General Telegraph 6d

Telegraph stamps of Great Britain.

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General Telegraph 6d Electric Telegraph Submarine British English & Irish British & Irish LDTC UK Electric South Eastern Railway London, Chatham and Dover Railway
General Telegraph Electric Telegraph Submarine British Telegraph English & Irish British & Irish London District UK Electric S.E.R. L.C. & D.R.
Bonelli Universal Private Telegraph Company National Telephone Company Army Telegraphs-1 Army Telegraphs-2 Railway Telegraph cancel on 10s Post Office Telegraphs Unusual Unexpected Contributions
Bonelli's Universal Tel. National Telephone Army Telegraphs 1 Army Telegraphs 2 Railway Post Office Unusual Unexpected Contributions


Prices have been brought up to date, and are for stamps in 'average' condition.  
The currency is now selectable, the default is British Currency (£).
  I have revised Hiscocks' original listing, though leaving references to the original designations. 
The new designations have 'RH' numbers (Revised Hiscocks) to avoid confusion.


Submarine Telegraph Company.

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
The company was set up in 1850 to operate submarine lines to France and Belgium. Having no internal lines within the UK the company was not taken
over with the other private companies in 1869/70 and was still handling some 9,000 messages per day ten years later. Stamps were engraved by De la
Rue in November 1861 and presumably issued in December or in January 1862. All are of essentially the same design but separate plates were prepared.
There were 80 stamps to a sheet.

Since they had no lines of their own within the UK, this company needed to work in conjunction with other companies.
Initially it worked closely with the British Telegraph Company, and later with its successor, the British & Irish Telegraph Company,
as well as the London District Telegraph Company. Delivery forms and other stationery exist reflecting their joint operations.

Proofs Stationery


It was not until December 1861 that the Submarine Telegraph Company started having stamps printed by De La Rue.
Wove paper, no watermark, sheets of 80 stamps.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 4½d on 8s Submarine Telegraph Co. 4s on 8s
4½d on 8s Provisional Overprint, RH6. 4s on 8s Provisional Overprint, RH7.
Image courtesy of Steve Lawrie. Ex Iain Stevenson, courtesy of Grosvenor Auctions.


Hiscocks lists the following, Rarities taken from L&H:
Perf.13     (not 14 as sometimes described)

RH # Hisc. Desc. Rarity Mint Used
RH1 H1 4½d deep mauve.Unknown - -
RH1a              '   '   '       Proof.   300.00 -
RH2 H2 3s9d deep mauve.Unknown - -
RH2a              '   '   '       Proof.   300.00 -
RH3 H3 4s deep mauve.Unknown - -
RH3a              '   '   '       Proof.   300.00 -
RH4 H4 7s6d deep mauve.Unknown - -
RH4a              '   '   '       Proof.   300.00 -
RH5 H5 8s deep mauve.R5 - -
RH5a H5a 8s deep mauve. Perf.12½Unlisted - -
RH5b              '   '   '       Proof.   300.00 -
RH6 H6 4½d on 8s deep mauve. Perf.12½ R5 7000.00 -
RH7 H7 4s on 8s deep mauve. Perf.12½R5 - 2000.00

Look here for an explanation of the table.


The stamps themselves are very scarce, but there are some proofs available:
These two courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
Submarine Telegraph Co. H4 Proof   Submarine Telegraph Co. H4 cut-down proof
The ones below are the centres of proofs like the left one above (half size). The one on the right is cut-down and mounted.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 4½d Proof Submarine Telegraph Co. 3s9d Proof Submarine Telegraph Co. 4s Proof Submarine Telegraph Co. 7s6d Proof Submarine Telegraph Co. 8s Proof
Proof of the 4½d - RH1 Proof of the 3s9d - RH2 Proof of the 4s - RH3 Proof of the 7s6d - RH4 Proof of the 8s - RH5
Proofs courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


Submarine Telegraph Co. Proofs
Proofs from the "Lilly Collection" courtesy of Mark Gibson.


L&H list these two as rarity R5 (Only known in Official Collections), though these are in private hands.
The one on the right is the only known used example of Submarine Telegraph Company stamps outside of the Royal Philatelic Collection.

Since the company had no inland business and did not compete with the Post Office monopoly, it was not nationalised in the 1869/70 process.
It kept its' lines until 1889 when the government took them over in exchange for rather poor compensation.


STC Stationery.


A form with an imprint top-left suggesting 2000 were printed 5 June 1854, Headed Submarine and European Telegraph Companies courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. STC-2-1853-1
It lists 3 stations in London, one each in Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Gravesend, Chatham, Canterbury, Dover and Deal;
2 in France, Paris and Calais; 2 in Belgium, Brussels and Antwerp.    This was used 6 December 1854 at 43, Regent Circus, Piccadilly, London.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1854 Form
The back is plain.


Received Message Form listing.

Provisional Reference Form type Date on form Dates used Size mm. London Offices Other UK Mainland Other Stations In conjunction with
STC-2-1853-1 Received Message - 2 5/6/1854 6/12/54 ???? 4 8 4 European




This has an imprint of "5,000—26/10/57.", but was used 13th November 1859, though pre-filled with '185'. - My Ref. STC-BI-1857-10
This was used at the Cornhill Station for a message from Italy to London. - Image Courtesy of Mark Talbot.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1857 form
Nothing on the back.


Now in red. This was dated 8th November 1859, though pre-filled with '186' (in expectation?). - My Ref. STC-BI-1859-R1
This was used at the Central Station as 58 Threadneedle Street, London E.C. for a message from Italy to London. - Images Courtesy of Mark Talbot.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1859 red form - front
There is no list of stations or printers imprint.
A simple disclaimer on the back.
Submarine Telegraph Co. 1859 red form - back


Now in green. This was dated 8th November 1859, though pre-filled with '186' (in expectation?). - My Ref. STC-BI-1859-G1
This was used at the Central Station as 58 Threadneedle Street, London E.C. for a message from Paris in French.
It does not have "(Removed from 30, Cornhill.)" like the next one does. Image Courtesy of Steve Lawrie.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1859 form - front
There is no list of stations or printers imprint.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1859 form - back
The back has a short disclaimer.


This seems to be dated 12 July 1861 used at Central Station at 58 Threadneedle Street, London E.C. for a message from Moscow. - My Ref. STC-BI-1861-1
It is headed "Submarine Telegraph Company in connection with the British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company.",
with "(Removed from 30, Cornhill.)" below that, and a "Preamble" added at top-left. Also refers to a "TELEGRAM" rather than "MESSAGE". -  Courtesy of Mark Gibson.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1861 form - front
The bottom lists stations in London but has no printers imprint.

The envelope is also shown.
Submarine Telegraph Co. 1861 form - back
The back has a short disclaimer like the last one.

This seems to be dated 22 March 1864, and is similar to the last. - Courtesy of Mark Gibson. - My Ref. STC-BI-1864-1
It does though have Continental Service information added at both sides and space for the clerk's initials.
This was also used at the Central Station, 58, Threadneedle street, London, EC with "(Removed from 30, Cornhill.)"

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1864 form - front

Now the bottom again lists stations in London but also adds "all the offices of the London District Telegraph Company".
and has a printers' imprint "R. Clarke, Printer, 51, Threadneedle Street, and White Hart Court, Bishopsgate Street".

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1864 form - back
The disclaimer on the back is now longer with a reference to an anonymous secretary.


This seems to be dated 8th August 1865, and is very similar to the last. - Courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. STC-BI-1865-1
The font of the Company name is now without the serifs, and a printers imprint has been added at the bottom.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1865 form - front

Now the bottom again lists stations in London but also adds "all the offices of the London District Telegraph Company".
and has a printers' imprint "R. Clarke, Printer, 51, Threadneedle Street, and White Hart Court, Bishopsgate Street".

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1865 form - back
The disclaimer on the back is now longer with a reference to an anonymous secretary.


Unusually, this is clearly dated 14th October 1866, but otherwise similar to above. - Courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. STC-BI-1866-1
This was used at St. Helier, Jersey (Channel Islands) for a telegram from Guernesey written in French.
No reference to 30, Cornhill.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1866 Jersey form - front
The bottom gives the opening hours for the stations at St. Helier and Gorey, as well as the same printers imprint.

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1866 Jersey form - back
The back has the same disclaimer as the last..


This seems to be dated 24th December 1869. it is similar to earlier ones, but printed in black. - Courtesy of Steve Lawrie. - My Ref. STC-BI-1869-1
There is nothing on the back, with the previous disclaimer being moved to the bottom of the front, in place of the list of London Offices.
This was used at the London Office - 58 Threadneedle Street, London E.C. for a message from Jersey.
Submarine Telegraph Co. 1869 form - front

Received Message Form listing (printed in green except for last).

Provisional Reference Form type Form Imprint Form colour Date on form Dates used Size mm. London Offices Other UK Mainland Other Stations Printer Changes In conjunction with
STC-BI-1857-10 Received Message 26/10/57 Black 186_ 4/8/1859 ???? 1 - - - - British & Irish Magnetic
STC-BI-1859-R1 Received Message - Red 186_ 4/8/1859 ???? 1 - - - Colour, No imprint British & Irish Magnetic
STC-BI-1859-G1 Received Message - Green 186_ 8/11/1859 ???? 1 - - - Colour British & Irish Magnetic
STC-BI-1861-1 Received Message - Green 186_ 12/7/1861 ???? 12 - - - Colour, "Preamble" added British & Irish Magnetic
STC-BI-1864-1 Received Message - Green 186_ 22/3/1864 ???? 12 + LDTC - 5 - LDTC offices added BIM & LDTC
STC-BI-1865-1 Received Message - Green 186_ 8/8/1865 ???? 12 + LDTC - 5 R. Clarke R. Clarke, Printer, added BIM & LDTC
STC-BI-1866-1 Received Message - Green 186_ 14/10/1866 ???? 1 - 6 R. Clarke Jersey Version British & Irish Magnetic
STC-BI-1869-1 Received Message - Green 186_ 24/12/1869 ???? 1 - - R. Clarke Printed in black, nothing on the back. British & Irish Magnetic



- My Ref. STC-Env-1852-1
Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope
This cover is dated 25/2/1852, only a few months after the Dover/Calais submarine cable was opened on 25th September 1851.
Courtesy Gavin Littaur.


The back of an 1858 delivery envelope showing "SUBMARINE TELEGRAPH COMPANY" on cachet and seal.

Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope

Envelope, courtesy of Dr Mark Gibson.

The front is unfortunately missing the stamp,
but it does give us a date for this type.
It is similar to the 1852 example, but is
missing the Station and date information.
Submarine Telegraph Co. seal
Submarine Telegraph Co. seal
Closeup of other seals.
courtesy of Steve Lawrie.
Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope

Langmead & Huggins note (Pg.16) that "Sometimes Electric Telegraph Company envelopes are found sealed with the seal of the Submarine Telegraph Company."
This has a Cornhill backstamp. The Submarine Telegraph Company initially had its Head Office and an 'Instrument Room' at 30, Cornhill.
The Electric Telegraph Company had offices at 27, Cornhill.


Submarine Telegraph Co. seal of 1879
A closeup of a seal from 1879. This seems to have minor differences, it is also more of a blue-green.
image courtesy of Mark Talbot.

- My Ref. STC-Env-1858-1
Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope circa 1858 - front   Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope circa 1858 - back
Circa 1858 type - courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


- My Ref. STC-Env-1861-1
Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope circa 1861 - front   Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope circa 1861 - back
Circa 1861 type (see form above) - courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


- My Ref. STC-Env-1865-1
Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope circa 1865? - front   Submarine Telegraph Co. delivery envelope circa 1865? - back
Circa 1865 type (matches one described by L&H) - courtesy of Steve Lawrie.


Provisional Reference Date on form Date used size mm. front print colour Logo on flap ? Comments
STC-Env-1852-1 185_ 25/2/1852 ???? red ? Space for station name and date on the front
STC-Env-1858-1 - 19/10/58 ???? red Yes Logo in green on the back flap.
STC-Env-1861-1 - - ???? green No  
STC-Env-1865-1 - 8/8/1865 ???? yellow-green No 'Telegram' instead of 'Telegraphic Despatch'

The last matches the one that L & H list. They say it contained a form dated 8 August 1865.

Langmead & Huggins also list a number of forms signed by George Saward, but I have listed those under the British Telegraph Company since they are of that style.
and he worked for that company. George Saward though was instrumental in the formation of the Atlantic Telegraph Company and the laying of the transatlantic cable.


A receipt of 25 September 1856 courtesy of Edward Coombes - My Ref. BSTC_Rec_1856-1

Submarine Telegraph Co. 1856 receipt
The top-left suggests that this is one of 60,000 printed 3/8/1855. This is listed under the BTC because of the similarity of form numbering.



Receipt for 3/9d of 27 May 1869 - courtesy of Mark Gibson. - My Ref. STC_Rec_1869-1

STC Receipt - 1869 front STC Receipt - 1869 back
The back shows the London Offices. It lists 12 plus "all the Offices of the London District Telegraph Company".  
It has no signature but lists a number of places in Europe, as well as Jersey.
On the left side is the imprint of "R. CLARKE, Printer, 51, Threadneedle Street, E.C."

Central ..................... 58, Threadneedle Street.
Baltic Coffee House....... Threadneedle Street.
No. 7, Charing Cross .......... (Opposite statue)
Corn Exchange, Chambers.... (Seething Lane entrance)
House of Commons............ (during Session).
Mark Lane, No. 82 ........... (Fench. Street end)
Mincing Lane, No. 21 ....... (Tower Street end)
Seething Lane, Corn Exchange Chambers.
Stock Exchange.


Provisional Reference Date on form Date used size mm. front print colour Printer Comments
BSTC_Rec_1856-1 185_ 25/9/56 ???? black Waterlow ? -
STC_Rec_1869-1 186_ 27/5/69 ???? black R. Clarke 12 Offices



After the G.P.O. takeover.

After the Post Office takeover of 1870, the STC worked in conjunction with the Post Office.
subsequent stationery can be found there.




Comments, criticisms, information or suggestions are always welcome.


Please include the word 'Telegraphs' in the subject.


Last updated 3rd. June 2024

©Copyright Steve Panting 2012/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24 except where stated.
Permission is hereby granted to copy material for which the copyright is owned by myself, on condition that any data is not altered and this website is given credit.


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