A lists 31 Principal Country Stations with the message received.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1862 front.

The back now says "Upwards of 590 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated June 1862 and signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.
The Porterage is given at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1862 back.


A delivery form (Form B) used on 3 July 1863. - My Ref. 204W-1862-2
The front of Form B lists London Offices(27 + Railway termini), with charges and the "message forwarded from".
The heading is "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 590 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. - Lothbury, London, dated June, 1862, and signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.
Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - back.


A delivery form (Form C) used on 3 November 1862 courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1862-3
The front of Form C lists offices in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds, with the message "forwarded from___ and received at".

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
It now has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C.' on the back, followed by a date June 1862. and is now signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - back.
A Tariff for Britain and Ireland has been added to the Porterage at the bottom.


A delivery form (Form A) used on 29 April 1864 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 204W-1863-1
The front of Form A lists 31 Principal Country Stations with the message received.
There is a Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1863 front.

The back now says "Upwards of 700 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated June 1863 and signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.
Charges for Porterage is given at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1863 back.



A delivery form (Form A) used on 19 November 1864 courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1863-2
The front of Form A lists 31 Principal Country Stations with the message received.
There is a Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1863 front.

The back now says "Upwards of 700 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated June 1863 and signed by the secretary H. Weaver.
Charges for Porterage is given at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1863 back.



A delivery form (Form C) used on 4 November 1863 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 204W-1863-3
The front of Form C lists offices in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds, with the message "forwarded from___ and received at".

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 700 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
It now has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C.' on the back, followed by a date June 1863. and this is signed by the secretary J. S. Fourdrinier.

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - back.
Porterage charges at the bottom.



A delivery form (Form C) used on 29 April 1864 courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1863-4
The front of Form C lists offices in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds, with the message "forwarded from___ and received at".

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 700 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
It now has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C.' on the back, followed by a date June 1863. and is signed by the secretary H. Weaver.

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - back.
Porterage charges at the bottom.


A delivery form (Form C) used on 19 February 1866 courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 204W-1865-1
The front of Form C lists offices in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds, with "The following Message has been received at ... "

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 700 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
It now has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C.' on the back, followed by a date June 1863. and is signed by the secretary H. Weaver.

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - back.
Porterage charges at the bottom.


A delivery form (Form A) used on 4 April 1866. - My Ref. 204W-1865-2
The front of Form A lists 31 Principal Country Stations with the message received.
Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1865 front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated April 1865 and signed by the secretary H. Weaver.
Charges for Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - 1865 back.


A (204W.) "Delivery Form. B " of 28 July 1866, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1865-3
The front of Form B now has a list of offices in London (32) with the message received.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".
It also says "Waterlow and Sons, Printers, Carpenter's Hall, London Wall."

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - front.

The back says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Additionally it is signed by the secretary H. Weaver and dated April 1865.
Porterage has been added at the bottom.
Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - back.


A (204W.) "Delivery Form. L" of 13 February 1866. - My Ref. 204W-1865-4
The front of Form L now has a list of offices in London (32) with the message received from Hamburg.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".
It also says "Waterlow and Sons, Printers, Carpenter's Hall, London Wall."

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - front.

The back says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Additionally it is signed by the secretary H. Weaver and dated April 1865.
The heading is "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" in a small font.
Porterage has been added at the bottom.
Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - back.



This looks like a A (204W.) "Delivery Form. M" with the (204w) trimmed off. It is dated 23 November 1865, Manchester to London Stock Exchange- My Ref. 204W-1865-5

The front gives a list of "Offices in London " ( 31 plus Lothbury and railway termini), lists charges and contains the message.
Below that, there is a Waterlow and Sons imprint. Images courtesy of Mark Gibson.

Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form M front.

The back advertises services with "upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland"
It states General Offices, Telegraph Street, London, E.C.    April, 1865.   and is signed by H. Weaver, Secretary.
Electric & Int Telegraph Co Form M back.
The bottom lists charges for porterage up to 3 miles.


A delivery form (Form A) used on 12 November 1866. - My Ref. 204W-1866-2
The front of Form A lists 34 Principal Country Stations with the message received.
There is also a Waterlow imprint.

Electric Telegraph Company 1866 Form A - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated May 1866 and signed by the secretary H. Weaver.
A Tariff for Britain and Ireland has been added to the Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company 1866 Form A - back.


A (204W.) "Delivery Form. B " of 31 August 1867, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1866-3
The front of Form B now has a list of offices in London (32) with the message received.
It is headed "The Electric and International Telegraph Company".
It also says "Waterlow and Sons, Printers, Carpenter's Hall, London Wall."

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - front.

The back says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Additionally it is signed by the secretary H. Weaver and dated May 1866.
Porterage has been added at the bottom, as well as the Tariffs for Great Britain and Ireland.
Electric Telegraph Company Stationery - back.


A delivery form (Form C) used on 10 September 1866, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 204W-1866-4
The front of Form C lists offices in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds, with the message received.
The year pre-filled with 186.

Electric Telegraph Company 1866 Form C - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
It is now signed by the secretary H. Weaver and dated May 1866.
A Tariff for Britain and Ireland has been added to the Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company 1866 Form C - front.


A delivery form (Form A) used on 6 September 1869. - My Ref. 204W-1867-1
The front of Form A lists Principal Country Stations with the message received.
The heading "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" is now in larger size.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated August 1867 and signed by the secretary H. Weaver.
A Tariff for Britain and Ireland has been added to the Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form A - back.


A delivery form (Form B) used on 5 August 1868. - My Ref. 204W-1867-2
The front of Form B lists London Offices(32), with the message received.
The heading "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" is now in larger size.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
Under that it has 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. and is dated August 1867 and signed by the secretary H. Weaver.
A Tariff for Britain and Ireland has been added to the Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form B - back.


A delivery form (Form C) used on 18 November 1869. - My Ref. 204W-1867-3
The front of Form C lists offices in Northern England with the message received.
The heading "The Electric and International Telegraph Company" is now in larger size and the year pre-filled with only 18 .

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - front.

The back now says "Upwards of 1000 Stations in Great Britain and Ireland stressing 'reduced rates' and its links to Europe.
It is now signed by the secretary H. Weaver and dated August 1867.
A Tariff for Britain and Ireland has been added to the Porterage at the bottom.

Electric Telegraph Company Form C - back.


A (204W.) "Delivery Form. L" of 22 April 1868 in blue, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 204W-1867-4
The front of this Form L is fairly similar to the last, except being in blue and now having a slightly longer list of offices in London (33)
with the message received from Bremen.
EITC Form 204W - L in blue 1868 - front.
This has a red oval handstamp saying "VIA / THE NEW ROUTE / NORDERNEY / HANOVER".

The back is now dated August 1867 and Additionally has Tariffs added near the bottom.
EITC Form 204W - L in blue 1868 - back.


Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Date used Number of Stations Printer Size inches Size mm. Front Back Routing Rates Signature Variant Illustrated
204W-1851-1 - 185_ 15/6/1852 - ? 10.8 x 8.8 275 x 223 Msg. Plain RFM-2 - - - Yes
204W-1851-2 - 185_ 24/1/1853 210 country, 1 London Waterlow 7 x 9.4 179 x 239 Msg. + London branch + charges 210 country combined RFM-4 1 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1851-3 2 17/11/1851 Feb 1852, 2/12/52 223 country, 9 London Waterlow 8½ x 10 216 x 254 Msg. + London branches + charges 113 (2/6d) + 110 (5/-) RFM-1 1 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1852-1 1 not reported 14/6/1852 - ? 8 x 11 203 x 280 Msg. Plain ? - MS J.S.Fourdrinier - No
204W-1852-2 - 185_ 24/2/1853 - ? 10.8 x 8.8 275 x 223 Msg. + charges Plain RFM-3 - - - Yes
204W-1852-3 - 185_ 7/12/52, 1/6/1853 - ? 7.4 x 9¾ 189 x 248 Rates, Charges, Msg. Plain RFM-4 1 - - Yes
204W-1852-4 - 185_ 29/1/1853 - Waterlow 7.3 x 9½ 185 x 240 Charges, Msg. 80 (2/6d) + 99 (5/-) RFM-4 1 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1853-1 - 185_ 14/11/1853 - ? 7.4 x 9¾ 188 x 248 Rates, Charges, Msg. Plain FMR-1 1 - - Yes
204W-1853-2 3? 185_ 15/10/1853 9(Lon) + 96 + 114 Waterlow 7.3 x 9.6 186 x 245 London Stations, Charges, Msg. 96 (2/6d) + 114 (5/-) FMR-1 1 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1853-3 3 not reported - - Waterlow 7 x 9½ 178 x 241 Msg. Rates ? 1 ? - No
204W-1853-4 - 185_ 28/3/1855 - ? 7½ x 9.6 191 x 245 Rates, Charges, Msg. Plain FMR-1 1 - - Yes
204W-1854-1 4 185_ 20/3/1854, 1/2/1855 - ? 7¼ x 9 184 x 229 Rates, Charges, Msg. Plain FMR-1 2 - - Yes
204W-1854-2 4 185_ 10/5/1854 - ? 7.4 x 9.9 187 x 252 Rates, Charges, Msg. Plain FMF-1 2 - - Yes
204W-1854-3 5 185_ 12/4/1854 47 + 51 + 120 country ? 7¼ x 9½ 183 x 242 London (Central,9 branches, Railways), Msg. Places per rate FMR-1 2 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1854-4 5 185_ 8/7/1854 47 + 51 + 120 country ? 7 x 10 178 x 251 London (Central,10 branches, Railways), Msg. Places per rate FMF-1 2 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1854-5 - 185_ 8/11/54, 2/12/54 47 + 51 + 120 country ? 7 x 9.7 178 x 246 London (Central,11 branches, Railways), Msg. Places per rate FMF-1 2 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1854-6 - 185_ 3/5/1854 MLL + 224 country ? 7 x 9½ 178 x 242 Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds + Msg. Places(225) and rates FMR-1 2 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1854-7 - 185_ 29/9/1854 London + 224 country ? 7 x 9½ 180 x 242 Principal Country Stations(27), Msg. Places(225) and rates FMF-1 2 J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1854-8 6 not reported - not reported Waterlow 7 x 9½ 178 x 241 Msg. Places and Rates ? 2 ? - No
204W-1855-1 7 185_ 6/6/1855 320+ ? 7.3 x 9.3 185 x 237 London (Central,11 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 320+ GB Stations FMF-1 - - - Yes
204W-1855-2 7 185_ 11/9/1855, 25/10/55 320+ ? 7.3 x 9.3 185 x 237 London (Central,12 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 320+ GB Stations FMF-1 - - - Yes
204W-1855-3 - 185_ 5/4/1855 320+ ? 7.3 x 9.6 185 x 245 Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds + Msg. Seals, 320+ GB Stations FMF-1 - - - Yes
204W-1855-4 8? 185_ 20/1/55 320+ ? 7½ x 9.9 189 x 252 27 Principal Cities with Stations, Msg. Seals, 320+ GB Stations FMF-1 - - - Yes
204W-1855-5 8? 185_ 16/7/55, 17/8/55 320+ ? 7 x 9.6 181 x 245 29 Principal Cities with Stations, Msg. Seals, 320+ GB Stations FMF-1 - - - Yes
204W-1856-1 9 ? 31/12/56 340+ ? ? ? London Offices(?), Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations ? - ? - No
204W-1856-2 10 185_ 4/12/55, 22/4/1856 340+ ? 7 x 9¾ 180 x 247 29 Principal Cities with Stations, Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1856-3 15 March 1856 2/5/56, 21/6/56 350+ Ralphs 14½ x 10 368 x 255 20+1 London, 29 Country offices. Rates, Seals, 350+ GB Stations, Envelope FMF-1 3 J.S.Fourdrinier 2 pages Yes
204W-1857-1 14 185_ 25/7/1857 340+ McCorquodale ? ? 29 Principal Cities with Stations, Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations ? - ? - No
204W-1857-2 - 185_ 16/10/57 340+ Waterlow 7½ x 10.1 190 x 257 29 Principal Cities for 31 Stations, Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1858-1 12 185_ 16/4/58,11/7/59,26/5/60 340+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9½ 186 x 243 31 Principal Cities for 33 Stations, Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1858-2 11 185_ 1/1/1859 340+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.68 186 x 246 London (Central,18 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier - Yes
204W-1859-1 - 185_ 6/5/1859 to 60 340+ Waterlow 7.36 x 9¾ 187 x 247 Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form C Yes
204W-1859-2 - 18_ 5/10/1859, 1/3/60 340+ Waterlow 7.28 x 9.53 185 x 242 London (Central,18 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form B Yes
204W-1860-1 13 186_ 8/3/1862 340+ Waterlow 7.36 x 9.6 187 x 243 London (Central,21 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 340+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form B Yes
204W-1861-1 ¿- 186_ 13/5/1862 590+ Waterlow 7½ x 10 189 x 255 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form A Yes
204W-1861-2 ¿ 16 186_ 20/5/1862 590+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.68 184 x 246 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form A Yes
204W-1861-3 17 186_ 8/3/62, 3/7/63, 7/7/63 590+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.53 184 x 242 London (Central,21 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-1 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form B Yes
204W-1861-4 ¿ 18 186_ 6/9/62 590+ Waterlow 7.125 x 9.6 181 x 244 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-2 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form A Yes
204W-1861-5 17 186_ 7/3/63 590+ Waterlow 7.36 x 9.53 187 x 242 London (Central,27 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-2 - J.S.Fourdrinier Form B Yes
204W-1862-1 19 June 1862 26/3/63, 1/6/63 590+ Waterlow 7.36 x 9.72 187 x 247 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-2 - J.S.Fourdrinier * Form A Yes
204W-1862-2 20 June 1862 3/7/63 590+ Waterlow 7.3 x 9.61 185 x 244 London (Central,27 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-2 - J.S.Fourdrinier * Form B Yes
204W-1862-3 - June 1862 3/11/1862 590+ Waterlow 7.4 x 9.43 188 x 240 Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 590+ GB Stations FMF-2 - J.S.Fourdrinier *Form C Yes
204W-1863-1 21 June 1863 29/4/64 700+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9¾ 186 x 247 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 700+ GB Stations FMF-2 - J.S.Fourdrinier * Form A Yes
204W-1863-2 22 June 1863 16/8/64,19/11/64, 6/8/65 700+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.6 184 x 243 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 700+ GB Stations FMF-3 - ƒ H. Weaver * Form A Yes
204W-1863-3 23 June 1863 4/11/63 700+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.6 184 x 243 Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 700+ GB Stations FMF-3 - J.S.Fourdrinier *Form C Yes
204W-1863-4 23 June 1863 16/4/64, 10/4/65 700+ Waterlow 7.2 x 9.61 183 x 244 Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 700+ GB Stations FMF-3 - ƒ H. Weaver *Form C Yes
204W-1865-1 26 April 1865 19/2/66 1000+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9¾ 184 x 247 Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-2 - H. Weaver *Form C Yes
204W-1865-2 24 April 1865 6/8/65, 4/4/66 1000+ Waterlow 7.3 x 9.61 185 x 244 31 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-2 - H. Weaver *Form A Yes
204W-1865-3 25 April 1865 26/11/65, 28/7/66 1000+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.61 186 x 244 London (Central,31 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-2 - H. Weaver *Form B Yes
204W-1865-4 - April 1865 14/2/65 1000+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.64 186 x 245 London (Central,31 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations GI-1 - H. Weaver *Form L Yes
204W-1865-5 - April 1865 23/11/65 1000+ Waterlow ? ? London (Central,31 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMF-3 - H. Weaver *Form M Yes
204W-1866-1 27 May 1866 - 1000+ Waterlow ? ? Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations ? - H. Weaver *Form A No
204W-1866-2 28 May 1866 12/11/66 1000+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9.68 184 x 246 34 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-3 4 H. Weaver *Form A Yes
204W-1866-3 29 May 1866 15-1/67, 31/8/67 1000+ Waterlow 7.37 x 9.67 187 x 246 London (Central,32 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-3 4 H. Weaver *Form B Yes
204W-1866-4 - May 1866 10/9/66 1000+ Waterlow 7.2 x 9.5 183 x 242 Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-3 4 H. Weaver *Form C Yes
204W-1867-1 30 August 1867 22/5/68, 6/9/69 1000+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9¾ 186 x 246 34 Principal Country Stations, Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-3 4 H. Weaver *Form A Yes
204W-1867-2 - August 1867 2/6/68, 5/8/68, 10/8/69 1000+ Waterlow 7¼ x 9¾ 184 x 247 London (Central,32 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-3 4 H. Weaver *Form B Yes
204W-1867-3 - August 1867 30/1/68, 18/11/69 1000+ Waterlow 7.3 x 9¾ 186 x 248 Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds , Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations FMR-3 4 H. Weaver *Form C Yes
204W-1867-4 - August 1867 22/4/68 1000+ Waterlow 7.125 x 9¾ 181 x 247 London (Central,32 branches, Railways), Msg. Seals, 1000+ GB Stations GI-2 4 H. Weaver *Form L Yes
Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Date used Number of Stations Printer Size inches Size mm. Front Back Routing Rates Signature Variant Illustrated


1I think that L & H have used old reports that gave dimensions as height x width rather than the modern convention of width x height.
2Also the size of forms is often a matter of how they were cut, rather than the size of the printed area.
3I am taking the front of the forms to be the side with the form number.
4 ¿ The difference between L & H #16 and L & H #18 is in the routing and the office designation on the back. The earliest 590-station forms
             had the back allowing the names and addresses to be sent free. This was quickly changed, the first by manuscript and then re-printing.
5 ƒ Some forms have printed dates on the back of 1863 with the name of H.Weaver as Secretary. H.Weaver did not become Secretary
             until 1864, so these should have had the year updated to 1864.
6 * these have 'General Offices, Telegraph Street, London E.C. on the back, followed by a date' followed by the name of the Secretary.
7 This also mentions on the back a 1/- rate for messages between Stations in London. It is possible that this corresponds
             to L & H item #3, but their information on it is sparse and makes no mention of a 1/- rate, or of Fourdrinier.
8 L & H list this McCorquodale form as a 204W form. I think that was a mistake. L&H did not list any 204M forms at all. The only
             McCorquodale form like this would seem to be 204M-1857-3. They may have made the same mistake with the other 204M forms.
9 L&H 27 is like L&H 28 except L&H28 has tariff information at the bottom of the back, whereas L&H 27 does not.
             I do not know if the list of stations and routing is the same or not.


Rates (20 words):

1 (1851) 2/6d to 100 miles, then 5/-
2 (by March 1854) 1/- to 50 miles, then 2/6d to 100 miles, then 5/-
3 (by December 1855) 1/6d to 50 miles, then 2/- to 100 miles, then 3/- to 150 miles, then 4/-. Dublin 5/-
4 (10 July 1865) 1/- to 100 miles, then 1/6d to 200 miles, then 2/-


Form A   list Principal Country Stations.
Form B   list of London Offices.
Form C   list of Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds Offices.
Form L   forms specifically say "Arrived in London_______"
Form M   form received at "STOCK EXCHANGE" (London)

1865 Variety
The forms with a printed date of April 1865, sometimes looks like April 1863
I have seen this on forms A, B and C, used from 6/8/65 to 26/11/65.



ETC Routing Type RFM-1
Type RFM-1  -  (Received Following Message)
ETC Routing Type RFM-2
Type RFM-2

ETC Routing Type RFM-2
Type RFM-3
ETC Routing Type RFM-3
Type RFM-4

ETC Routing Type FMR-1
Type FMR-1  -  (Following Message Received)
ETC Routing Type FMF-1
Type FMF-1  -  (Following Message Forwarded)

ETC Routing Type FMF-2
Type FMF-2
ETC Routing Type FMF-3
Type FMF-3     "Insert Station ... " added.

ETC Routing Type FMR-2
Type FMR-2     Brackets point to right.
ETC Routing Type FMR-3
Type FMR-3     Brackets point to left.

ETC Routing Type GI-1
Type GI-1     (Given In)  -  Brackets point to right.
ETC Routing Type GI-2
Type GI-2     Brackets point to left.


Quantity 204W by Types:  ( / illustrated)
Normal Form A Form B Form C Form L Form M Total
30 / 25 10 / 9 8 / 8 7 / 7 2 / 2 1 / 1 58 / 52



205 Delivery forms.

A Minor Station delivery form (205 M) of 15 April 1857 from Loughborough to Market Harborough, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 205M-1857-1
The back is blank. Size 186 x 246 mm.

Electric Telegraph Co Minor Station delivery form 1857.


A Minor Station delivery form (205 W) of 2 February 1858 from Brighton to Bicester, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 205W-1858-1
This differs only from the last in form number and font. The back is blank. Size 186 x 246 mm.

Electric Telegraph Co Minor Station delivery form 1858.


A Railway Station delivery form (205 W) of 30 May 1866 from Dalkeith to Cornhill Station, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 205W-1861-1
The back is blank. Size 185 x 252 mm.

Electric Telegraph Co Railway Station delivery form 1866.


Provisional Reference L & H number Type Date on form Date used Size mm.
205M-1857-1 - Minor Station - 15/4/57 186 x 246
205W-1858-1 - Minor Station - 2/2/58 186 x 246
205W-1861-1 - Railway Station - 30/5/66 185 x 252

Note: L & H list 205W Railway Station form used at Dunkeld, 16 March 1861. They do not quote a size for it.


Messenger's Ticket / Forwarded Form (277W.)

The early examples of these make no mention of being a Forwarded Form, and instead look very much like a messenger ticket, perhaps for the 205W forms.
Or perhaps for the 204W forms that say "Please enter Time of Delivery, and sign Messenger's Ticket." at the bottom of the front.

1851 Forwarded Form 277W - front and back, as The Electric Telegraph Company for use in London - Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 277W-1851-1
This looks very different to the later Forms 277W below and probably were part of a larger form and intended to be torn off as a receipt.
The back is similar to some of the Franked Message Papers.

ET 1851 receipt.
The back is signed by the Chairman J. L. Ricardo who was Chairman until 1859.


1852 (?) Forwarded Form 277W - front and back, as The Electric Telegraph Company - Images courtesy of Jim Hammond. - My Ref. 277W-1852-1

ET 1854 receipt - front. ET 1854 receipt - back.
The back is signed by the Chairman J. L. Ricardo who was Chairman until 1859.


1853 Forwarded Form 277W - front only, for use at Manchester Station - Image taken from Distant Writing. - My Ref. 277W-1853-1

ET 1853 receipt - front.
This has the name of the Secretary J. S. Fourdrinier on the front.


1854 Forwarded Form 277W - front and back, dated 21 September 1854, as The Electric Telegraph Company - Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. 277W-1854-1
The front is very different to the last, but the back looks about the same. It has J. S. Fourdrinier on the front.

ET 1854 receipt.


1859? Forwarded Form 277W - front 277W Forwarded Form annotated 20 July 1869, but date pre-filled 185_. - My Ref. 277W-185-1
This is similar to the following ones, but apparently earlier and long-lived. Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
This is the first mention of 277W being a Forwarded Form, rather than a Messenger's Ticket.

Electric Telegraph Form 277 - 185 front.

The conditions on the back are fairly standard for these, and has the name J. L. Ricardo as Chairman.

Electric Telegraph Form 277 - 185 back.



1861? Forwarded Form 277W - front 277W Forwarded Form with an 1861 3s RG/JSF perf.12 stamp. - My Ref. 277W-1860-1
The year is pre-filled simply "18", but it is marked valid for 3 years from 8 March 1861.
Only available from Bridport.
Electric Telegraph Form 277 - front.

The back is very similar to the back of the item above, though the Chairman has changed.
Electric Telegraph Form 277 - back.
The conditions on the back are undated, but signed "ROBERT STEPHENSON, Chairman".
The information that I have is that John Lewis Ricardo was Chairman from 1846 to 1859, and Robert Grimston was Chairman from 1859 to 1870.
Robert Stephenson had apparently been Chairman of the International Telegraph Company and had perhaps filled the gap.

  Control numbers seen: 4104, 4110, 4136, 4147, 4151, 4247, 4383, 4385, 4393, 4397, 4399, 4419, 4435, 4474, 4498(on piece).  
This indicates stamps used from at least 4 different sheets.
However, loose stamps are also known from sheets in this range:
4124, 4127, 4128, 4131, 4132, 4145, 4250, 4209, 4213, 4284, 4309 and 4432 are shown above.
In addition to these, Steve Lawrie also has: 4133, 4170, 4204, 4243, 4310, 4364,
4388, 4392, 4440, 4478, 4494, 4501, 4511, 4512, 4516 and 4535.
I have 4214 and 4219, both of which are damaged and without gum.

Perhaps many of the known loose stamps have been removed from forms like this.
The Iain Stevenson collection has a mint 4233 and a cancelled 4131 (shown on the right)
which may indicate that at least some of these forms were actually used.
L & H list this 3s stamp as rarity 2 ("Probably 50-100 copies exist").
So I know of 53 stamps of which 13 are on complete forms.
I only know of 7 stamps outside of the above range used for forms.
This estimate would all suggest that 12 to 25 of these forms still exist.

I really doubt that I know of half of the existing examples, most of the ones I know of are
from a collection completely off the L & H radar and there may well be others with similar quantities.
Then there is the Royal Philatelic Collection! I think there must be a lot more than L & H estimate.

L & H also say "No event has so far come to light which justifies their production!" - Really?
Bridport had gone to the trouble of building a rail link to Maiden Newton to connect to the GWR network,
and additionally from Bridport to the coast, all in an effort to promote it as a tourist destination.
They spent a lot of money on that, but it ultimately failed.
Part of a form shown below , advertises the telegraph service from Bridport to apparently all connected places.
Interestingly though, When the Post Office took over, they apparently did not issue a
telegraph hand-stamp to either Bridport or Maiden Newton.
3d Column 1
Image courtesy of Grosvenor Auctions.

ET Bridport telegraph tariff

This quotes prices of telegraph messages from Bridport in the range of 1/6d to 4/-. Image courtesy of Edward Coombes.


186? Forwarded Form 277W - front and back, as The Electric and International Telegraph Company, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 277W-1860-2
This is a little damaged, but looks very similar to the Form 277W above. The year is now pre-filled "186". The red printing has been replaced.

ET 277W form-1860? - front.

The back though has changed and is now signed by the new Chairman Robert Grimston.

ET 277W form-1860? - back.

1869 Forwarded Form 277W - front and back, as The Electric and International Telegraph Company. Images courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. 277W-1869-1
This is also very similar to the last, but has a serrated edge on the left suggesting that it was torn from a booklet.

ET 277W form-1869 - front.

The back though has changed substantially, but is still signed by the Chairman Robert Grimston.

ET 277W form-1855? - back.

Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Date used Size mm. Chairman Secretary Illustrated
277W-1851-1 - - 7/1/51 104 x 280 J. L. Ricardo - Yes
277W-1852-1 - - 8/7/52 trimmed J. L. Ricardo - Yes
277W-1853-1 - 185_ 26/9/53 ? J. L. Ricardo J. S. Fourdrinier Front
277W-1854-1 - 185_ 21/9/54 108 x 240 J. L. Ricardo J. S. Fourdrinier Yes
277W-185-1 - 185_ 20/7/69 188 x 250 J. L. Ricardo - Yes
277W-1860-1 Not numbered 18__ - 185 x 254 Robert Stephenson - Yes
277W-1860-2 - 186_ ? 182 x 250 Robert Grimston - Yes
277W-1869-1 - 186_ 25/3/69 180 x 251 Robert Grimston - Yes



Messengers' Ticket Form (276M)

Form 276M, Printed by McCorqudale. Used at Lichfield 14 November 1857. - My Ref. 276M-1857-1
L & H make no mention of these, but the delivery forms request recipients to fill them in.

ET November 1857 Messagengers' Ticket Form.

This was stuck to a McCorqudale 204M delivery form (by sealing wax). They are both dated 14 November 1857. The instructions for use can be seen on the delivery form on the left.
If the 204M form used a 276M Messengers' Ticket Form, then perhaps the 277W was originally used as a receipt for the 205W forms. The 277W later changed completely.
Image courtesy of Steve Lawrie.

Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Date used Size mm. Chairman Printers Illustrated
276M-1857-1 - 185_ 14/11/57 233 x 119 - McCorqudale Yes



Waterlow & Sons Messenger ticket receipts.

These receipts covered payments made to messengers for excess message fees and/or porterage. They were the bottom part of the above forms.
The delivery forms refer to them as a Messenger's Ticket and requests that recipients sign it and enter the time of delivery.

They bear no form number, but may have been parts of forms that did.

Printed by Waterlow and Sons, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. EITC-WS-Rec-1860-1
1860 ET Messenger receipt.
Dated 14 November 1860. The horizontal lines at the bottom look very rough.
Printed by Waterlow and Sons, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. EITC-WS-Rec-1861-1
1861 ET Messenger receipt.
Dated 10 December(?) 1861. The horizontal lines at the bottom are nicely straight.


Printed by Waterlow and Sons, courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. EITC-WS-Rec-1861-1
1863 ET Messenger receipt.
Dated 2 July 1863. This has a line under the printers name and the EITC is in fancy script.
Printed by Waterlow and Sons, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.. - My Ref. EITC-WS-Rec-1864-1
1864 ET Messenger receipt.

Dated 14 April 1864. The line has gone and the EITC is in 'normal' script.
"INCORPORATED 1846" is now in brackets


Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Dates used Size mm. EITC Printers
EITC-WS-Rec-1860-1 - 18__ 14/11/60 ???? fancy script Waterlow & Sons
EITC-WS-Rec-1861-1 - 18__ 11/12/61, 2/7/63 ???? fancy script Waterlow & Sons
EITC-WS-Rec-1864-1 - 18__ 14/4/64 ???? normal script Waterlow & Sons



Messengers' Ticket Form (158)

L & H make no mention of this. Under the company name is the Form number (158)e A - My Ref. 158eA-184-1
Dated 19 November 1849, the back is similar to some of the Franked Message Papers, together with the name of the Chairman, J. L. Ricardo. - Image courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
ET 1854 receipt - front.


Provisional Reference L & H number Date on form Date used Size mm. Chairman Printers
158eA-184-1 - 184_ 19/11/49 263 x 110 J. L. Ricardo -



Message Receipt Forms (281W.)

L & H illustrate one for the Electric Telegraph Company with a single seal (Pg.5), but I have only seen them for The Electric & International Telegraph Company with two seals.
They describe two types on page 16, (dated 1859 and 1869) and illustrate two types on page 5, (dated 1855 and 1861). The sequence appears to be Pg.3-Fig.2,  Pg.16#1 which may be the same as Pg.3-Fig.,  then Pg.16#2.
show those two settings, dated 21 July 1855 and 23 February 1861, on page 5. Their 1855 has only the name and seal of the Electric Telegraph Co. The one below is a little later.

Ornate edge. - My Ref. 281W-1855-1
94 x 180 mm.
ET May 1855 receipt.

These images are reduced to 80% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.
Ornate edge. - My Ref. 281W-1855-2
94 x 187 mm
ET 1855 receipt - front. ET 1855 receipt - back.

These images are reduced to 80% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.

This is a dated 18 May 1855 with a neat date-stamp, for a message to costing 8/4d.
It has only the single seal of the Electric Telegraph Company.
This lists 12 London Branch Offices, 27 Principal Country Stations and an International line via the Hague.
Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.

This is a dated 29 October 1855 used at Mincing Lane, London for a message to Brighton costing 1/6d.
Unfortunately the form number is torn off, but it certainly matches the description and other examples.
This lists 17 London Branch Offices, 29 Principal Country Stations and an International line to the Hague and Amsterdam.
Images courtesy of Arkadiy of Florida.


My Ref. 281W-1857-1
87 x 164 mm

ET 1857 receipt.

These images are reduced to 85% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.
My Ref. 281W-1859-1
ET 1859 receipt - front. ET 1859 receipt - back.

This is a dated 30 June 1857 used for a message costing 2/6d. This lists 17 London Branch Offices
and "at all the Railway Termini.", 30 Principal Country Stations, adding Sheffield,
and an International line to the Hague and Amsterdam. Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.

This is a dated 26 September 1859 used at Cheltenham for a message costing 2/-.
It has staple holes at the top suggesting it was in a pad or booklet. The size is 209 x 85mm.
This lists 17 London Branch Offices and 31 Principal Country Stations, adding Dundee.
Images courtesy of Edward Coombes, who has a similar one for 1/6d, 187 x 84mm. dated 26 September 1859


My Ref. 281W-1860-1
ET July 1860 receipt - front. ET July 1860 receipt - back.
My Ref. 281W-1860-2
ET Nov 1860 receipt - front.ET Nov 1860 receipt - back.
These images are reduced to 85% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.

This is a dated 13 July 1860 used at Hereford for a message costing 2/-.
It is very similar to the last except that the form number is almost missing, although traces remain.
This lists 17 London Branch Offices, 31 Principal Country Stations and an International line to the Hague and Amsterdam.
175 x 82mm. Images courtesy of Edward Coombes.

This is a dated 14 November 1860 used at Cheltenham for a message costing 4/3d. The size is 165 x 84mm,
with "the Company" added under left seal, and space added at the bottom for the Clerks Signature. As before,
this lists 17 London Branch Offices and 31 Principal Country Stations etc. Courtesy of Edward Coombes.


My Ref. 281W-1861-1
ET Januaryy 1863 receipt - front. ET Januaryy 1863 receipt - back.
My Ref. 281W-1866-1
ET March 1866 receipt.
These images are reduced to 85% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.

This is a dated 14 January1863 for a message costing 1/6. The front is the same as the last one.
This lists 20 London Branch Offices, adding Cheapside, Coal Exchange and Old Broad Street,
31 Principal Country Stations and an International line to the Hague and Amsterdam, but now also has
"Messages can also be sent to Australia, India, China, Egypt, &c.". 194 x 85mm. Courtesy of Edward Coombes.

This is a dated 15 March 1866 for a message from Lowestoft costing 1/-. The front is the same as the last one.
This lists 28 London Branch Offices, adding Holborn, Leadenhall Street, Oxford Street, Regent Street,
Southwark Street, Tattersall's, Upper Thames Street and Wharf Road
(some addresses have been abbreviated),
It is now "Few of the Principal Country Stations.", with 31 still listed, but Cork, Passage, Queenstown and
Wexford are added, though Derby, Perth, Preston and Windsor are removed.
Under the list of towns there is
now 'An extra charge of " One Shilling" will be made upon each message forwarded on a Sunday.'
83 x 169 mm.   Courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


My Ref. 281W-1867-1
ET August 1867 receipt - front. ET August 1867 receipt - back.
These images are reduced to 85% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.

This is a dated 20 August 1867 for a message costing 2/6d. the front is the same as the last one.
This lists 29 London Branch Offices, adding Brompton.
America has been added to the list of countries. 169 x 84mm. Images courtesy of Edward Coombes.


Provisional Reference L & H # Date on form Date used size mm. London Country Other changes Illustrated
281W-1855-1 Fig.2 185_ 18/5/55, 21/7/55 180 x 94 12 27 Single Seal Yes
281W-1855-2 - 185_ 21/7/55 187 x 94 17 29 - Yes
281W-1857-1 - 185_ 30/6/57 164 x 87 17 30 No ornate edge. Yes
281W-1859-1 1 / Fig.3 185_ 27/4/59, 26/9/59 187 x 84 17 31 - Yes
281W-1860-1 - 185_ 13/7/60, 23/2/61 175 x 82 17 31 Form No. missing Yes
281W-1860-2 - 186_ 14/11/60, 16/2/61 165 x 84 17 31 Clerk Signature added. Yes
281W-1861-1 - 186_ 3/6/61, 14/1/63 194 x 85 20 31 Australia, India, China, Egypt. Yes
281W-1866-1 - 186_ 15/3/66 169 x 83 28 31 Extra charge added Yes
281W-1867-1 2 186_ 20/8/67, 28/2/69 169 x 84 29 31 America added Yes




It is not usually easy to know the date of these envelopes unless you have the contents or it has a postal marking.
I will give dated examples where I can and try to fit others into what appears to be an evolutionary progression.
The red wax seals for example had several different types over the years.

This would seem to be a very early Telegram Delivery Envelope of 1848 - courtesy of Andrew Higson. - My Ref. ETC-env-1848-1
The only real clue that it even contained a telegram is the manual "Immediate" at the top-left corner.
Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1848.
The vertical red line is to indicate that 1d has been paid for postage.
Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1848.
This is to George Wilson who is cited by Raymond Lister in his Bibliography, for writing
Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. London 1852 and The Progress of the Telegraph. Cambridge 1859.

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1848.
I will refer to this seal as Type-1848.


This is a later Telegram Delivery Envelope of 1854 to Ross Grove, Illinois U.S.A. via Canada. - My Ref. ETC-env-1854-1
The company name, now at top-left is less ornate. it has a black London (25 July) Crown cds. At bottom-left is "Atlantic" which is the name of a Collins’s Line paddle-wheel steamer
from Liverpool, (Wednesday) Jul. 26th to New York, arriving Aug. 5th. A bold "N. York. Am. Pkt. '24' Aug 6" due exchange cds. Concentric circles cancel a "6" and a "3".
It has "Canada 10 Cts." straightline and "Canada" arc framed handstamps, as well as a red "Bennies Corners", Ontario. It is said to have a Ramsay, Illinois (12 September) backstamp

Sale 92 Lot 1104
Image courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Another example, London to Market Harborough dated April 1855, with a 1d stamp.
1855 - front  1855 - back
Sent using North-Western Railways. Images courtesy of Samwells Ltd. - click image for eBay listing.


ETC black printed envelope - front. My Ref. ETC-env-1850-1

The envelope shown below is unusual in being printed in black and with the words "TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH."
  There is nothing on it that explicitly states the Company name or the date. Someone has pencilled "1850" on the back.
It was presumably printed at a time when competition was not a consideration.

The images were kindly provided by Mark Talbot and taken with a camera.
I have scaled them on the basis of the top image matching the 1856 item shown below.
Mark included it to show the similarity of the size and fonts used on them.

I find the nearly closed letter "C" and wide "M" in particular to be convincing.
Both of these envelopes were to people by the name of Lloyd in Ludlow, Shropshire.
ETC black printed envelope - back.

Similar to above, apart from colour and distance between lettering. Date unknown, but size given as 139 x 79 mm. - My Ref. ETC-env-1850-2

Electric Telegraph 1850? 'Telegram' - front.   Electric Telegraph 1850? 'Telegram' - back.
Images courtesy of Edward Coombes.


An unusual one going to Peebles, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. ETC-env-1851-1

Electric Telegraph 'Telegram' - front.  Electric Telegraph 'Telegram' - back.
This is the only one that I've seen of these with 'TELEGRAM' printed at the top. I presume an experiment that did not meet with approval.


This is a (presumably) later Telegram Delivery Envelope of 1853 with the inscription changed. - courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. ETC-env-1853-1

Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853 - Front. Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853 - Back. Electric Telegraph Company Stationery 1853 - Seal.

This has a different wax seal. I will call it Type-1853.


The later ones have a red printed company seal on the front.


Sending to Mustin Telegraph Office, Strand, London, courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. ETC-env-1856-1
A big gap between the horizontal line and the seal.

ETC to Mustin Telegraph Office - front.  ETC to Mustin Telegraph Office - back.
ETC to Mustin Telegraph Office - seal.

A nice wax seal, adding the incorporation date. It says around the outside "THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY",
and in the centre "INCORPORATED / 1846".with "INCORPORATED / 1846" across the middle. I will call this Seal Type-1856 (for now).
There is a similar seal on the 2-page form of the middle of 1856 shown above.

the back of the last (1853) envelope shown, matches the L & H description of the first type of wax seal, but then so does this one.
They say the later ones have circular wax seals. I have not seen any round ones, but according to L & H, "Sometimes Electric Telegraph Company envelopes are found sealed
with the seal of the Submarine Telegraph Company. It is unclear if they mean a wax seal or the usual STC green flap seal,
but STC telegrams can have either or both. It is therefore possible that they saw an indistinct round STC red wax seal. There seems to be none in the Steve Lawrie collection.


Most of the envelopes do not have a date on them, after all the telegram inside should be dated.
It does though make it difficult to know the date of an envelope, unless you also have the contents
Having said that, there are various styles of envelope and some have Waterlow and Sons printed under the flaps or McCorquodale & Co embossed there.
Instructions regarding the messenger were also added to the later ones.

Langmead & Huggins wrote a bit about them on page 16.


There is one puzzling item in the Steve Lawrie collection though, this is marked "Carriage Paid", has the date of 21 November 1856 and has 'Immediate' underlined and "Deliver" written above it - My Ref. ETC-env-1856-2
Seal nearer the line.    By 1856, their staff knew what "IMMEDIATE" meant, but perhaps did not always take it literally.

Electric Telegraph Envelope 1856 - Front.Electric Telegraph Envelope 1856 - Back. Electric Telegraph Envelope 1856 - Seal.

The seal again adds novelty factor. Edward Coombes tells me that this is a representation of a Wyvern, an emblem of the Midland Railway and presumably the string was tied around it.
The contents were not together with it, but I found it in the same collection and show it below. This was urgent. I will refer to this seal as Type Wyvern.

Electric Telegraph Envelope 1856 - Contents.
This is one of the obscure 204M types with "Upwards of 340 Stations" on the back. The date and recipient information match up and the message explains the urgency.
The message was received at Burton (on Trent), about 8¼ miles (13¼ km) from Ashby de la Zouch (Leicestershire). The "Carriage Paid" was to ensure delivery at once,
otherwise it may have had a penny stamp affixed and got put in the postal service.


This envelope, courtesy of Edward Coombes, is dated 5 October 1859 contained this telegram. - My Ref. ETC-env-London-1859
Is marked "LONDON" at bottom-right.
ET envelope -front.

ET envelope with seal. ET Seal.

The intact wax envelope seal, appears to be another 1856 type .



Though called blue, the 'blue' envelopes are sometimes nearly white. Here is the front and back of an example. - My Ref. ETC-env-flap-msg-1
The flap has "You are requested to give no Fee or gratuity to the Messenger, and to pay no
Charges beyond those entered on the Messenger's Ticket and on the Message Form."

ET white envelope - front   ET white envelope - back
Commonly, though not always, the back has the words "You are requested to give no Fee or gratuity to the Messenger, and to pay no charges beyond those entered on the Messengers' Ticket and on the Message Form."



The switch from 'blue' to buff envelopes appears to have come about the time when imprints started appearing inside the flaps.
McCoroquodale embossed theirs, but not all the same, and their envelopes were white. With the delivery forms, it appears that both companies started printing without imprints.
Both of these have 'London' printed on the front, but the one used in Oxford on 21 April 1857 has had 'London' crossed out.
Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.

- My Ref. ETC-env-McC-1
EITC blue McCoroquodale envelope, London - front.
- My Ref. ETC-env-McC-2
EITC buff McCoroquodale envelope, Oxford - front.
EITC blue McCoroquodale envelope, London - back. EITC buff McCoroquodale envelope, Oxford - back.
EITC blue McCoroquodale envelope, London - open. EITC buff McCoroquodale envelope, Oxford - open.
EITC blue McCoroquodale envelope, London - imprint. EITC buff McCoroquodale envelope, Oxford - imprint.


The switch from 'blue' to buff envelopes appears to have come about the time when Waterlow and Sons were printing their imprint inside the flaps.
Images courtesy of Steve Lawrie.

- My Ref. ETC-env-W&S-1
EITC blue waterlow envelope - front.
- My Ref. ETC-env-W&S-2
EITC buff waterlow envelope - front.
EITC blue waterlow envelope - back. EITC buff waterlow envelope - back.
EITC blue waterlow envelope - open. EITC buff waterlow envelope - open.
(bluish example seen dated 24/8/1858)          The writing reads "WATERLOW AND SONS, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS &"    on the left, with   "LITHOGRAPHERS AND PRINTERS, LONDON."   (I think).



There is a similar bluish form above with the same flap message. This is a brown one. - My Ref. ETC-env-flap-msg-2

EITC handstamp on envelope.
EITC handstamp of Plymouth on an ETC envelope, courtesy of Edward Coombes.
ET Seal.
L & H say these are "always sealed with red wax", but my 3 examples are all sealed by using an area of gum added to the flaps.
I think they simply meant that all the wax seals were red.
Electric Telegraph 'Plymouth' - front.
Another used at Plymouth, front only, back blank, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
Electric Telegraph 'Cambridge' - front.
One used in Cambridge, front only, back blank, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


This has the request on the back flap and is marked 'LONDON' on the front. - My Ref. ETC-env-London-1860
Used at High Holborn, London, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
Electric Telegraph 'High Holborn' - front.  Electric Telegraph 'High Holborn' - back.
Nice oval cachets of High Holborn, front and back.


Telegram Envelope Listing - Printed in red unless otherwise stated.

Provisional Reference Dates used Size mm. Colour Seal type 'Immediate ?' 'TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCH ?' Logo Flap Notes
ETC-env-1848-1 27/3/1848 ???? white 1848 in manuscript - No   In black. Company name bottom-left, ornate text.
ETC-env-1854-1 25/7/1854 ???? white - No - No   In black. Company name top-left, plain text.
ETC-env-1850-1 - ???? cream - reading upwards Yes No   In black.
ETC-env-1850-2 ? 139 x 79 buff - reading upwards Yes No   In black.
ETC-env-1851-1 - ???? cream - Yes - No   'Telegram'
ETC-env-1853-1 1853 ???? white 1853 Yes Yes No    
ETC-env-1856-1 - ???? white 1856 Yes Yes No    
ETC-env-1856-2 21/11/1856 ???? white Wyvern Yes Yes Yes    
ETC-env-London-1859 5/10/1859 ???? bluish 1856 Yes Yes Yes   "LONDON" on front
ETC-env-flap-msg-1 - ???? white - Yes Yes Yes Message  
ETC-env-McC-1 - ???? white - Yes Yes Yes   "LONDON", McCOROQUODALE & Co. MAKERS...
ETC-env-McC-2 - ???? white - Yes Yes Yes   "LONDON", McCOROQUODALE & Co. ...
ETC-env-W&S-1 24/8/1858 ???? bluish - Yes Yes Yes   Waterlow and Sons.
ETC-env-W&S-2   ???? buff - Yes Yes Yes   Waterlow and Sons.
ETC-env-flap-msg-2 - ???? buff - Yes Yes Yes Message  
ETC-env-London-1860 - ???? buff - Yes Yes Yes Message "LONDON" on front


Railway Labels to deliver Telegram Envelopes as Parcels.
Notice that the Railway labels on the envelopes below are all Parcel Labels.
I will provide reference numbers for the railway labels as they appear to provide telegraphic services.
Here they are used in conjunction with the Electric Telegraph Co., but it is to be understood
that they were probably used for all Telegraph companies using the rail networks.

- My Ref. ETC-rail-GWR-135
ETC envelope 4 - Front. ETC envelope 4 - Back.
ETC envelope via G.W.R. Swindon addressed to Solicitors in "Farringdon", Berkshire, courtesy of Edward Coombes.
ETC envelope 5 - Front. ETC envelope 5 - Back.
These images are reduced to 90% to allow easy viewing on 1920 x 1080 monitors.
A similar ETC envelope, this time addressed simply to Solicitors in "Farringdon", courtesy of Edward Coombes.
Note the 1/6d charge on the front. This had the enclosure of 29 January 1857 from Fleet Street, shown above.

As always, the ETC worked closely with the Railway companies. but it is interesting to me that these presumably got to Faringdon, Berkshire (single 'r') rather
than being sent to Farringdon, London. As far as I can see, Faringdon, about 12 miles from Swindon and now in Oxfordshire, was never officially spelled 'Farringdon'.
One was on the GWR line, the other was on the Metropolitan Railway. Notice the 6/- charge for carriage due to 'Late Xchange', presumably special provisions were needed.


- My Ref. ETC-rail-MR-1857
ETC Midland RW envelope.
ETC envelope via Midland Railway, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
- My Ref. ETC-rail-LSW-35
ETC LSW RR envelope.
ETC envelope via London and South Western Railway, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


- My Ref. ETC-rail-SDR-1855
ETC South Devon RW envelope.
ETC envelope Plymouth to Plympton via South Devon Railway 16 July 1855, courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
ETC Note.
Roger de Lacy Spencer is a long-time Railway Philately Expert.


Railway Labels List.

Provisional Reference Company Form No. Dates used Size mm. Colour Notes
ETC-rail-GWR-135 Great Western Railway 135 29/1/1857 ???? white From Swindon
ETC-rail-MR-1857 Midland Railway ? 16/10/1857 ???? yellow From Newark
ETC-rail-LSW-35 London & South Western Railway 35 ? ???? yellow From Dorchester
ETC-rail-SDR-1855 South Devon Railway - 16/7/1855 ???? green From Plymouth



For the sake of interest:

Mark Talbot drew my attention to an ebay item that I would otherwise have missed.
Electric Telegraph Seal. Electric Telegraph Seal. Electric Telegraph Seal.
Electric Telegraph Seal. Electric Telegraph Seal.

This is described as:
"A fine brass seal with turned wood, believed Lignum Vitae, ornate handle.
The brass seal measures 24mm x 18mm and the overall length is 92mm. It weighs 57 grams."
Images courtesy of   " silent_whistle "
This is not the type generally used on envelopes containing telegrams, but was probably used in an office dealing with other matters.




From earliest days the wires of the Electric Telegraph Co. followed the railway lines. It was not until after 1862 that companies could lay their lines in or over streets, roads or houses.
The Telegraph Companies needed the Railroad and the Railroad companies needed the Telegraph Companies.
They cooperated for mutual benefit.

This form of 26 May 1858 requested a free pass for the Honourable Robert Grimston to travel from London to Weymouth and back on 28th of May and 2nd June.
It was signed personally by J S Fourdrinier and sent to the Great Western Railway Company. Image courtesy of Edward Coombes.
- My Ref. ETC-rail-grant-1858-1

ET 1859 travel permit request.
Robert Grimston was a director at that time, becoming Chairman in 1859.
Weymouth was about 20 miles from Bridport, so this could relate to the 277W-1859-1 forms above.

This form was to allow individual messages relating to the business of the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, over lines of the Electric and International Telegraph Company.
It includes instructions to Clerks of the EITC by order of the Secretary Henry Weaver and was printed by Waterlow & Sons. Image courtesy of Edward Coombes.
The reference to "annexed (A) Message" may relate to the earlier use of the wording on the Directors' Message Stamps above.
- My Ref. ETC-rail-MRC_A-1868

ET 1859 travel permit request.
This had to be signed by one of George Harrison, Robert Sayer, Richard Laybourn, William Lane or Alexander Waddington.
This particular one of 3 November 1868, was from George Harrison and was also signed by him.
Printed by Waterlow and Sons.



Miscellaneous Railway Telegraph Companies

Quite a few Telegraph Companies did not use any stamps, but did use stationery. I will show the images that I have for them here.

Shortcuts to different miscellaneous Companies
Bristol & Exeter Railway   Cheshire Lines   Great Western Railway London Brighton and South Coast Railway London and North Eastern Railway Midland Railway Norfolk Railway North British Railway


Bristol & Exeter Railway.

"[20 T.D.]" Transmitting & Receiving form [Office copy] in red, dated 7 or 4 May 1868 (Size 186 x 249 mm) - Front. - My Ref. BER-20TD-1868-1
I'm not sure what the receiving station was. The only station on the line that I can find resembling it is Burlescombe, but it doesn't look like that.
Image courtesy of Edward Coombes.

Form 20 TD, Bristol & Exeter Railway-1868 - Front

Apparent disinformation on the back. This was Stuckey's Banking Co., Created in 1826.
Bristol & Exeter Railway-1868 - Back
Image courtesy of Edward Coombes.


A receipt relating to the above form, dated 7 May 1868 - courtesy of Edward Coombes. - My Ref. BER-Rec-1868-1

Form 20 TD, Bristol & Exeter Railway-1868 - Front
There was 1s porterage to pay.


Cheshire Lines Committee.

Telegram of the Cheshire Lines Committee dated 10 July 1875. - My Ref. CLC-318-1875-1
173 x 221 mm.


A joint railway serving Liverpool, Manchester, Stockport, Warrington, Widnes, Northwich, Winsford, Knutsford, Birkenhead, Chester and Southport.


Great Western Railway Co.

Delivery Form (1736-2) dated 3 January 1866 (Size 187 x 245 mm) - Front. - My Ref. GWR-1736-2-1866-1
Forwarded from Fleet Street to Marlborough - courtesy of Edward Coombes.
6d Porterage (this rate covers, by messenger on foot, a delivery distance of above 1/2 mile and under 1 mile).

GWR form 1736-2 of 1866 - front.

3 January 1866 - Back.
GWR form 1736-2 of 1866 - back.
Porterage charges at the bottom.



Telegraphic Dispatch Form (984) dated 3 December 1867 (Size 170 x 210mm) - Front. - My Ref. GWR-984-1867-1
From London (or Swindon?) to Oswestry - courtesy of Edward Coombes.

GWR form 984 of 1867 - front.

3 December 1867 - Back.
GWR form 984 of 1867 - back.
Image courtesy of Edward Coombes.



Receipt dated 3 January 1866 at Marlborough (this goes with the Delivery form 1736-2 above). - My Ref. GWR-Rec-1866-1
Courtesy of Edward Coombes.
GWR receipt of 3 January 1866.




London Brighton and South Coast Railway Co.

A Form (251) receipt of the Electric Telegraph Department of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway Co., dated 26 October 1868. - My Ref. LBSC-251-1868-1

LBSCR form 251 of 1868.
1/= received at Hastings, 81 x 34 mm.    Courtesy of Edward Coombes.


London and North Eastern Railway.

LNER Telegram (B.572) dated 9 February 1943. - My Ref. LNER-B572-1943-1
LNER Telegram, B572
Courtesy of Samwells Ltd. - click image for eBay listing.


Midland Railway.

Telegram of the Midland Railway dated 29 June 1908. - My Ref. MR-PF43-1908-1
Ardwick to Millers Dale. 206 x 134 mm.

Midland Railway 1908.

Form number "P.F. 43. / N 6—5,000,000.".



Norfolk Railway

Memo Form "T. 3.]" of the Electric Telegraph department, dated 21 June 184_ (Size 208 x 170 mm). - My Ref. NR-T3-184-1
for a Mr Mitchill a Director(Dr) to N (Norfolk) R (Railway) Company - courtesy of Edward Coombes.

Norfolk Railway Memo of 1840s.





North British Railway Co.

Forwarded Form (93. 10,000 / 6-5-64) dated 19 July 1865 (Size 186 x 255 mm). - My Ref. NBR-93-1865-1
Forwarded to James Irving, Ship Broker at Carlisle (plain back) - courtesy of Edward Coombes.

GWR form 1736-2 of 1866 - front.



Message Form (997) dated 5 January 1889. - My Ref. NBR-997-1889-1
NBR Message Frm 997
Courtesy of Samwells Ltd. - click image for eBay listing.





Please include the word 'Telegraphs' in the subject.


Last updated 13th. March 2024

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