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Telegraph stamps of the World

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British Telegraphs Canadian Telegraphs French Telegraphs German Telegraphs Spanish Telegraphs Portuguese Telegraphs Netherlands Telegraphs USA Telegraphs Telegraphs from the rest of Europe etc. Telegraphs from the rest of Europe etc. Contributions
British Canadian French German Spanish Portuguese Netherlands U.S.A. Eastern the rest Contributions



  These pages form a catalogue of existing stamps, continuing the work of Steve Hiscocks.  
It attempts give an idea of values. It is not a pricelist of stamps for sale.
I have made some additions and given them 'RH' (Revised Hiscocks) numbers to
preserve the original Hiscocks numbers.

I have also brought the prices up to date and added currency selection.  
CheckList         Setup


Paul - Aztec Collectables
Anthony - Anthonys1-800-451-9645
Mike Aldrich - Mike Aldrich
Mike Bender - www.ibredguy.co.uk
Eric Jackson - ericjackson.com
RL - Rolf Lamprecht
Schuyler Rumsey - rumseyauctions.com
Steve Moreland - MorelandRevenueStamps
Deveney Stamps - Deveney-Stamps
Siegel Auction Galleries - SiegelAuctions.com
Triple S Postal History - Triple S Postal History
Edward Zaluski - PDF Doc.
Teresa - VGstamps2015
Les Bottomley - -


There is now a wide range of screen sizes available for computers. Most images on this site are 300dpi.
I wanted to show a reasonable degree of detail, but if the images are an unsuitable size for your screen, be aware that it is adjustable.

In most browsers now you can press Control-Plus to magnify your screen and Control-Minus to make it smaller.


Useful background information on telegraphy in Canada can be found at The Canadian Encyclopedia.



Steve Hiscocks wrote:
The telegraph stamps of Canada were all, like those of the USA, issued by private companies. Background information is given, where available,
under the separate headings. Canada is also distinguished by its issues of long series of telephone stamps both by private companies and by
Provincial Governments. Background information has proved harder to find in the case of telephone stamps but is again given, such as it is under the
appropriate headings.

My notes:
I was undecided whether to place this web-page under British Commonwealth, alongside the USA, or with links from both.
Since the early private telegraph companies crossed borders with the USA and their stamp design reflect US influence, I decided to do it this way.
The telephone stamps are on a separate page.

It should be noted that some telegraph companies operated in both Canada and the U.S.A., largely because they followed railway lines that did not stop at National boundaries.
Such companies are listed under the country in which they originated. It is generally unclear how services were paid for when operating outside their home countries, but
there were probably some reciprocal relationships.

The Great North Western Telegraph Co., Grand Trunk Pacific Railways Telegraph Co., and Canadian Pacific Railways operated also in the U.S.A.
Western Union took over part of the Great North Western in 1880 and thus could operate extensively in Canada for a while.


I.   -   Telegraph Stamps



1. Algoma Central Railway
2. Canadian National Telegraphs
3. Canadian Northern Telegraph Company
4. Canadian Pacific Railways
5. Dominion de Forest Telegraph Company Ltd.
6. Grand Trunk Pacific Railways Telegraph Company
7. Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada

Other Companies
Canadian Telephone Stamps


1. Algoma Central Railway Telegraph

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
The headquarters of this railway was at Sault Ste. Marie at the eastern end of Lake Superior and it presumably skirted the northern shores of the lakes
through Algoma (Ontario). Only one stamp of the company is known and a search of the company records in the 1920s failed to turn up any more.
Information on even this single stamp is sparse and it is variously dated in 1890, "the 1890s" and 1909.

My note:
The stamp below bears the signature of their President Francis H. Clergue, who was the original owner of the railway which he needed for haulage purposes.
The Algoma Central Railway was chartered on August 11, 1899. It ran nearly 300 miles.


1902 ?   Printed on blue paper. Perforated

Here is a black and white image of a 1902 Frank courtesy of Edward Zaluski(pdf).


Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H1 1 1902 No value, colour ? - -

Hiscocks also metions dates of 1900 and 1909.
Anyone have one of these, or a better image ?



2. Canadian National Telegraphs

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
Originally the Great North Western Telegraph Co. of Canada operated over the Grand Trunk Railway System. When the Canadian and US sections split
in 1920 the Canadian part became part of Canadian National Railways, as did the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and was covered by the Canadian
National Telegraphs system. The stamps thus superseded those of the G.N.W.T. Co. and the G.T.P. Co.


1921 Engraved on white wove paper. No watermark. Rouletted 8 in colour between stamps. Dated '1921' in both top corners.

Canadian National H1 1921 Hiscocks Book page 23 (1922) Canadian National H3 1923 Hiscocks H4 (1923)
Type 1 (1921) H1 courtesy of backm-ro.
(click image for listing)
Type 1 (1922) H2 as Hiscocks Book, page 23. Type 1 (1923) H3 courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk.
(click image for listing)
Type 2 (1923) H4   courtesy of Siegel Auction Galleries
New design and signature.


Hisc. Type 1921 Description Mint Used
H1 1 No value, black (red control) 45.00 22.50

Look here for an explanation of the tables.

1922 As above but dated '1922'.

Hisc. Type 1922 Description Mint Used
H2 1 No value, carmine (red control) 35.00 17.50

1923 As above but dated '1923'.

Hisc. Type 1923 Description Mint Used
H3 1 No value, green (red control) 35.00 17.50

1923 As above but design changed (shading removed below new signature). Dates NOT changed).

Hisc. Type 1923/4 Description Mint Used
H4 (2) No value, green (red control) 250.00 170.00

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. This frank presumably did service through 1924 since no specific 1924 frank is reported
                and subsequent issues each covered two years.


Canadian National 1925/26
Type 2 (1925-26) H5 courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk.
(click image for listing)

1925-1926 As above but dates changed in top corners. Red controls.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H5 2 No value, dark blue 45.00 22.50


Hiscocks H6 (1927-28) Canadian National 1929/30 Canadian National 1931/2 Canadian National 1933/4
Type 1 (1927-28) H6  -  from RL. Type 2 (1929-30) H7 courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk.
(click image for listing)
Type 2 (1931-32) H8 courtesy of Eric Jackson
(click image for listing)
Type (2) (1933-34) H9 courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk.
New signature. (click image for listing)

1927-1928 As above but dated 1927, 1928.
Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H6 2 No value, blue 40.00 20.00

1929-1930 As above but dated 1929, 1930.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H7 2 No value, ultramarine 25.00 12.50

1931-1932 As above but dated 1931, 1932.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H8 2 No value, black 160.00 80.00


(1931-2) H8 booklet pane of four shown on the right,
Image courtesy of Eric Jackson   click on it for listing.


1933-1934 Altered design (shading under control removed) dated 1933, 1934.
New signature.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H9 (2) No value, black 170.0 85.00
Canadian National 1931/2

1935 As for No.4 but dated 1935. Roulette not coloured.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H10 2 No value, black 55.0 27.50



Cards were also issued that allowed the use of Telegraph Lines.

Canadian National 1935 - front   Canadian National 1935 - back
Valid for 1935 for Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian National 1941
Valid for 1941 for the business of Central Vermont Railway. - Image courtesy of ronneby040144 on eBay.



3. Canadian Northern Telegraph Company

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
Little information on this company has been forthcoming. It is said to have been absorbed by the Canadian National Telegraph Co. in 1921 but no
franks are known dated after 1914.

My Note: To stay competitive, a program of expansion was implemented, but combined with WWI financial problems, the company borrowed
heavily from the Government that eventually took it over. It was Nationalized in 1918. The cessation of Telegraph stamps was probably the result of the change in leadership.


1904 Lithographed on white wove paper. No watermark. Perf.12. Dated 1904. Signature of William MacKenzie.

Hiscocks Book page 24 1905 Canadian Northern 1910 Canadian Northern 1912
Type 1 (1904)   H1
taken from Hiscocks Book, page 24.
Type 1 (1905)   H2
courtesy of Edward Zaluski(pdf)
Type 2 (1910)   H7
courtesy of Edward Zaluski(pdf)
Type 2   (1912) H9
courtesy of Eric Jackson   (click image for listing)


Hisc. Type 1904 Description Mint Used
H1 1 No value, light blue (red control) 500.00 -

1905 As above but dated 1905.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H2 1 No value, blue (red control) 360.00 -

1906 As above but dated 1906.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H3 1 No value, blue (red control) 800.00 -

1907 As above but dated 1907.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H4 1 No value, blue (red control) 500.00 -

1908 As above but dated 1908.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H5 1 No value, blue (red control) 800.00 -

1909 New design lithographed on white wove paper. No watermark. Perf.12. Signature of Scott Griffin.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H6 2 No value, black (red control) 360.00 -

1910 As above but dated 1910.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H7 2 No value, black (red control) 360.00 -

1911 As above but dated 1911. Signature of W. C. Muir.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H8 2 No value, black (red control) 320.00 -

1912 As above but dated 1912.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H9 2 No value, black (red control) 300.00 -

1913 As above but dated 1913.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H10 2 No value, black (red control) 320.00 -

1914 As above but dated 1914.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H11 2 No value, black (red control) 320.00 -



4. Canadian Pacific Railways

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
The company ran lines right across Canada and also through the USA in North Dakota and in Maine where the transcontinental line passed through
on its way to the Maritime Provinces. The service was available for both the public and for railway official business over the frank-issuing period of 1887
to 1936. The franks were presumably valid in those parts of the US where Canadian Pacific lines existed. There was also, at least over part of the period,
an exchange arrangement with the Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. in the US but it is not known whether the franks were usable on each other's forms.

Used copies appear to be less common than mint. One also comes across unused copies of panes of four cancelled by pencil or crayon: these are
probably those which were unused at the end of their year and were turned in.


1887 Line-engraved by the British-American Bank Note Co. of Montreal on thin hard wove paper.
No watermark. Perf.12½ between franks. Control has initial letter B.
Panes of 4 with imprint below bottom pair.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1887 Canadian Pacific Railways 1889 Canadian Pacific Railways 1890 Canadian Pacific Railways 1891
Type 1 (1887) H1  -  from RL. Type 1 (1889) H2  -  from RL. Type 1 (1890) H3 Image courtesy of Eric Jackson,
click on it for listing
Type 1 (1891) H4  -  from RL.

Signature of Chas. R. Hosmer. Control has initial letter A or B.

Hisc. Type 1887 Description Mint Used
H1 1 No value, black (red controls) 10.00 5.00

1889 As above but dated 1889. Perf.12. Control has initial letter B.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H2 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1890 As above but dated 1890. Control has initial letter C.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H3 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1890 booklet cover for panes of four with control number C1239
1890 booklet cover
It was printed by the British American Bank Note Co. of Montreal and signed by the Manager Chas R. Hosman.

1891 As above but dated 1891. No control letter.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H4 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1892 As above but dated 1892.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1892 Canadian Pacific Railways 1893 Canadian Pacific Railways 1894 Canadian Pacific Railways 1895
Type 1 (1892) H5  -  from RL. Type 1 (1893) H6  -  from RL. Type 1 (1894) H7  -  from RL. Type 1 (1895) H8  -  from RL.

Hisc. Type 1892 Description Mint Used
H5 1 No value, black (red controls) 25.00 12.50

1893 As above but dated 1893.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H6 1 No value, black (red controls) 15.00 7.50

1894 As above but dated 1894.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H7 1 No value, black (red controls) 15.00 7.50

1895 As above but dated 1895.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H8 1 No value, black (red controls) 12.00 6.00

1896 As above but dated 1896.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1897 Canadian Pacific Railways 1897 Canadian Pacific Railways 1898 Canadian Pacific Railways 1899
Type 1 (1896) H9 - Courtesy of Steve Moreland. Type 1 (1897) H10  -  from RL. Type 1 (1898) H11  -  from RL. Type 1 (1899) H12  -  from RL.

Hisc. Type 1896 Description Mint Used
H9 1 No value, black (red controls) 10.00 5.00

1897 As above but dated 1897.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H10 1 No value, black (red controls) 15.00 7.50

1898 As above but dated 1898.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H11 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1899 As above but dated 1899.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H12 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1900 As above but dated 1900.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1900 Canadian Pacific Railways 1901 Canadian Pacific Railways 1902 Canadian Pacific Railways 1903
Type 1 (1900) H13  -  from RL. Type 1 (1901) H14   (new signature)  -  from RL. Type 1 (1902) H15 Type 1 (1903) H16  -  from RL.

Hisc. Type 1900 Description Mint Used
H13 1 No value, black (red controls) 12.00 6.00

1901 As above but dated 1901. Change of signature.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H14 1 No value, black (red controls) 12.00 6.00

1902 As above but dated 1902.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H15 1 No value, bright blue (red controls) 15.00 7.50

1903 As above but dated 1903.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H16 1 No value, chocolate (dark blue controls) 15.00 7.50
H16a           black controls - -

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. No.16a has been reported but it may have been a heavily inked blue control.

1904 As above but dated 1904.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1904 Canadian Pacific Railways 1905 Canadian Pacific Railways 1906 Canadian Pacific Railways 1907
Type 1 (1904) H17 - Courtesy of Steve Moreland. Type 1 (1905) H18  -  from RL. Type 1 (1906) H19  -  from RL. Type 1 (1907) H20  -  from RL.

Hisc. Type 1904 Description Mint Used
H17 1 No value, blue-grey (red controls) 18.00 9.00

1905 As above but dated 1905.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H18 1 No value, black (red controls) 10.00 5.00

1906 As above but dated 1906.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H19 1 No value, black (blue controls) 25.00 12.50

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Assuming a report of black controls was in error.

1907 As above but dated 1907.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H20 1 No value, grey-black (blue controls) 20.00 10.00

1908 As above but dated 1908.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1908 Canadian Pacific Railways 1909 Canadian Pacific Railways 1910
Type 1 (1908) H21  -  from RL. Type 1 (1909) H22  -  from RL. Type 1 (1910) H23  -  from RL.

Hisc. Type 1908 Description Mint Used
H21 1 No value, black (dark blue controls) 20.00 10.00
H21a           on watermarked paper 80.00 40.00

1909 As above but dated 1909.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H22 1 No value, black (dark blue controls) 15.00 7.50
H22a           on watermarked paper 20.00 10.00

1910 As above but dated 1910.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H23 1 No value, black (red controls) 27.00 13.50
H23a           on watermarked paper 35.00 17.50

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Style of control numbering changed to large thin blocks. The '8' is unusual in having a flat top.

1911 As above but dated 1911.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H24 1 No value, black (red controls) 23.00 11.50
H24a           on watermarked paper 26.00 13.00

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Smaller thin black numbers preceded by zero.

1912 As above but dated 1912.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H25 1 No value, black (red controls) 18.00 9.00
H25a           imperf. between horizontal pair 100.00 -

1913 As above but dated 1913. (Thin paper)

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H26 1 No value, slate (red controls) 70.00 35.00

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Described elsewhere as black.

1914 As above but dated 1914.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H27 1 No value, black (red controls) 38.00 19.00
H27a           on watermarked paper 38.00 19.00

1915 As above but dated 1915.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H28 1 No value, black (red controls) 52.00 26.00
H28a           on watermarked paper 69.00 34.50

1916 As above but dated 1916.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H29 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1917 As above but dated 1917.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H30 1 No value, black (blue controls) 23.00 11.50

1918 As above but dated 1918.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H31 1 No value, black (blue controls) 20.00 10.00

1919 As above but dated 1919.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H32 1 No value, black (dark blue controls) 65.00 32.50

1920 As above but dated 1920.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H33 1 No value, black (blue controls) 65.00 32.50

1921 As above but dated 1921. Perf.11.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H34 1 No value, black (red controls) 35.00 17.50

1922 As above but dated 1922.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H35 1 No value, slate (red controls) 32.00 16.00

1923 As above but dated 1923.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H36 1 No value, black (red controls) 35.00 17.50

1924 As above but dated 1924.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H37 1 No value, black (red controls) 38.00 19.00

1925 As above but dated 1925.

Canadian Pacific Railways 1909
Type 1 (1925) H38   (new signature - when?)
Image courtesy of Eric Jackson, click on it for listing.

Hisc. Type 1925 Description Mint Used
H38 1 No value, black (red controls) 26.00 13.00

1926 As above but dated 1926.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H39 1 No value, black (red controls) 30.00 15.00

1927 As above but dated 1927.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H40 1 No value, black (red controls) 25.00 12.50

1928 As above but dated 1928.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H41 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00

1929 As above but dated 1929.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H42 1 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 10.00


1930 New design. Paper and printing as before. Perf.11. Dated 1930.

Hiscocks Book page 28
As shown on Hiscocks Book, page 28.
Type 2 inscribed 'TELEGRAPH' and Type 3 inscribed 'TELEGRAPHS'.

Hisc. Type 1930 Description Mint Used
H43 2 No value, black (red controls) 35.00 17.50

1931 As above but dated 1931.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H44 2 No value, black (red controls) 64.00 32.00

1932 As above but dated 1932.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H45 2 No value, black (red controls) 70.00 35.00

1933 As above but dated 1933.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H46 2 No value, black (red controls) 48.00 24.00

1934 As above but dated 1934.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H47 2 No value, black (red controls) 44.00 22.00

1935 As above but dated 1935. Perf.12.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H48 3 No value, black (red controls) 50.00 25.00

1936 As above but dated 1936 and no shading behind control.
Glazed paper. Perf.11.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H49 3 No value, black (red controls) 65.00 32.50
Canadian Pacific 1935

1935 - H48,   courtesy of Eric Jackson, click on image for listing.

Hiscocks added the following note and general note:

Note. The design was slightly altered for Nos. 48 and 49 in that the control tablet is not shaded and.
                'TELEGRAPH' becomes 'TELEGRAPHS'.


General Note. One reference lists a frank of unknown date but apparently issued before 1887.
                It is said to bear the same signature as No. 1 (Chas. R. Hosmer) and to be on coloured paper.



Cards were also issued that allowed the use of Telegraph Lines. 1922 numbered 276.
Canadian Pacific 1935 - front of #276   Canadian Pacific 1935 - back of #276
Valid for 1922 for Mr. J. McMillan, Manager of Telegraphs, whose name appears at bottom-right ! - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Cards were also issued that allowed the use of Telegraph Lines. 1922 numbered 280. The reason for showing both will become apparent below.
Canadian Pacific 1935 - front of #280   Canadian Pacific 1935 - back of #280
Valid for 1922 for the wife of Mr. J. McMillan, Manager of Telegraphs, whose name appears at bottom-right ! - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).

These were to acknowledge receipt of such passes.
Canadian Pacific 1922 - 276   Canadian Pacific Railway 1922 - 280
They are from the same source and valid for 1922. The number 276 matches that for Mr. J. McMillan above and 280 matches that for the wife of Mr. J. McMillan above. Nothing on the backs.
Neither were returned. acknowledgment may well have been verbal. Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Though looking very similar, this is to acknowledge receipt of a book of 1926 Telegraph Franks.
Canadian Pacific Railway 1926 - 794
The year is printed much smaller on this. Image courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian Pacific 1935 - front   Canadian Pacific 1935 - back
Valid for 1935 for Mr. J. McMillan, General Manager, whose name appears on telegrams shown below. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


This is for the wife of the above who is now deceased.
Canadian Pacific 1936 - front   Canadian Pacific 1936 - back
Valid for 1936 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


This is for the wife of the above who is now deceased. It is now for "Personal Social Messages" and the conditions have changed from "THIS PASS" to "THIS FRANK".
Canadian Pacific 1937 - front   Canadian Pacific 1937 - back
Valid for 1937 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian Pacific 1938 - front   Canadian Pacific 1938 - back
Valid for 1938 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian Pacific 1940 - front   Canadian Pacific 1940 - back
Valid for 1940 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian Pacific 1941 - front   Canadian Pacific 1941 - back
Valid for 1941 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian Pacific 1942 - front   Canadian Pacific 1942 - back
Valid for 1942 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian Pacific 1943 - front   Canadian Pacific 1943 - back
Valid for 1943 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian National 1944 - front   Canadian National 1944 - back
Valid for 1944 for the widow of Mr. J. McMillan. - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


5. Dominion de Forest Wireless Telegraph Company Ltd.

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
This company existed for less than one year. It was sued by the Marconi Company for infringement of patent rights and forced out of business.


1906 Lithographed on white wove paper. No watermark. Perf.12.

Hiscocks Book page 28
H1 courtesy of Edward Zaluski(pdf) (only 8 are reported).
In addition to this, Hiscocks illustrated one numbered 128 and others
numbered 008, 127(x2), 251, 268 and 299 are known.
All have imperf. edges, either side only or bottom and side.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H1 1 No value, blue (red controls) 4000.00 4000.00



6. Grand Trunk Pacific Railways Telegraph Company.

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
Like the Canadian Northern this company was absorbed into the Canadian National Telegraphs (q.v.) in 1921.


1911 Lithographed on white wove paper. No watermark. Perf.12. Signature of A. B. Smith.

Grand Trunk Pacific 1911 Grand Trunk Pacific 1912
Type 1 (1911) H1   (A. B. Smith) Type 1 (1912) H2   (A. B. Smith)
Image courtesy of Siegel Auction Galleries. Courtesy of Eric Jackson, click on them for listing.


Hisc. Type 1911 Description Mint Used
H1 1 No value, black (red controls) 200.00 -

1912 As above but dated 1912.

Hisc. Type 1912 Description Mint Used
H2 1 No value, green (red controls) 200.00 -

1913 As above but dated 1913.

Grand Trunk Pacific 1913 Grand Trunk Pacific 1918
Type 1 (1913) H3   (A. B. Smith) Type 1 (1918) H8   (new signature H. Hulatt)
Images courtesy of Eric Jackson, click on them for listing.


Hisc. Type 1913 Description Mint Used
H3 1 No value, ultramarine (red controls) 200.00 -

1914 As above but dated 1914.

Hisc. Type 1914 Description Mint Used
H4 1 No value, grey (red controls) 150.00 -

1915 As above but dated 1915.

Hisc. Type 1915 Description Mint Used
H5 1 No value, black (red controls) 300.00 -

1916 As above but dated 1916. Signature of H. Hulatt.

Hisc. Type 1916 Description Mint Used
H6 1 No value, black (red controls) 150.00 -

1917 As above but dated 1917.

Hisc. Type 1917 Description Mint Used
H7 1 No value, black (red controls) 240.00  

1918 As above but dated 1918.

Hisc. Type 1918 Description Mint Used
H8 1 No value, black (red controls) 120.00 -

1919 As above but dated 1919.

Hisc. Type 1919 Description Mint Used
H9 1 No value, grey (red controls) 150.00 -

1920 As above but dated 1920.

Hisc. Type 1920 Description Mint Used
H10 1 No value, black (red controls) 120.00 -



Cards were also issued that allowed the use of Telegraph Lines.

Canadian GTP 1916- front   Canadian GTP 1916 - back
Valid for 1916 for Mr. J. McMillan (later Manager of Telegraphs for Canadian Pacific) - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).



7. Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada.

Steve Hiscocks wrote:
The company operated throughout the Grand Trunk Railway system which extended beyond Canada across Michigan and Indiana into Chicago and
across Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine to Portland, Maine in the USA. In 1920 the Grand Trunk Railway became the Canadian National Railway
and the lines in the USA were taken over by Western Union while those in Canada became part of the Canadian National Telegraph system. (q.v.)

Franks were in panes of four in booklets. Control numbers have no preceding letters.


1890 Lithographed on white wove paper. No watermark. Perf.11½ to 12 between franks. Signature of H. P. Dwight. Red controls.

Great North Western 1890 Canadian National H1 1921 Great North Western 1892
Type 1 (1890) H1   H. P. Dwight (V.P. & General Manager) Type 1 (1891)   H2
Type 1 (1892) H3   H. P. Dwight (V.P. & General Manager)
Images courtesy of Eric Jackson, click for listing. Image courtesy of backm-ro, click image for listing) Image courtesy of Mike Aldrich, click for listing.


Hisc. Type 1890 Description Mint Used
H1 1 No value, dark blue (red controls) 24.00 -
H1a           on thin paper 30.00 -

1891 As above but dated 1891.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H2 1 No value, pale rose to rose (blue controls) 45.00 -
H2a           on thin paper 50.00 -

1892 As above but dated 1892. Black controls.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H3 1 No value, dark green (black controls) 29.00 -
H3a           yellow green 30.00 -

1893 As above but dated 1893.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H4 1 No value, red-brown (black controls) 78.00 -

1894 As above but dated 1894. Red controls.

Great North Western 1894 GNW 1894 - flawed GNW 1894 - flawed Great North Western 1894
Type 1 (1894) H5   H. P. Dwight (P. & General Manager) 1894, top-left of pane - a damaged "T" example and a suggested repair. However the dates are also written differently.
There are several different panes on the printing plate, each updated annually individually. This is a different top-left.
Worth looking out for, and may even be on other years too. I'd like to hear of further examples.
1894, bottom-left of pane - "T" is alright,
but the following "E" is damaged.
One of mine. Courtesy of Les Bottomley.. Courtesy of Steve Moreland.


RH # Hisc. Type 1894 Description Mint Used
RH5 H5 1 No value, slate (red controls) 58.00 -
RH5a -           broken 'T' in "WESTERN" 65.00 -

1895 As above but dated 1895.

Great North Western 1895 Great North Western 1896
Type 1 (1895) H6 Type 1 (1896) H7
Courtesy ibredguy.co.uk One of mine.


Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H6 1 No value, greyish purple (red controls) 45.00 -

1896 As above but dated 1896. Blue controls.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H7 1 No value, light rose (blue controls) 32.00 -

1897 As above but dated 1897. (both '7's large). Red controls.

Great North Western 1897 Great North Western 1898 Great North Western 1900 Great North Western 1901
Type 1 (1897) *H8c   (Red Control) Type 1 (1898)  H9   Type 1 (1900) *H11a   (Red) Type 1 (1901) H12
Image courtesy of Eric Jackson, click image for listing. Image courtesy of backm-ro, click image for listing. Image courtesy of Eric Jackson, click image for listing. One of mine.


Great North Western 1897 types
RH # Hisc. Type 1897 Description Mint Used
RH8 H8 1 No value, light blue (red controls) 30.00 -
RH8a H8a           both '7's small 25.00 -
RH8b H8b           left hand '7' small, right hand '7' large 30.00 -
*RH8c -           blue controls - -
Examples suggest that this is a simplification.

*Hiscocks listed this as with a blue control
All 4 examples I have seen have red controls, the 'blue' may have been an error but I include it as RH8c.

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. All three types exist in each pane — No.8 top-left, No.8b top-right, No.8a both lower franks.
                Panes have also been reported with No.8 at the lower-right.


1898 As above but dated 1898. Perf.12.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H9 1 No value, green (red controls) 30.00 -


1899 As above but dated 1899.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H10 1 No value, grey-brown (red controls) 28.00 100.00


1900 As above but dated 1900.
The booklet pane on the right has been stitched into the booklet.
examples below of 1902 and 1903 have been stapled.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H11 1 No value, red (red controls) 26.00 95.00
*RH11a           mauve - -

*Hiscocks listed H11 as mauve. I have seen 4 red ones, but no mauve. I added RH11a in case there are any.


1901 As above but dated 1901.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H12 1 No value, blue-green (red controls) 23.00 90.00


Great North Western 1900 pane
1900 booklet pane courtesy of Deveney-Stamps. Click images for listing.

1902 As above but dated 1902.

Great North Western 1902 pane Great North Western 1903 pane
Type 1 (1902) H13   H. P. Dwight (P. & General Manager) booklet pane. Type 1 (1903) H14   The digits of 1903 booklet pane.
Image courtesy of Deveney-Stamps. Click images for listing.
Images courtesy of Deveney-Stamps. Click images for listing.


Hisc. Type 1902 Description Mint Used
H13 1 No value, grey-black (red controls) 23.00 -


Another example of the bottom pair of 1903,
the same type of booklet pane as the one shown above.  
The same variations can be seen in the year digits.
Not all panes are the same though.
4015 shown below has different stamps.

Images courtesy of Mike Aldrich.
Click them for listing.
Great North Western 1903 Great North Western 1903


1903 As above but dated 1903.

Hisc. Type 1903 Description Mint Used
H14 1 No value, brown (red controls) 18.00 -
H14a           both '3' showing signs of alteration from '2' 25.00 -

H14a is a questionable listing and needs re-interpreting, or at least rewording, see below.
I would take it as both '3' being badly distorted.

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. No two franks in a pane have quite the same '3'.

My note: Steve Hiscocks appears to have assumed that the 1903 stamps were created from the 1902, simply by altering the '2' digits into '3' digits.
Close examination does not bear that out. There is also more than one type of booklet pane for 1903 at least.

GNW 1902 pane
Top pair.
from the block
shown above.
Great North Western 1902 - top pair
GNW 1903 pane
Top pair 1.
from the block
2049 shown above.
Great North Western 1903 - top pair
GNW 1903 pair
Top pair 2.
from the pair 4015
shown below-right.
Great North Western 1903 - pair from top
GNW 1902 pane
Bottom pair.
from the block
shown above.
Great North Western 1902 - bottom pair
GNW 1903 pane
Bottom pair 1.
from the block
2049 shown above.
Great North Western 1903 - bottom pair
GNW 1903
4015 stamp

On the right
is the 4015
with detail
shown above.
Great North Western 1903 - bottom-left

If it was done as Hiscocks supposed, why not simply alter only the '2' digits?
Clearly the other digits were also altered, the '9' particularly.

To me it looks like for each corner of each stamp a rectangular 'slug' was made with the year on it,
and that was added, at various angles, approximately to where it needed to go.
I would have thought that a single slug would be produced and copies added to all corners
making them the same, but, for whatever reason, clearly that was not done.

Also clear is that the plate/stone had more than one booklet pane impression,
Not all with the same variations of dates. two out of the three variations seen though
are the same suggesting that there were not a lot of different panes.

It is probable that the same was done from the beginning.
1897 and 1903 though are particularly noticeable.
Great North Western 1903 - pane 2 top pair
GNW 1903
stamp of the
pair above.
Great North Western 1903 - pane 2 bottom-left This single is from the same source as the pair above.
It has the same control number and the vertical
perforations also align well with the pair.
It seems likely that it comes from the same
booklet pane.

Images courtesy of Deveney-Stamps.
Click images for listing.

1904 As above but design redrawn, strengthened and dated 1904.

Great North Western 1904 Great North Western 1905 Great North Western 1906
Type 2 (1904) H15   H. P. Dwight (President) Type 2 (1905) H16   H. P. Dwight (President) Type 2 (1906) H17   H. P. Dwight (President)
From RL. Images courtesy of Eric Jackson,
click for listing.
Images courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk,
click for listing.


Hisc. Type 1904 Description Mint Used
H15 2 No value, blue (red controls) (type I — '4') 17.5 -
H15a           both '4' in dates of type II — '4' 17.5 -

My note: Hiscocks makes no mention of the difference between the two types of '4', but they are priced the same anyway.
The rectangles containing the year appear to be skewed in this image.

1905 As above but dated 1905.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H16 2 No value, pale rose (blue controls) 34.00 -

1906 As above but dated 1906.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H17 2 No value, pale green (red controls) 26.00 -

1907 As above but dated 1907.

Great North Western 1907 Great North Western 1908 Great North Western 1909 Great North Western 1910
Type 2 (1907) H18   (H. P. Dwight) Type 2 (1908) *H19   (J. McMichael) Type 2 (1909) H20   (J. McMichael) Type 2 (1910) H21   (J. McMichael)
Image courtesy of anthonys1-800-451-9645 (eBay),
click for listing.
Image courtesy of anthonys1-800-451-9645 (eBay),
click for listing.
Images courtesy of Eric Jackson, click on them for listing. Image courtesy of anthonys1-800-451-9645 (eBay),
click for listing.


Hisc. Type 1907 Description Mint Used
H18 2 No value, brown (red controls) 18.00 -

1908 As above but dated 1908. Signature of J. McMichael.

Hisc. Type 1908 Description Mint Used
H19 2 No value, *violet (red controls) 18.00 -

* The 3 examples of 1908 I have seen do not look violet to me they look the same colour as 1909
I think this is an error.

1909 As above but dated 1909.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H20 2 No value, grey-blue (red controls) 18.00 -

1910 As above but dated 1910.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H21 2 No value, carmine (blue controls) 18.00 -

1911 As above but dated 1911.

Great North Western 1911 Great North Western 1912
Type 2 (1911) H22   (J. McMichael) Type 2 (1912) H23   (Geo. D. Renouf)
Image courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk,
click for listing.
Image courtesy of Eric Jackson, click it for listing.

Hisc. Type 1911 Description Mint Used
H22 2 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 -

1912 As above but dated 1912. Signature of George D. Renouf.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H23 2 No value, black (red controls) 23.00 -

1913 As above but dated 1913.

Great North Western 1913 Great North Western 1913 - 2038
Type 2 (1913) H24   (Geo. D. Renouf) H24   - another example, still having problems with 3's
Image courtesy of www.ibredguy.co.uk,
click for listing.
Image courtesy of Deveney-Stamps,
click for listing.


Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H24 2 No value, blue (red controls) 20.00 -

1914 As above but dated 1914.

Great North Western 1914 Great North Western 1914 - 2003
Type 2 (1914) H25   (Geo. D. Renouf) 1914 H25   pair courtesy of Deveney-Stamps, click for listing.

Hisc. Type 1914 Description Mint Used
H25 2 No value, black (red controls) 14.50 -

1915 As above but dated 1915.

Great North Western 1915 Great North Western 1916
Type 2 (1915) H26   (Geo. D. Renouf) Type 2 (1916) H27   (Geo. D. Renouf)

Hisc. Type 1915 Description Mint Used
H26 2 No value, green (red controls) 14.50 -

1916 As above but dated 1916.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H27 2 No value, black (red controls) 25.00 -

1917 As above but dated 1917.

Great North Western 1917 Great North Western 1918 Great North Western 1918
Type 2 (1917) H28   (Geo. D. Renouf) Type 2 (1918) H29   (Geo. D. Renouf) Type 2 (1918) H29. The colour of these seems to be variable.
courtesy of Mike Aldrich (click image for listing).


Hisc. Type 1917 Description Mint Used
H28 2 No value, blue (red controls) 18.00 -

1918 As above but dated 1918 and the font of the controls has changed (note the '2's).

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H29 2 No value, slate (shades, red controls) 18.00 -

1919 As above but dated 1919.

Great North Western 1919 Great North Western 1920 pane
Type 2 (1919) H30   (Geo. D. Renouf) Type 2 (1920) booklet pane showing red 'T' and violet controls.
courtesy of Mike Aldrich (click image for listing).


Hisc. Type 1919 Description Mint Used
H30 2 No value, black (red controls) 18.00 -
H30a           violet controls 36.00 -

The ones I have seen for 1919 have a red 'T' following 'No.'
This also applies to the following ones dated 1920.

1920 As above but dated 1920.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H31 2 No value, black (red controls) 20.00 -
H31a           violet controls 27.00 -

1921 As above but dated 1921.

Hisc. Type Description Mint Used
H32 2 No value, black (violet controls) - -

I have not seen any dated 1921.
Possibly the violet controls 1920 type (H31a) was used for a while in 1921 causing confusion.
John Barefoot does not any dated 1921.
Has anyone seen one ?

Hiscocks added the following note:

Note. Sources conflict in that one lists all dates as 'used' while another remarks that
                "used copies of a few of these franks have been seen ..." implying that used
                are scarce and unused normal. Since the former source is Canadian I have given
                mint and used status until experience brings better knowledge.



Cards were also issued that allowed the use of Telegraph Lines.

Canadian GNW 1916- front   Canadian GNW 1916 - back
Valid for 1916 for Mr. J. McMillan (later Manager of Telegraphs for Canadian Pacific) - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).




Canadian Pacific Great North Western Canadian National Canadian RadioTelegraph Canadian Government Radio Dominion Telegraph Montreal Telegraph Canadian Marconi


Canadian Pacific Railway

An unused sending form (T. D. FORM 2, plain back) with pre-printed yer "190_", giving Jas. Kent as Manager of Telegraphs in Montreal.
CP Sending form of 190_
Also 6 superintendent names for different areas. Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


A later unused sending form (FORM T. D. 2, referencing 1916 on the back), now giving J. McMillan as Manager of Telegraphs in Montreal.
CP Sending form of 190_
The details, including 10 superintendent names for different areas, have been moved to the back. Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


Undated telegram.
Canadian Pacific - front
This gives Mr. J. McMillan as Manager of Telegraphs, Montreal. A card of his can be seen above for 1935 when he had been pensioned. - Image courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


Telegram similar to last, but dated 14 September 1929, and with J. McMillan now as "General Manager". Still Form T.D. 1
Below that is now "STANDARD TIME". Nothing printed on the back.
Canadian Pacific 1929
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


Unused sheet for a Copy of a Telegram. Nothing printed on the back.
Canadian Pacific 1929
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


Sale 47 Lot 2480
Canadian Pacific, Oct 6, 1897, with 3 x 1870, Small Queen, 1¢ yellow.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


A later delivery envelope used 24 March 1917 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Note the CP perfin on the stamps.
CP delivery Envelope of 1917

1917 backstamp

There is a backstamp of St. Boniface. Photos courtesy of Aztec Collectables, on eBay (click image for listing).


A later delivery envelope, used 1951 in Calgary, Alberta. Again, note the CP perfin on the stamp.
"Printed in Canada" on the back at left, and "C.D. 1334" on the right.
CP Delivery Envelope of 1951
"SPANS THE WORLD". Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


An envelope dated 25 September 1941. (no image of back)
1941 envelope
Charge paid.   Image courtesy of CanadaPostalHistoryandStamps on eBay (click image for listing).


An envelope of 1959?, with "L-shaped" window.
QEII envelope - front
On the back, the "Printed in Canada" is now followed by "5", with "C.D. 1334" on the right.
QEII envelope - back
"The World's Most Complete Transportation System"
  Image courtesy of CanadaPostalHistoryandStamps on eBay (click image for listing).


An envelope dated 11 February 1964? - The dark background makes it hard to read the date on these.
QEII envelope - front
On the back, the "Printed in Canada" is now followed by "12", with "C.D. 1334-M" at top-right.
QEII envelope - back
  Image courtesy of CanadaPostalHistoryandStamps on eBay (click image for listing).


Great North Western Telegraph Co.

A delivery form T. W. No. 1. used in 1893 giving H. P. Dwight as President and General Manager of the company.
GNW Telegram with Montreal & Dominion Envelope
The illustrated envelope dated 10 August 1893, shows with "Operated by The Great North Western", that the Montreal Telegraph Co., and Dominion Telegraph Co.,
had a relationship with the company, relying on the G.N.W to transmit the messages.
Image courtesy of Les Bottomley.


A later delivery form used in 1910 (plain back), giving H. P. Dwight still as President, but now I. McMichael as Vice President and General Manager of the company.
GNW Telegram of 1910
Head Office in Toronto. Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


An envelope used in 1904 (another has been seen dated 1896).
GNW Envelope of 1904   GNW Envelope of 1904 - detail
With a magnified detail. Images courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


Canadian National Telegraphs.

An unused "Night Letter" ("Form 6106 Replacing Form N.L. 2"), referencing 1916.
Night Letter form of 1916+
Night Letter form detail "Form 6106 Replacing Form N.L. 2" detail. Images courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


A telegram, Form 6122, of 27 July 1948.
Canadian National 1948
This was sent in the CNT6135-B envelope shown below - Image courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


A delivery envelope(Form CNT 6133, plain back) used 25 May 1935 in Hamilton.
Night Letter form of 1916+
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


A later and very different Form CNT 6133, the back now advertising money transfers. Unused, but seen dated in 1947.
Night Letter form of 1916+
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


A similar envelope marked CNT 6135 used at Waterloo, Ontario. Date illegible, but the stamp dates from 1954.
Envelope CNT6135 - front   Envelope CNT6135 - back
Images courtesy of AsianStamp - (click for listing).


An envelope, Form CNT6135-B, used 27 July 1948.
Canadian National 1948   Canadian National 1948
This contained the 6122 telegram shown above - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).


An envelope (Form CNT 6137) used 23 December 1951 in Calgary, Alberta.
1951 envelope
Advertising money transfer by telegraph. Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


A CNT-6137 envelope dated 21 March 1959.
1959 CNT-6137 envelope - front
The back offers money transfers
1959 CNT-6137 envelope - back
  Image courtesy of CanadaPostalHistoryandStamps on eBay (click image for listing).


A Greetings telegram envelope used in 1945. Note the CNT perfin on the stamp.
1945 envelope
A very different style, with no visible form number. Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


This looks like it was probably enclosed in an envelope like the one above. It is dated 9 May 1966.
1945 envelope
It has a small "6126" at bottom-left.   Image courtesy of CanadaPostalHistoryandStamps on eBay (click image for listing).


The Canadian National Railways still continued to provide a telegraph service.
Note the form number at top-left, C.N.R. 275 / 2-38. I have seen a used one dated in 1954.
I have also seen a reference to a Traingram used in 1946 (no image) and also a good image of one almost the same, used in U.S.A., 1937, printed in black with C.N.R. 275 / 10-26
I suspect the 10-26 is a printing or revision date. On used ones, postage stamps go over the R.R.B.
Unused Traingram printed in red
Image courtesy of Les Bottomley. Further information and/or images, would be appreciated.



Radiotelegraph Service.
by Royal Canadian Signals.

A Radiotelegraph envelope used 18 November 1941

1941 Radiotelegraph envelope    This has a boxed, dated, return address at top-left and form identification at bottom-left.  

1941 form info.

I take the 11-40 to indicate a printing date of November 1940.

Images courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


A Radiotelegraph envelope, like the last, used 29 May 1942.
This still has "N.D.—G.F. 8 / 75M—11-40(8028) / H.Q. 82-20-5" at front bottom-left, but the return address information is stamped on the back.
1942 Radiotelegraph envelope - front   1942 Radiotelegraph envelope - back
This has "CONFIRMATION" stamped on the front, so probably was to confirm the sending of a message.
Images courtesy of Samwells Ltd., click image for eBay listing.



Canadian Government Radio Service.
by Radio Division - Department of Transport.

A later, undated Radiotelegram envelope

1941 Radiotelegraph envelope    This has a return address stamped on the back and form identification at front, bottom-left.  

1948 form info.

I take the 4-48 to indicate a printing date of April 1948.

The stamp has a "G" overprinted indicating Official use.
There is also a Coat of Arms at front, top-left :
1948 Coat of Arms.

Images courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).



Other Companies.

Dominion Telegraph Montreal Telegraph Canadian Marconi Anglo-American


Dominion Telegraph Co.

Sale 19 Lot 2305
1876 Dominion Telegraph Co. cover to Collingwood, Ont., illustrated corner card in blue shows Telegraph Messenger.
Delivery envelope, ex-Kramer. Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Montreal Telegraph Co.

Sale 19 Lot 2306
Used at Montreal, March, 1873
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


As far as I know they did not issue stamps but this envelope and telegram may be of interest.
Montreal Telegraph envelope
Envelope image courtesy of Triple S Postal History.

Montreal Telegraph envelope
Telegram of 15 December 1876, image courtesy of Triple S Postal History.
Click image to see listing.

Sale 47 Lot 2453
Montreal Telegraph Company, embossed illustrated Zeus cameo corner card. 1860 use in red.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Sale 22 Lot 2502
Addressed to Norway! No stamp. Is there a place called "Norway" in Montreal ?
(gone are the days you could simply put a name and country on an evelope and expect it to get there)
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Canadian Marconi Company

Canadian Marconi - front

Canadian Marconi - back
Canadian Marconi - inside


This Complimentary Frank is valid for 1932 - Images courtesy of Candipro on eBay (click image for listing).
It covers messages sent by radio from Canadian Marconi Stations, without charge.
In 1932, J. McMillan was Manager of Telegraphs in Montreal for Canadian Pacific.


This is an Urgent Post-Letter Telegram envelope used 18 October 1941 in Montreal with "Via Marconi" and a back-flap with the address of Marconi.
It also has the form number of 326.
Telegram envelope of 1941
Image courtesy of Les Bottomley.



Anglo-American Company.
"The All British Cable Route"

Though this was used in Canada in 1942, there is nothing marked on it to indicate where it was printed or intended to be used.
Since Anglo-American operated in at least Britain, Canada, North, Central and South America and the West Indies,
the same envelopes may well have been used in all of those places.
1945 envelope
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).



T.—No. 91.  /  S B or X B
"Government Telegram / to be given / PRIORITY"
Anyone know anything about these?

Government Telegram Priority

It was with some US Postal Official Seals, so It is likely from the USA, but it may not be.
It is perforated with guage 10 - Any information would be welcome.



Here is a new link to Canadian Telephone Stamps.

If anyone can provide scans to help with this, I am happy to give appropriate credit.


Comments, criticisms, information or suggestions are always welcome.


Please include the word 'Telegraphs' in the subject.


Last updated 19th. January 2025

©Copyright Steve Panting 2012/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25 except where stated.
Permission is hereby granted to copy material for which the copyright is owned by myself, on condition that any data is not altered and this website is given credit.


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