Telegraph stamps of the World

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United States of America

Telegraphic Stationery


U.S. Telegraph Companies used collectible stationery, including companies that issued no stamps or franks.
I have images of some of these which can be found using the table below. I also plan to add more gradually as I can (help would be welcome on that).

Philip Leber has told me about a book which he has found "invaluable in researching telegraph materials." - The American Stampless Cover Catalog Vol III (1993) which contains a large section entitled
“Stampless Telegraph Cover Catalog”, by Robert Dalton Harris. It includes detailed information about 300+ “pioneer" telegraph covers and forms (1844-1867).
If you live near a good library or know a good bookshop, it could be worth looking out for.

Shortcuts to different telegraph companies
All America Cables & Radio  
Alta California Telegraph Company  
Alta Telegraph Company  
American District Telegraph
American Rapid Telegraph
American Telegraph Company
American & House Consolidated
Astor House Telegraph
Atlantic Telegraph
Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph Company  
Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Company  
Atlantic Lake & Mississippi Telegraph
Bain's Telegraph
Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph
Bankers & Merchants Telegraph Co.
Bay and Coast Telegraph  
California State Telegraph
Cape Cod Telegraph
Catskill Telegraph & Express
Cincinnati & Louisville Steamer Telegraph  
City Telegraph (NY)  
Colusa, Lake and Mendocino Telegraph  
Commercial Cable Co.  
Continental Telegraph Co.  
Cupid Union Telegraph Co.  
Electric Marine Telegraphs
Electro-Chemical Telegraph
Electromagnetic Telegraph
Erie Railway Co's Telegraph
Erie & Michigan Telegraph
Franklin Telegraph Co.
Georgetown, Coloma and Placerville Tel.
Gilroy and Havilah Telegraph  
Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Tel.
Great Albany Telegram
Hannibal Telegraphery
House's Printing Telegraph
Illinois & Mississippi Telegraph
International Telegraph Co.
International Ocean Telegraph
Lynchburg & Abingdon Telegraph
Magnetic Telegraph
Maine Telegraph
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co.
Merchants Line
Military Telegraph
National Telegraph  
New Orleans & Ohio Telegraph  
New York, Albany & Buffalo Telegraph  
New York & Boston Telegraph  
New York & Erie Railroad  
New York and New England Union Telegraph  
New York and New Orleans Telegraph  
North American Telegraph  
Northern California Telegraph  
Norton's Telegraphic rooms  
Ohio River Railroad Telegraph  
O'Reilly Telegraph  
Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Co.  
Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Co.  
Pennsylvania Printing Telegraph  
Peoples Telegraph  
Philadelphia and Cape Island Telegraph  
Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Telegraph  
Philadelphia & Wilksbarre Telegraph  
Placerville and St. Joseph Overland Tel.  
Polar Union Telegraph Company
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company
Richmond, Charlottesville & Staunton Telegraph  
Sackets Harbor & Watertown Union Tel.
San Francisco District Telegraph
San Juan & Santa Cruz Telegraph
Scioto Valley Telegraph
Southern Express Co's Tel.
Southern Kansas Railway Co's Tel.
South Western Telegraph Co.
Speed's Erie & Michigan Telegraph
Stebbins Line (St.Louis & Missouri Telegraph)
Susquehanna River Telegraph
Troy & Canada Junction Telegraph
United Lines Telegraph Company
United States & Mexico Telegraph Company
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
Wade's Telegraph
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph
Western Union Telegraph
Wilson's Conversational Telegraph
Wisconsin State Telegraph
Back to main U.S.A. page


All America Cables and Radio.

Beginning in 1878, All America Cables grew out of International Ocean Telegraph   via  Central & South American Telegraph Co, absorbing the Mexican Telegraph Co along the way, to virtually cover all of the Americas.
Despite this extensive network, all the examples I have so far relate to Panama.

This dated 22 January 1919, with John L. Merrill as President. This is from Panama, received at New York.
Telegram of 22 January 1919

This is to the American Bank Note Company of New York, the company printing the Panama postage stamps at the time. It is dated 22 January 1919 and appears to have a map on the back.
Courtesy of David T. Zemer (ABNCo Correspondence collection).



This dated 7 January 1921, with form imprint "S. & C. 200M-9-20" suggesting a printing of September 1920.
This is similar to the last, but with a different Logo Map and revised information on the left. Reference to "Central and South American Telegraph Co" has been dropped, though was still on the receipt.
Telegram of 7 January 1921

This is also to the American Bank Note Company of New York, received at the Broad Street office, with a map on the back.
Both the extensive list of offices and the map are very informative. It shows the All America Cables lines in red, as well as connecting lines.
Paraguay and Venezuela seem to be ignored, though Venezuela was connected to the French network..
Telegram of 7 January 1921 - back
Images courtesy of Federico Brid (Panama).


A telegram from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA to Canal Zone, Panama dated 17 March 1941.
A notably cost-reduced item. It is marked "FORMA ACM 1-PA" at top-left.
Panama telegram of 1941

It was delivered in the envelope shown below :
Panama envelope of 1941
This gives Frank W. Phelan as being the President at that time.



Alta California Telegraph Company.

Telegram - My Ref. ACT-Del-1855-1
Envelope - My Ref. ACT-Env-1855-1

Sale 60 Lot 559
Alta California Telegraph Company, California, 1855, with contents.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 62 Lot 222
Alta California Telegraph Company, California, 1856,
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 41 Lot 664
Similar to above, but in red used 1851 in conjunction with Wells Fargo - My Ref. ACT-Env-1851-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 1102 Lot 1155
Similar to above, but in black used 1857 - My Ref. ACT-Env-1857-1
courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” (Sale 1102 Lot 1155).

Sale 1102 Lot 1156
Illustration of Zeus hurling thunderbolts with imprint of "WADE.PR" - My Ref. ACT-Env-1857-1
With contents dated 30 July 1859, courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” (Sale 1102 Lot 1156).

Sale 1102 Lot 1157
Similar to last but more ornate and with Office information - My Ref. ACT-Env-1857-2
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” (Sale 1102 Lot 1157).




Alta Telegraph Company.

Sale 1102 Lot 1158
Illustration of Zeus hurling thunderbolts with imprint of "WADE.PR" - My Ref. Alta-Env-1857-1
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” (Sale 1102 Lot 1158).

Sale 62 Lot 223
Similar to last, Office: 153 Montgomery St., Corner of Merchant - My Ref. Alta-Env-Mont-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 1090 Lot 1836
Similar to last but more ornate and with Office information - My Ref. Alta-Env-Mont-2
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” (Sale 1090 Lot 1836).


American District Telegraph Company

Shortcuts to American District Stationery sections
1880's telegram - front Telephone bills Messenger Service Envelopes Receipts Messenger Receipts
Philadelphia Form 112 Telephone bills Messenger Service Envelopes Receipts Messenger Receipts

A.D.T. seems to have had a "Franchise" ststem with semi autonomous branches all over the country, each with its own President etc.


- My Ref. ADT-Del-112-1880-1
1880's telegram - front
1880's telegram - back Telegram, Form 112. of the early 1880's, front (above) and back courtesy of Charles Bosak.

This is a form for sending a message. Since it has not been completed, I assume it was not sent.

The front lists offices, primarily in Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Executive Office: N.E. corner Fifth & Chestnut streets.
District Offices: N.E. corner Third & Chestnut streets.
7th & Chestnut streets.
Broad & Chestnut streets.
20th & Locust, 40th & Locust.
36th & Lancaster Av.
20th & Callowhill, Broad & Callowhill.
8th & Wood, Centennial Grounds.
Depot, 32nd & Market.
Broad & Master (Forrest Mansion).

It gives the terms and conditions and names the President as
W. J. Philips, who was President from 1882 to at least 1885.
The General Manager is printed as W. Marsh Kasson,
but overprinted with M. H. R. Styles.

The back says "Messages of ten words sent to all offices of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co. East of the Missouri River for 25c" and makes it clear that the ADT is
"a Philadelphia institution,
owned and managed by Philadelphians."

It goes on to explain the services offered,
workings and advantages of the company.


Philadelphia 1885 - top.- My Ref. ADT-171-2-84-1885-1
now says "In direct communication, through the Western Union Telegraph Company's lines, with all parts of this and foreign countries."
1885 Philadelphia telegram - top
(Form 171—50 M—2,84—L) - This is dated 30 November 1885 and now lists the Executive Offices as 208 South Seventh Street, below Walnut.
The President is still listed as W. J. Philips.


Philadelphia 1891.- My Ref. ADT-171-1-91-1891-1
1891 Philadelphia telegram
Form 171. 1-91. 300 M. M. - This was sent on 23 September 1891 and lists the Executive Office as 113 South Broad Street, below Chestnut.
At the bottom it's hand-stamped with 1928 Callowhill Street. The rest I find confusing. It lists the General Manager as George J. Jewill and the President as C. Hartman Kuhn.
The Annual Reports for ADT for the years ending 1890 and 1891 both have at the bottom, the name of Thomas T. Eckert as submitting them as President.
The last specifically adding "New York, January 28th. 1892." Did ADT in New York have a different President to ADT in Philadelphia ?

On that note, what about these, at least two different Telephone companies claiming to own the ADT.
1882 Commercial Telephone Company
The Commercial Telephone Company of Albany, N.Y. claims to own the ADT in September of 1882, with the General Manager being A. B. Uline.

This one of 1st January 1891 appears to be a bill and is addressed to the:
January 1891 Hudson River Telephone Company
Hudson River Telephone Company, owners of the ADT.

Another similar one from 470 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. of 1st December 1891.
December 1891 Hudson River Telephone Company
again to the Hudson River Telephone Company, owners of the ADT.

It makes me wonder if all the A.D.T. offices in a particular city are simply Franchise operations of some 'Main' one.
But was the 'Main' one in New York, or in Philadelphia ?

In 1904 their President was J. B. Sloan, Manager J. B. Sloan, Jr. and Secretary F. B. Sloan.
1904 taken over by Sloan family ?
I'm not sure where this was, but Dunlap Street, Auction Street and Kerr Street are not common names. Uniontown, Pennsylvania perhaps.



These were either hand-delivered by their messengers, or sent by mail if outside the range of the nearest office.
Early ones are more likely to have been sent by mail since they had fewer offices.

Shortcuts to different sections by State
N.Y. State Pennsylvania California Illinois Colorado


New York State

Envelope (Form 346) for sending bills in N.Y. City. - My Ref. ADT-Env-346-1889-1

Envelope for sending bills in N.Y. City
This gives the Executive Office as being at No. 8 Dey Street.
I have seen that address on a bill of 30 November 1884. A similar bill of 31 December 1897 gave the address of No. 6 Dey Street.
The feint cancel appears to be 1889. There is a list of 51 District Offices. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.


Form 27. -- My Ref. ADT-Env-27-1881-1
eBay Lot 264758919932   eBay Lot 264758919932 - back
Form 27. - "American District Telegraph Department of the Bell Telephone Company.",
listing offices in Buffalo N.Y. as 340 Washington Street, 223 Main Street, 15 West Chippewa Street and 413 Niagara Street.
This was sent on 2 November 1881.   Image courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing).
An advert in the Buffalo Evening News of 1 November 1881 for boys 14 to 16 years of age
told them to apply at the office at the corner of Main and Seneca streets.


ADT envelope of 1875, 62 Broadway NY. With enclosure.

1875 NY envelope - Front

The enclosure appears to be a personal letter rather than a telegram. It does though
give the Executive Office as 62 Broadway, with the District Offices being at:
6 & 102 Broad Street, 68 Fulton Street;
254,407,516,689,791,946 & 1205 Broadway;
637,812 & 1000 Sixth Avenue.
554 Third Avenue.
520 Hudson Street.

It also gives the chief officials at that time as being:
President -  E. W. Andrews.
1st. Vice-President -  A. B. Cornell.
2nd. Vice-President -  J. N. Gamewell.
Treasurer -  A. W. Greenleaf.
Secretary and Assistant Treasurer -  C. B. Hotchkiss.
Superintendent -  H. W. Pope.

Images courtesy of Charles Bosak.

1875 NY envelope - Front


ADT Bleecker Street N.Y. Again this looks like simply a letter.

1881 ADT Bleecker Street NY - Front

This gives the Executive Office as being 52 S. 5th Avenue, corner with Bleecker Street, N.Y. City
that is about 2 blocks south of Washington Square Park. This kind of stamp (Scott 156 / 182 ?) dates from 1873 until about 1881,
So I'm a bit surprised about the move. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.


ADT 195 Broadway N.Y.

1903 ADT 195 Broadway NY - Front

Dated 24 April 1903, this gives the Executive Office as being 195 Broadway, New York. At the bottom it has "Room 4 Union Depot."
Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.


ADT 6 Dey Street N.Y.
- My Ref. ADT-Env-345-1901-1

1901 ADT Ny used in Brooklyn - Front

Form 345 Dated 2 October 1901, this gives the Executive Office as being 6 Dey Street, New York City. The post mark is for Brooklyn.
Yes, I know it isn't a million miles away, but I'm surprised they didn't use their own envelopes.
Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.


- My Ref. ADT-Env-11-1905-1
1905 ADT fORM 11
Form 11. Used 1905, this is generic, giving no specific address.
Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.


ADT Brooklyn delivery by 1881 Registered Mail

1881 ADT Registered Mail - Front  1881 ADT Registered Mail - Back

An associated card was used to provide a receipt acknowledging delivery.- My Ref. ADT-Rec-1881-1
1881 ADT Registered receipt - Front  1881 ADT Registered receipt - Back

Brooklyn Executive Office, 191 Montague Street to Washingtonville, N.Y. courtesy of Charles Bosak.


ADT Brooklyn Telegrams

- My Ref. ADT-Del-1877-1
Brooklyn 1877 ADT Telegram
- My Ref. ADT-Del-1879-1
Brooklyn 1880's? ADT Telegram

These two are similar except for changes to the font, President and Superintendent. H. H. Wheeler is known to have been President in 1881, so it is likely the undated '187' was used in the 1880's.
Offices at 191 Montague Street; 698 Fulton Street; 321 Court Street; and Putnam Avenue, corner of Irving Place.
Images courtesy of Charles Bosak.



ADT Philadelphia envelope and contents, 16 October 1878 to Paris, redirected to Florence.- My Ref. ADT-Env-1878-1

1878 Philadelphia envelope - Front
This lists 11 Offices and 4 sub-stations, as well as "Court Rooms, generally" and "Principal Hotels &c"
It is stamped diagonally in purple with "N. W. Cor. General Waiting Room / P. R. R. Depot, 32d & Market Sts."

- My Ref. ADT-Del-1878-1

1878 Philadelphia envelope - Front
The heading of the enclosure gives the Executive Offices at N.E. Cor. Fifth & Chestnut., together with Offices:
"N.E. Cor. Third & Chestnut-7th & Chestnut-Broad & Chestnut-Twentieth & Locust-Fortieth and Locust-36th and Lancaster Ave -20th and Callowhill-Broad and Callowhill
-8th and Wood-Centennial Grounds Depot, 32nd & Market-Broad & Master (Forrest Mansion)-Supreme Court Room, New Public Buildings."

1878 Philadelphia envelope - Front
Backstamps show it reached Paris 28 October and Firenze (Florence) on the 30th.
Images courtesy of Charles Bosak

ADT delivery envelope (Form 133 B-100 M -8-86-L) of 1886?, Philadelphia With enclosure.
This lists W. J. Philips as President- My Ref. ADT-133-Env-1886-1

1886 Philadelphia envelope - Front

The enclosure (Form 171—100 M—1,86—T.) gives the Executive Office as 113 South Broad Street, below Chestnut.
The envelope lists District Offices at:
S. E. corner 3rd & Chestnut Streets.
S. W. corner 8th & Chestnut Streets.
113 South Broad Street.
N. E. corner 20th & Locust Streets.
3908 Market Street. West Philadelphia.
N. W. corner 20th & Callowhill Streets.
N. W. corner Broad & Wood Streets.
* S. E. corner 8th & Wood Streets.
616 Girard Avenue.
S. W. corner Jefferson & Carlisle Streets.
Sub-Stations at:
Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Broad Street.
Reading Depot, 13th & Callowhill.
Court Rooms, generally.
Principal Hotels, &c., &c.

* This location is stamped diagonally in violet across the right side of the envelope.

The 'Date' field appears to contain the address of the receiving office.
The only clue that I can see of the date is the form numbers.

Images courtesy of Charles Bosak.

(Form 171—100 M—1, 86—T.)     -     My Ref. ADT-Del-1886-1
1886?, Philadelphia - Enclosure

Here is a similar delivery envelope.
- My Ref. ADT-133-Env-1896-1

1896 Philadelphia envelope - Front

It is unfortunately damaged on the left, but the SubStations are moved to a new column due to a lot more District Offices,
and the Executive Office has changed to 1031 Chestnut Street, where it appears to have been sent from.
The Form number is now 133 B—200 M 7-96 which I take to mean that it was printed July 1896 and the earlier one was January 1886.
Images courtesy of Charles Bosak.


Erie,PA to Baltimore,MO - 1870's   Erie,PA to Baltimore,MO - back received mark
The plain ones were probably the early ones. This from Erie,PA to Baltimore,MD presumably in the 1870's.
The plain back has a January 16 Baltimore, Maryland received mark, though the year was not considered important apparently.
Images courtesy of Everett Ramsey.



San Francisco Form 51, week 20, 1889 type: - My Ref. ADT-51-Env-1889-1

Sale 33 Lot 1353
Form 51. 20-89-25,000. Showing an early "Roundsmen" and listing 11 offices in San Francisco.
Image courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions (click on image for listing).
A similar 1892, or perhaps 1902 printing:


- My Ref. ADT-51-Env-1892-1

eBay Lot 401149552125
... 2-50,000. (92 perhaps) Showing another "Roundsmen" and now with a few more offices and a Main Office in San Francisco.
Image courtesy of Newall on eBay (click on image for listing).



A message sent in the 1900´s, probably from Sherman House to the Times Herald Building, Chicago.
These are headed "Chicago Telephone Company", with A.D.T. seemingly operating as a Department. The envelope marked "Form 202 B." has a list of Offices on the left.

Telegram - My Ref. ADT-Del-201B-1
Envelope - My Ref. ADT-Env-202B-1

Form 202 B.

The contents are marked "Form 201 B." at top-left, with "100M- -28-1900-13887-R" at the top-right. It has a list of A.D.T. services and was to be sent by "Special Messenger".
It was for use in Chicago and had the year pre-filled as "190....", but (by International Convention ?) was not filled in.
Form 201 B.
Images courtesy of Everett Ramsey.




Denver, Colorado card of 1892
Denver card of 1892 stating Offices
This gives the 1892 location of Offices in Denver as being at 1633 Lawrence Street and 319 Sixteenth Street.
A 1912 advertisement gives 319 Sixteenth St., 1423 Stout St., Albany Hotel and says "Fifty Branch Offices throughout the city".
Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.


Envelope and enclosure for Sioux City, Iowa 1895
Telegram - My Ref. ADT-Del-1895-1
Envelope - My Ref. ADT-Env-1895-1
Sioux City 1895
This gives the location of Offices in Sioux City, Iowa in 1895 as being at 421 Pierce Street (Phone No. 3)
Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.



New York dated 1st July 1877. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1877-1

1877 NY bill
This has "Form 8." in the top-left corner, and is from "3d DIST., BROAD ST.". It has the General Office as 62 Broadway, New York. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

Brooklyn dated 1st September 1877. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-Blyn-1877-1

1877 Brooklyn bill
This has no Form Number and is from Brooklyn. It has Executive Offices as 191 Montague Street (Telegraph Building.) - Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

Brooklyn dated 31st March 1882. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-Blyn-1882-1

1882 Brooklyn bill
This is similar to the last, but the 'PAID' stamp has gone and a notice added in purple. - Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

Baltimore dated 1st August 1876. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-Balt-1876-1

1876 Baltimore bill
This has "Form 5." in the top-right corner, and has the Main Office as 121 Baltimore Street. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

Baltimore dated 1st November 1878. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-Balt-1878-1

1878 Baltimore bill
Similar to above but left Note now in blue. New font and Main Office now S. W. corner Baltimore and Calvert Streets. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

Baltimore dated 31st October 1901. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-7B-Balt-1901-1

1901 Baltimore bill
This now has "Form 7 B. 3-1901. 2000" in the top-left corner, with the Executive Office as 13 N. Eutaw Street. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

New York dated 1st March 1879. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1879-1

1879 New York bill
Another with "Form 8." in the top-left corner, and is from "Dist. 41, No. 819 Sixth Ave." It has the Executive Offices as 699 Broadway.
There is now a Messenger Boy image at top-left and an advertising box at top-right. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

New York dated 31st August 1881. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1881-1

1881 New York bill
Similar to the last, but with colour removed and information added top and bottom. From "Dist. 3, No. 18 Broad St." It has the Executive Offices as 52 South 5th Ave.
There is now a Messenger Boy image at top-left and an advertising box at top-right. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

As above, but cost-reduced. This one 1884. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1884-1

1884 bill
This is dated 30 November 1884 with Executive Office of 8 Dey Street, "Form 8." in the top-left corner, and services in 4 lines under the messenger image. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

- My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1888-1
1888 bill
This is dated 31 October 1888. The Form number has gone and the font is changed. Services in 3 lines under and 'District' is abbreviated to "DIST."   Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

- My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1890-1
1890 bill
This is dated 31 July 1890. This is very similar to the last, except the Office has been overprinted by "70 Trinity Place." in purple.
Similar 1890 forms dated 31 May, 1 April, and 30 June, did not have the overprint. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

- My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1897-1
1897 bill
This is dated 31 December 1897 at the top, but used 10 August 1898. The wording has changed at the top, including address. The messenger image has changed and the telegraph poles are gone.
The wording under him has changed and below there is new wording about change of address.
The Executive Office has changed to No. 6. The top-right box has been re-worded and a box is added at bottom-left. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

- My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1900-1
1900 bill
This is dated 31 October 1900. The messenger image has changed and the top-right box has been re-worded again. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

- My Ref. ADT-Rec-8-1910-1
1910 Treasurers bill
This is a Treasurer's Bill dated March 1910. The messenger image is similar with '(G. O. 23)' under it.
The design is very different, but still 6 Dey Street, New York. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

This one is for Denver, Colorado, 1911. - My Ref. ADT-Bill-41-1911-1

1911 Denver bill
This is a bill (Form 41 at top-left) for the newly formed Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.
It lists offices at 1421 Champa Street, 319 Sixteenth Street and the Albany Hotel. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.
Anyone know the significance of "VOUCHERED" ?

Smaller offices appear to have needed a lot more detail, perhaps they had more time. - My Ref. ADT-Bill-Butte-1887-1

1887 Butte bill
Dated 2nd May 1887 for the Office of Main Street, Over Butte Hardware Co. in Butte City, Montana.
The customer appears to have been the District Telephone Co., 19 entries for $7.00
. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.


Wichita, Kansas, 1888. - My Ref. ADT-Bill-Wichita-1888-1

1888 Wichita bill
Dated 2nd April 1888 for the Office at 113 North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas.
For 20 uses of a messenger, totalling $5.95
. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.


Messenger Receipts.

Generic July 1891. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-grey-1891-1

1891 Messenger Receipt - front   1891 Messenger Receipt - back
This is a front and back of a generic Messenger Receipt of 5 July 1891. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.

Generic December 1891. - My Ref. ADT-Rec-yell-1891-1

1891 Messenger Receipt - front   1891 Messenger Receipt - back
This is a front and back of a generic Messenger Receipt of 4 December 1891. Image courtesy of Charles Bosak.
Patrick seems to have been doing good business.


- My Ref. ADT-Rec-grey-1896-1
1881 Messenger Receipt - Manhattan Railway Co.

Used for the Manhattan Railway Co. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.
- My Ref. ADT-Rec-buff-1898-1
1898 Messenger Receipt - Criminal Court May 5
Used 5 May 1898 at the Criminal Court Building, NY City. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

1898 Messenger Receipt - Criminal Court May 11
Used 11 May 1898 at the Criminal Court Building, NY City. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.
1898 Messenger Receipt - Criminal Court May 12
Used 12 May 1898 at the Criminal Court Building, NY City. Courtesy of Charles Bosak.

3 of the above are numbered 222. It seems likely to relate to the particular messenger.




American Rapid Telegraph Company

These have form numbers in the top-left corner, but forms with the same number did not stay the same but changed over time.
The ones I have seen start with "No. 16" or "No. 17", with the latter only being seen with J. W. Converse as President.
Out of the 9 forms I have seen, there were 7 different ones. I have not seen a "No. 16—Form 1." or "No. 17—Form 2.", but I have seen three different "No. 16—Form 3." examples.
The earlier ones, with Edwin Reed as President, had "EXPRESS MESSAGE" as the second line.
Later ones with J. W. Converse as President later replaced that with the address of the General Offices at 187 Broadway, NY., or nothing.
Below that is the terms and conditions.


A 'Collect' telegram, Form 3, courtesy of Everett Ramsey. - My Ref. AR-Del-16-3-Reed-1881
As Everett points out, only 'COLLECT' stamps can be found on these forms, the 'TELEGRAM' stamps would be on the
sending forms, and subsequently destroyed in the normal course of events.

Form 3

It is from Klinefelter Bros. to Providence Tool Co. of 76 Baltimore. Everett Ramsey tells me that there is such an address in Providence, R.I. on the rail line from NY City to Boston.

On the right it says "Please pay no charges on this Message, unless the amount is denoted hereon by the Company's Stamp."
On the left it says "Read the Notice at the Top". Luckily not all examples had the stamps over that notice.


The image below is a "No. 16—Form 2." used 2 November 1881 for a pre-paid telegrams. No stamps were used on them. - My Ref. AR-Del-16-2-Reed-1881

Form 3

Though the top part is similar, the rest is lined and has more detail. The hand-stamp at the top is different, even though this was only used about 2 months later.
My apologies, I do not know who to credit for this image. If it's you, please get in contact.

The Boston example below is easier to see : - My Ref. AR-Del-16-3-Conv-1883
This has J. W. Converse as President.

Form 3

Unknown year. This image is courtesy of


American Rapid form comparisons:

I will try to compare the ones I have seen, just showing the top parts. The first President was Edwin Reed.
This New York Times report of 1883 listed J. W. Converse (James) as President of American Rapid. I also do not know the owner of the Company,
but Edwin Reed (of Bath, Maine) was a wealthy shipping merchant who appears to have been President of the Company from the beginning.
J. W. Converse was replaced by Anthony W. Dimock as President sometime before April 1884, after Bankers'& Merchants' took control in September 1883.
The General Superintendent is the same on all the ones that I have seen, being I. A. Sherman. The Engineer-in-Chief was Gerritt Smith.

"No. 17—Form 1."     
J. W. Converse

used April 1883

My Ref:
#17, Form 1

This is the only type I have seen for sending telegrams. Normally the 'TELEGRAM' stamps would be affixed to them unless sending 'COLLECT'.
This example was used to create a Spoof Telegram of 1 April 1883, though the form itself appears to be genuine.
Perhaps surprisingly it doesn't say anything about the basic pricing of the companies telegrams, though it does
have the terms and conditions at the top that say :

   To guard against mistakes or delays, the sender of a message should order it REPEATED; that is, telegraphed
back to the originating office for comparison. For this, one half the regular rate is charged in addition. It
is agreed between the sender of the following message and this Company, that said Company shall not be
liable for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery of any UNREPEATED
message, whether happening by negligence of its servants or otherwise, beyond the amount received for
sending the same nor for mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery, of any
REPEATED message beyond fifty times the sum received for sending the same, unless specially insured: nor in
any case for delays arising from unavoidable interruption in the working of its lines, or for errors in cipher
or obscure messages
   And this Company is hereby made the agent of the sender, without liability, to forward any message over
the lines of any other Company when necessary to reach its destination.
   Correctness in the transmission of messages to any point on the lines of this Company can be INSURED by con-
tract in writing, stating agreed amount of risk, and payment of premium thereon at the following rates in ad-
dition to the usual charge for repeated messages, viz.: One per cent. for any distance not exceeding 1,000 miles,
and two per cent. for any greater distance. No employee of the Company is authorized to vary the foregoing.
   No responsibility regarding messages attaches to this Company until the same are presented and accepted at
one of its transmitting office : and if a message is sent to such office by one of the Company's messengers, he
acts for that purpose as the agent of the sender.
   Messages will be delivered free within the established free delivery limits of the terminal office—
for delivery at a greater distance, a special charge will be made to cover the cost of such delivery.
   The Company will not be liable for damages in any case where the claim is not presented in writing, within
sixty days after sending the message. "


"No. 16—Form 2."     
Edwin Reed

used November 1881

My Ref:
#16, Form 2, Reed
"No. 16—Form 2."     
J. W. Converse

used 5 October 1883

My Ref:
#16, Form 2, Converse

These could be prepaid, with no stamp, or not, with 'COLLECT' stamps.
They were lined with spaces for "Check", "Number", "Time", "Dated" and "To".
At least these two styles of header.


"No. 16—Form 3."     
Edwin Reed

used September 1881

My Ref:
#16, Form 3 Reed
"No. 16—Form 3."     
J. W. Converse

used December 188?

My Ref:
#16, Form 3 Converse
"No. 16—Form 3."     
J. W. Converse

used December 1882
Recipients datestamp.

My Ref:
#16, Form 3 Converse
"No. 17—Form 3."     
J. W. Converse

used December 1883

My Ref:
#17, Form 3 Converse

Again, these could be prepaid, with no stamp, or not, with 'COLLECT' stamps.
These were not lined with the year sometimes missing.
The first two look like having an EXPRESS header, but the spacing has changed with the new President.
The last two are different again with the last being a #17. On this the Chief Engineers name has been dropped in favour of Fred May as the General Manager.



This envelope, courtesy of Everett Ramsey, is to a customer of the American Rapid from a branch at 78 Walker Street, New York.
Envelope of 27 February 1883 - front   Envelope of 27 February 1883 1881 - back

Envelope of 27 February 1883 1881 - hand-stamp The Date stamp is interesting.

It is dated 27 February 1883 and has been applied by the customer.
It looks like O. E. HARTING & Co. New York.

Notice though the striped appearance of it.
That is caused by having a cloth over it,
a way of retaining ink often used in busy offices
to reduce the frequency of using the ink pad.



This letter, courtesy of Everett Ramsey, appears to be from a customer to the American Rapid at Hartford, Connecticut.
Envelope of November 1881 - front Envelope of November 1881 - back
The 3c stamp is cancelled with a bullseye type cancel. There is a circular date stamp in purple of West Springfield, Mass., November 11, 1881 on the front.
The back has a purple hand-written "North Ella C[onn]. Dec 9 ltr" (?), and in black "Ansd ??? Nov 24."
I suspect that if I understood what was going on with this, it may offer some insights into the way Rapid operated.
Can anyone walk me through this ?




American Telegraph Company.

A telegraph form of the American Telegraph Company used on 13 February 1863 with an imperforate 3c stamp pen cancelled with initials and that date. - My Ref. ATC-Send-1862-1
The American Telegraph merged with Western Union in 1866.

American Telegraph Co. Telegraph form with stamp
The American Telegraph Company became part of the Western Union Telegraph Company on 12 June 1866.
This lists Cambridge Livingston (died September 1879) as Secretary and (Colonel) Edward Sewell Sanford (1817-1882) as President.
the forms should normally have been destroyed after use. Courtesy of Everett Ramsey,

An earlier form used 13 May 1861 lists J. Kendall, General Superintendent in place of the Secretary on this form.
That and many other interesting forms can be seen in this [PDF] by the American Philatelic Society.


A similar, but different telegraph form of the American Telegraph Company used on 15 May 1863 with a 1c stamp pen cancelled with initials and that date. - My Ref. ATC-Send-1863-1

American Telegraph Co. Telegraph form with 1c stamp
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” (Sale 1133 Lot 542).

A similar telegram with more words requiring a 3c Tax Stamp. Now you can read all of the writing.
ATC. Telegraph form with 3c part-perf stamp
This has a partially perforated stamp used 6 August 1863. Image courtesy of Everett Ramsey.


American Telegraph Company.    -   My Ref. ATC-Del-1859-1
Form dated 15 October 1859 courtesy of Everett Ramsey.
This gives J. S. Bedlow as the Superintendent of the Boston and Maine District.
American Telegraph Co. Embossed - enclosure

The above was in this embossed cover with eagle and lightening bolt.  -  My Ref. ATC-Env-1859-1
American Telegraph Co. Embossed
Images courtesy of Everett Ramsey.


A later American Telegraph Company.    -   My Ref. ATC-Del-1864-1
Form dated 15 March 1864 from Calais on the Canadian border, to Woodstock, Vermont, courtesy of  Todd Parker.
American Telegraph Co. form - 1864

A closeup of the top makes it easier to read the, fairly standard, terms and conditions.
D. B. Stevens is named as the Superintendent of the New Brunswick District.
ATC. form detail

The above was in this, fairly plain envelope.  -  My Ref. ATC-Env-1864-1
American Telegraph Co. 1864 envelope
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.


Date unknown. - My Ref. ATC-Env-BM-1
Sale 1102 Lot 1159
American Telegraph Company, Boston Maine District, another embossed envelope.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1159).


- My Ref. ATC-Env-1861-1
Sale 61 Lot 871
"American Telegraph CompanyWashington D.C." cover with 1861, 1c blue.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. ATC-Env-1863-1
American Telegraph Co. Blue Embossed
American Telegraph Company. Embossed cover with blue eagle and lightening bolt.
Nothing is printed on the back, but the embossing shows clearly and someone has written in pencil "1863 XDC".
Courtesy of Kurt, — petamarty on eBay.


- My Ref. ATC-Env-LFH-1
Sale 30 Lot 413
American Telegraph Company. Illustrated embossed corner card with eagle and lightening bolt,
on local telegram cover, with manuscript Fifty three charge (50¢ telegram + 3¢ revenue).
This tax was from 1 June 1862 until 1 August 1864, so presumably this was used in that period.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

My Ref. ATC-Mil-Del-1865-1
Sale 59 Lot 4395
1865 (Jul. 21) American Telegraph Co. (South) under the control and supervision of the U.S. Military Telegraph.
In the weeks after final Confederate collapse, this was the best means of communication within the South.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Envelope used with the above telegram.    -   My Ref. ATC-Mil-Env-1865-1
Sale 59 Lot 4395


Date unknown. - My Ref. ATC-NY-Env-1
Sale 1102 Lot 1161
American Telegraph Company, New York, all-over illustrated envelope design in light blue.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1161).

Date unknown. - My Ref. ATC-NY-Env-2
Sale 1102 Lot 1164
American Telegraph Company, New York, all-over illustrated envelope design in light blue.
Similar to the last but a simpler design.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1164).

Date unknown. - My Ref. ATC-NY-Env-3
Sale 1102 Lot 1160
American Telegraph Company, New York, all-over illustrated envelope design in light red dated 1861.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1160).

- My Ref. ATC-NY-Env-4
ATC illustrated envelope in red
American Telegraph Company, New York, a similar all-over illustrated envelope design in red. It looks to be dated 1 August 1862.
Similar to the last but a simpler design.
Courtesy of Everett Ramsey. This was part of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1165.



American & House Telegraph Cos. Consolidated

An envelope of American & House Telegraph Company's Consolodated Printing Lines. - My Ref. AHC-Wash-21/8-1
This gives the Washington Offices as being at the National and Willard's Hotels, with the N.Y. Offices at No. 21 Wall Street and 8 Merchants' Exchange.
American & House Washington Envelope
- Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



Astor House Telegraph

- My Ref. AHL-Env-1
Astor House
Astor House envelope listing General Offices at "2 1-2 and 21 Wall Street".
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1174.



Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph Company

My Ref. AOT-Env-1
Sale 55 Lot 1198
Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph, Philadelphia, cameo style corner card,  
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. AOT-Env-1X
Atlantic and Ohio with X
Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Company, Philadelphia, as last, but stamped with X.
Said to be circa 1847. Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1170.

- My Ref. AOT-Env-1Z
Atlantic and Ohio with X
Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Company, Philadelphia, as last, but stamped with Z and 2 PAID marks.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 201.

Dated October 26, 1848 - My Ref. AOT-Env-2
Atlantic and Ohio with X
Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Company, Philadelphia, giving address of Merchants Exchange Phila. PAID mark.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1171.


Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Company.

My Ref. APT-Env-1860-1
eBay Lot 401935721176
Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Company., 1860's ? Telegram with a map showing Offices, courtesy of Newall on eBay (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. APT-Env-1860-2
Atlantic and Pacific
Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, similar design with local office address.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1173.

My Ref. APT-11-Del-1880-1
eBay Lot 264758850952
My Ref. (for the envelope) APT-98-Env-1880-1
Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Company. Half-rate telegram of 1880.   Image courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing).
The form names Albert B. Chandler as President. In 1892 he became President of the Postal Telegraph.



Atlantic Lake & Mississippi Telegraph

- My Ref. ALM-Env-Dayton-1
Atlantic Lake & Mississippi - Dayton
Atlantic Lake & Mississippi Telegraph, for Dayton, Ohio.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 199.

- My Ref. ALM-Env-Cincinnati-1
Atlantic Lake & Mississippi - Cincinnati
Atlantic Lake & Mississippi Telegraph, for Cincinnati, Ohio Office at No. 7, Third Street, East of Main.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 200.



Bain's Telegraph

Shortcuts to sub-sections
Eastern Western New York State

- My Ref. BT-Env-1
Bain's Telegraph
Bain's Telegraph, simple envelope "Delivery Free", used in Philadelphia.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1155, Lot 3152.



Bain's Eastern Telegraph

- My Ref. BTE-Env-1
Bain's Eastern Telegraph - 1 office
Bain's Eastern Telegraph, "Office No. 76 State Street." (Boston) and used at Boston, where it was mailed to San Francisco, California.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1175.

- My Ref. BTE-Env-2
Bain's Eastern Telegraph - 2 offices
Bain's Eastern Telegraph, now 2 office, adding "Portland Office, 58 Exchange Street." Used at Boston, mailed to Newburyport, Mass.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1175.


Bain's Western Telegraph

- My Ref. BTW-Env-1
Bain's Western Telegraph
Bain's Western Telegraph, This lists the same offices as the last Eastern Telegraph, Boston and Portland, where it was again mailed to Newburyport, Mass.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1176.


Bain's New York State Telegraph

- My Ref. BTNY-Env-1
Bain's Eastern Telegraph - 1 office
Bain's Western Telegraph, This lists an office at 29 Wall Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1225.



Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Companies

A telegraph form of 6 October 1887 - My Ref. BO-Send-1887

USA B&O Telegraph form - Hoen - 6-10-1887
This has the set of A. Hoen & Co. stamps numbered L8392 (the highest I have seen on the 10c). Image courtesy of Eric Jackson. Click image for listing.

A telegram of 24 November 1885 ? - My Ref. BO-TD3-Del-1884

USA B&O Telegram
T. D. FORM 3, 5 million printed 28 October 1884. Offices listed in New York City, New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore and Galveston
This was received at the Deshler Block, Columbus, Ohio. The back shows their lines and connections on a map engraved by the American Bank Note Co., NY.
USA B&O Telegram back with map

Click map for a larger version. Images courtesy of Rolf Lamprecht.



Bankers & Merchants Telegraph Company.

- My Ref. BM-2-Del-1884-1
eBay Lot 254621423997 - enclosure
eBay Lot 254621423997 - front  eBay Lot 254621423997 - back

Bankers & Merchants.  telegram of 1880s with enclosure.   Image courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing). - My Ref. BM-7-Env-1884-1


B&M 1884 with enclosure
Another relating to the Cattle family, this one with 1884 cancels, helpful since it was too much trouble to put the year on the telegrams.
Courtesy of Everett Ramsey.


Bay and Coast Telegraph.

Imprint T. T. 6. (11-86—10,000)
Sale 33 Lot 1348
"Santa Cruz, Cal., Mar 4, 1887" cds - My Ref. BCT-Env-TT6-1186-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



California State Telegraph Company

- My Ref. CS-Env-1854-1
Sale 45 Lot 92
1854  (California State Telegraph) By Telegraph., Office, No 159 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

As last but in red. - My Ref. CS-Env-1854-2
Now not confined to California.
Sale 1102 Lot 1179
Circa 1854  (California State Telegraph) By Telegraph., Office, No 159 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1179.

- My Ref. CS-Env-red-1
Sale 62 Lot 224
Red embossed cameo corner card,  
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. CS-Env-blue-1
Sale 74 Lot 1340
Blue embossed cameo corner card,  
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. CS-Env-black-1
Sale 62 Lot 225
Black embossed cameo corner card,  ex-Tatham.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).
- My Ref. CS-Env-black-1
Sale 92 Lot 744
Another black embossed cameo card with the same frame-breaks that are not on the blue or red.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. CS-Env-1860-1
Sale 62 Lot 228
"All parts of the State" with original Sept 1, 1860 enclosure.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Wording changed at the top. - My Ref. CS-Env-1861-1
Sale 62 Lot 604
Cancelled by "Wells, Fargo & Co., San Jose, Dec 18" (the year would have been nice)
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Similar image, but different wording and colour. - My Ref. CS-Env-1864-1
Now not confined to California.
Sale 1090 Lot 1840
Connecting with lines to all the principal Cities and Towns in the U. States. This is dated 8 July 1864.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1090, Lot 1840.

Same envelope together with enclosure, a Telegram of August 16, 1865. - My Ref. (for envelope) CS-Env-1865-1
Different Logo.
California State envelope and enclosure
Form No. 1.has the year pre-filled as "1864" and names the President as H. W. Carpenter and the Superintendent as Jas. Gamble.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1090, Lot 1843.

Envelope similar to above, but specific to Sacramento. - My Ref. CS-Env-Sac-1
California State Sacreamento envelope
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1117, Lot 4400.

Envelope in black together with enclosure, a Telegram of August 16, 1865. - My Ref. (for envelope) CS-Env-1865-1
Different Logo.
California State envelope and enclosure
Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, similar design envelope but in black.
Form No. 1. now has the year pre-filled as only "186", still naming the President as H. W. Carpenter and the Superintendent as Jas. Gamble.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1090, Lot 1838.

Same envelope together with enclosure, a Telegram of May 16, 1866. - My Ref. (for envelope) CS-Env-1865-1
Sale 62 Lot 226
Sale 62 Lot 226 enclosure

courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).
Same type of envelope and form, but now the name of the Superintendent is crossed out.
- My Ref. (for telegram) CS-Del-1866-1

- My Ref. CS-Env-1866-1
Sale 60 Lot 561
Illustrated design on orange-buff cover,
The California State Telegraph envelopes are very scarce sent through the mails.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

For San Francisco - My Ref. CS-Env-1866-2
Sale 62 Lot 229
Advertising office in San Francisco,
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Cape Cod Telegraph.

Envelope said to have enclosure of July 19, 1856. - My Ref. CCT-Env-1856-1

California State envelope and enclosure
Distinctive Cape Cod Telegraph, address Traveller Buildings, 31 State Street, Boston. Envelope printed in dark blue and used in Boston.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1183.



Catskill Telegraph & Express.

Envelope used at Catskill. - My Ref. CTE-Env-1

Catskill Telegraph & Express
Envelope giving Office address as Opposite Catskill Bank and with "Also Book & Variety Store"
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1196, Lot 580.



Cincinnati & Louisville Steamer Telegraph.

- My Ref. CLS-3-Env-No3
Sale 57 Lot 4325
Cincinnati & Louisville Steamer Telegraph No. 3, ornate blue embossed cameo corner,
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



City Telegraph (NY)

City Telegraph. - My Ref. City-Env-1
City Telegraph - Bentley's
An envelope listing offices at 21 Wall Street; Metropolitan Hotel; NY Hotel, 721 Broadway; Madison Square P.O., Broadway and 22nd Street; and Brooklyn, corner of Montague & Court.
Used with Bentley's Madison Square double circle. Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1101, Lot 635.



Colusa, Lake and Mendocino Telegraph Company

- My Ref. CLM-Env-1
Sale 62 Lot 230
Company envelope,   No. 7, Paid.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Commercial Cable Co.

To Hamburg, Germany via London, dated 31 May 1927 - front and back. - My Ref. CCC-Env-London-1927
Hamburg via London - front   Hamburg via London - back

Yes, I know they don't look very American, but this company was created by John Mackay and James Gordon Bennett (owner of the New York Herald),
so this seems to be the place to put it. The pair created the company in 1883 to compete with the Western Union Atlantic service.
They had 6 Atlantic cables laid from 1884 to 1923. Eventually it became part of the American Cable and Radio Corporation.



Continental Telegraph Co.

1880. - Form 2.    My Ref. CTC-Form.1-1880
CTC Telegram - 1880
Image courtesy of  La Barre Galleries.



Cupid Union Telegraph Co.

1889. - My Ref. Cupid-Env-1
Sale 67 Lot 1181
Used in Ballinger, Texas, Feb 14, 1889.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Electric Marine Telegraphs.

Electric Marine Telegraphs - My Ref. EMar-Env-1
Erie & Michigan - Detroit 1
The envelope is said to have original contents dated 7 May 1859 imprinted with
"Electric Marine Telegraphs, Comprising the following lines: Cape Ann, Cape Cod, Cape Cod Marine, Commercial and Palmer's, Hull, Cohasset and Scituate".
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1186.



Electro-Chemical Telegraph.
See also the Vermont & Boston Telegraph.

- My Ref. (for telegram) ECT-Del-VB-1
Sale 30 Lot 410
Electro-Chemical Telegraph, Vermont and Boston Line. 1856 telegram from New York to Boston.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Electromagnetic Telegraph.

- My Ref. EMT-Del-Balt-1
Sale 60 Lot 559
United States Electromagnetic Telegraph, Baltimore, circa 1845, one of 3 recorded examples. Said to be the earliest Telegraph cover recorded.
lot 1153 of the Wilson Born Collection.



Erie Railway Company's Telegraph

Erie Railway Depot 1863. - My Ref. ERT-Env-1
Sale 103 Lot 653
"Smithboro', N.Y. Sep 21" cds, to Palmyra, N.Y.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Another example, courtesy of Todd Parker.
Erie Railway Envelope



Erie & Michigan Telegraph

An early Erie & Michigan Telegram. - My Ref. EAM-Chicago-SB-1848
Erie & Michigan - Chicago telegram
- Image courtesy of Todd Parker.

An associated envelope, also with the name B. B. Keicheral. - My Ref. EAM-Env-Chicago-1848
Erie & Michigan - Chicago envelope
This also has "Sherman House" (Hotel ?) - Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



Erie & Michigan Telegraph Envelope for Detroit Office "over Farmers & Mechanics Bank". - My Ref. EAM-Env-Detroit-FMB-1
Erie & Michigan - Detroit 1
An envelope for use by the Detroit Office over Farmers & Mechanics Bank.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 202.

Erie & Michigan Telegraph Envelope, as last. - My Ref. EAM-Env-Detroit-FMB-1
Erie & Michigan - Detroit 2
Another envelope for use by the Detroit Office, but this was then mailed to Elmira, NY via Buffalo by steam boat.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1133, Lot 616.

Erie & Michigan Telegraph Envelope for Milwaukee Office, Dickermans Block. - My Ref. EAM-Env-Milwaukee-DB-1
Erie & Michigan - Milwaukee
An envelope for use by the Milwaukee Office on Dickermans Block, East Water Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 203.



Franklin Telegraph Co.

Opposition Line
Sale 28 Lot 2093
Used 10 December 1868, giving a list of offices in Washington and 26 other towns/cities - My Ref. FTC-Env-1868-1
President J.B.Stearns, Treasurer E.B.Welch, Superintendent J.G.Smith.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Georgetown, Coloma and Placerville Telegraph Co.

Sale 19 Lot 9
Used 18 July 1891 in Georgetown, with charges paid - My Ref. GCP-Env-1891-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 21 Lot 38
As last, used in 1891 with $7 to collect
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Gilroy and Havilah Telegraph Line

- My Ref. GHT-Env-1869-1
Sale 60 Lot 708
Gilroy and Havilah Telegraph Line, U.S. Mail Stage Via Firebaugh's…and Havilah, with 1869, 3¢ ultramarine
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Tel.

Envelope marked "161" - My Ref. GRIR-Env-Frm-161-RRB-188
Telegram marked "19", year pre-filled with "188 ." - My Ref. GRIR-Frm-19-RRB-188
Grand Rapids & Indiana envelope & contents 188?
President W. O. Hughart.



Form 161, later type with "Form" and "R.R.B." added - My Ref. GRIR-Env-Frm-161-RRB-2
Grand Rapids & Indiana envelope
"R. R. B." at top-right. Image courtesy of Todd Parker.




Great Albany Telegram.

- My Ref. GAT-Env-1892-1
Sale 55 Lot 1181
Great Albany Telegram, all-over "Marvels of the Universe" ad cover, 12 June 1892 backstamp,
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Hannibal Telegraphery.

Hannibal 'Telegraphery' Envelope - My Ref. HTy-Env-1
Hannibal Telegraphery
An envelope with a simple cachet and no office address. Used in Hannibal, Mo.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 204.



House's Printing Telegraph.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for NY of early 1850. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1849-1
House's Printing Tel. envelope
An envelope for use in New York with the year pre-printed 1849 and over-written for 1850. It gives their office as :
Gowan's Building, S.E. Corner of Third and Dock Streets (up stairs.)
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1189.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for NY of 1850. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1850-1
House's Printing Tel. envelope
An envelope for use in New York listing stations in Philadelphia. There was a 5c charge for delivery to Stamford, Conn.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1090, Lot 1844.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Rochester of 1850. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1850-2
House's Printing Tel. envelope
An envelope for use in Rochester based at No.11 Arcade Hall. There was no charge for delivery.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1197.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Rochester of 1850. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1850-3
House's Printing Tel. envelope
An envelope for use in Rochester based at No.11 Arcade Hall. This is very similar to the last but "and write plain" added.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1196, Lot 581.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for NY of 1852. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1852-1
House's Printing Tel. envelope
A new-design envelope for use in New York, Free delivery south of Canal Street, but this had a 5c charge for delivery.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1192.

- My Ref. HPT-Env-1852-2
Sale 23 Lot 181
House's Printing Telegraph. Illustrated design showing Telegraph Machine & Telegraph Lines on 6 August 1852 cover,
This used at Rochester from their Office at 11 Arcade (16 East Main street).
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Utica of 1852. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1852-3
House's Printing Tel. envelope
An illustrated design showing Telegraph Machine & Telegraph Lines. Gives address of Utica Office at 27 Genesee Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1230, Lot 1351.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Albion of 1852. - My Ref. HPT-Env-1852-4
Sale 55 Lot 1199
As above, Gives location of the Albion Office.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Louisville. - My Ref. HPT-Env-Louis
House's Printing Tel. Louisville envelope
An old design (?) envelope. Printed in English, French or German.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1195.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Philadelphia. - My Ref. HPT-Env-Phil
House's Printing Tel. Philadelphia envelope
An elaborate design envelope giving Philadelphia address as N. E. corner of 3rd and Chestnut Streets.
Also Office addresses for NY; Paterson, NJ; Trenton, NJ; Baltimore, MD; Washington, DC and Wilmington, Del.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1193.

House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Washington of 1852. - My Ref. HPT-Env-Wash
Sale 67 Lot 1687
Very similar to above, but for Washington. It gives different addresses for some of the offices listed above.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


House's Printing Tel. Envelope for Boston. - My Ref. HPT-Env-Boston-1
House's Printing Tel. Boston envelope
An early design envelope giving Boston address as 31 State Street, Traveller Buildings.
"To all parts of the United States, Canadas, and British Provinces."
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1194.



Illinois & Mississippi Telegraph.

Illinois & Mississippi for Quincy, Il. - My Ref. IMT-Env-Quincy-1
I&M - Quincy
A simple cachet for Quincy, Illinois." Said to be 27 March 1849.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 213.

Illinois & Mississippi for Quincy, Il. - My Ref. IMT-Env-Quincy-2
I&M - Quincy
A simple cachet for Quincy, Illinois." Said to be 26 August 1849.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 205.

Illinois & Mississippi for Quincy, Il. - My Ref. IMT-Del-Quincy-1
I&M - Quincy
Apparently a telegram with the simple cachet for Quincy, Illinois." dated 30 January 1850.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1198.

Caton Lines
Sale 32 Lot 816
Paducah, Ky. cds and "Due 3" handstamp - My Ref. IMT-Env-Caton-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



International Telegraph Co.

(Not to be confused with the earlier British company of the same name that in 1854 merged with the (British) Electric Telegraph Company to become the Electric and International Telegraph Company.)

International Telegraph, form No. 2 - 1867. - My Ref. ITC-No2-1867
ITC Form No.2 - 1867
Dated 27 February 1867, with a pre-printed 186.
The President E. K. Harding, and Clerk Charles B. Merrill. Image courtesy of Todd Parker.

This was sent in the envelope with ornate lettering below :
ITC Envelope - 1867
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



International Telegraph, form No. 2 - 1868. - My Ref. ITC-No2-1868
ITC Form No.2 - 1868
Dated 27 February 1867, with a pre-printed 186.
Now with President E. K. Harding, and Treasurer W. E. Gould. Image courtesy of Todd Parker.

This was sent in the envelope with plain lettering below :
ITC Envelope - 1868
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



International Ocean Telegraph.

International Ocean Telegraph, Blank No. 1 - 1879. - My Ref. IOT-Blk1-187
Ocean Blank No.1 - 1879
President William Orton and Vice President Norvin Green.
Dated 2/6 1879, with the pre-printed 187.
The President and Vice President reflect their connection to the Western Union.



International Ocean Telegraph, Night Rate Telegram - 1891. - My Ref. IOT-Del-444-188
Ocean Night Rate Telegram - 1891
Dated 4/17/1891, with the pre-printed 188 being over-written. Courtesy of Everett Ramsey.
President Norvin Green and General Manager Thomas T. Eckert.
The President and General managers again reflect the connection to the Western Union.



Lynchburg & Abingdon Telegraph Co.

- My Ref. LAT-Env-blue-1
Sale 74 Lot 2478
Dark blue embossed cameo corner card, used in Dublin Va. Jul 13. ex-Kohn.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Magnetic Telegraph.

Magnetic Telegraph about 1846
Hand written at Baltimore, possibly 1846. Courtesy of Todd Parker.

Magnetic Telegraph. - My Ref. MT-Env-1
Magnetic Telegraph. Harrisburg
An early design envelope used at Harrisburg. Said to be circa 1848-50.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 206.

Magnetic Telegraph. - My Ref. MT-Env-2
Magnetic Telegraph. black
A later design envelope in black.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1203.

- My Ref. MTO-Env-1
Sale 44 Lot 1243
Magnetic Telegraph Office/Phila. Oval handstamp as above, matching "2" rate handstamp,
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Magnetic Telegraph. - My Ref. MTO-Env-1R
Magnetic Telegraph. black
Envelope, as last but in red.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1200.


Washington City 1849. - My Ref. MTC-Env-1849-1
This has the wording "S. F. B. Morse, an American Citizen" and gives the Office in Washington as being Congress Hall, Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite National Hotel.   Image courtesy of Todd Parker.
Washington City envelope of 1849
This contained the contents shown below:

Telegram of 26 January 1849 - My Ref. MTC-Wash-1849-1
This gives address for four offices :
Washington - corner of Louisiana Avenue and Sixth Street.
Baltimore - No. 2 Merchants Exchange, South Gay Street.
Philadelphia - Quincy Granite Building, No. 101 Chestnut Street.
New York - No. 5 Honover Street, Corner of Beaver Street.
"use no figures, except dates ...". The early Morse code did not contain digits which had to be written out.   Image courtesy of Todd Parker. Washington City contents of 1849


Baltimore. - My Ref. MTC-Env-1
Sale 103 Lot 659
"Between New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington", with a list of 7 Way Stations at the bottom.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


- My Ref. MTC-Env-2
eBay Lot 254621447458
Magnetic Telegraph Office/Phila. 98 Chestnut Str.  Later envelope of uncertain date.   Image courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing).
According to Joseph S. Rich (NY 1900), the original offices were at the corner of Louisiana Avenue and Six Street Washington, with another at Congress Hall, Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite National Hotel.
This gives a list of 9 'Way Stations' at Wilmington, Trenton, New Hope, Havre de Grace, Port Deposit, Princeton, New Brunswick, Newark and Jersey City.
It goes on to say "This line connects with the Southern line to Charleston, Mobile and New Orleans, the Western, Pottsville, Easton, and other Morse Lines."



Maine Telegraph.

- My Ref. Maine-Env-1
Main Tel.
34 Main Street. Photo courtesy of Todd Parker.

Maine Telegraph - Boston. - My Ref. Maine-Env-Boston-1
Maine Telegraph embossed
Embossed envelope, having the address now athe Traveller Buildings, number 31 State Street (The same as Cape Cod Telegraphs).
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1204.



Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America

- My Ref. Marc-Env-26
Marconi Form 26.
Form 26. courtesy of Everett Ramsey.


A Marconigram. Nothing to indicate the date, but Radio Corporation of America was called that from 1919 to 1969. I think this was probably about 1925.
Marconigram - front

The back gives the terms and conditions, as well as confirming Edward J. Nally as the President.
Marconigram - front

Images courtesy of Jerry Proc at Memorabilia.html.



Merchants Line.

Shortcuts to sub-sections
Boston Providence New York State Troy

Boston - My Ref. ML-Bos-Env-1
Merchants Line,  Bains Telegraph Office
Merchants Line / Bains Telegraph, Office 76 State street, Boston cover to Albany. "Get answer".
Nothing is printed on the back, and there is no seal, though the company is known to have used them on occasion.
Courtesy of Kurt, — petamarty on eBay.



Merchants Line - Bain's Telegraph. Boston - My Ref. ML-Bos-Env-2
Merchants Line. green
Envelope with cachet in red for Boston Office at 76 State Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1224.



Boston - My Ref. ML-Bos-Env-3
Sale 39 Lot 285
Same office as above. Stamped with red Boston "5cts" mark,
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Providence - My Ref. ML-Prov-Env-1
The printing on the envelope has no reference to Providence. This is marked at the top with Feb 23 / 50
Envelope of 23/2/1850
Merchants Line used a number of different telegram seals for their different offices. I list them separately under Seals.
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



Providence - My Ref. ML-Prov-Env-1
This appears to be marked on the left with Nov 21 / 50
Sale 88 Lot 524
Merchants Line used a number of different telegram seals for their different offices. I list them separately under Seals.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Similar to a red Boston envelope above, but in blue - My Ref. ML-NY-Env-1
Merchants Line,  Bains Telegraph Office N.Y.
Merchants Line / Bains Telegraph, Office 29 Wall street cover to Broad Street.
Nothing is printed on the back, and there is no seal, though the company is known to have used them on occasion.
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



Merchants Line - Bain's Telegraph. New York - My Ref. ML-NY-Env-2
Merchants Line. green
Envelope with cachet in green for New York Office at 29 Wall Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1219.



Troy - My Ref. ML-Troy-Env-1
Sale 103 Lot 651
Troy office at 6 State Street. Stamped with blue Troy N.Y. "3cts" mark and "PAID".
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).




Military Telegraph.

- My Ref. MilT-Env-1864
Sale 52 Lot 2335
United States Military Telegraph, imprint on cover to Canton, Ohio, franked with 1861, 3¢ rose tied by blue Louisville, Ky., May 16, '64 cds and target duplex.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Military Telegraph Envelope for Detroit. - My Ref. MilT-Env-Gulf-1
Erie & Michigan - Detroit 1
An envelope marked "Department of the Gulf".
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1247.



Shortcuts to sub-sections
Telegraph American Morse & Bain Southern

Morse Telegraph.

Morse Telegraph. - My Ref. MoT-Env-1
Morse Telegraph - New London
Simple envelope for New London.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1218.

Sale 94 Lot 2915
Used 20 February 1852, giving office in Paris, Kentucky - My Ref. MoT-Env-Paris-1852-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Morse Telegraph. - My Ref. MoT-Env-2
Morse Telegraph - Providence
Envelope for Rhode Island Line with address of office at No.36, South Main Street, Mauran's Block, Providence.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1239.


Morse's American Telegraph.

Morse's American Telegraph. - My Ref. MoA-Env-1
Morse's American - Nashville
Embossed envelope in red for Nashville.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1210.

Morse's American Telegraph. - My Ref. MoA-Env-2
Morse's American - NY, Albany and Buffalo
Envelope for NY, Albany and Buffalo, used at Buffalo Office at Exchange Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1216.

Morse's American Telegraph. - My Ref. MoA-Env-3
Morse's American - New York and WU Line
Envelope for New York and WU Line, used at Minneapolis.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1214.

"Consolodation of House and Morse Lines."
Sale 30 Lot 409
New York, Albany and Buffalo Line, giving office at 2½ Wall Street - My Ref. MoT-Env-NYAB-1861-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

    Morse's American Telegraph: - Envelope My Ref. MoA-Env-4
and Delivery form of Congress Hall Albany My Ref. MoA-Del-1
Morse's American - New York and WU Line
Envelope (very similar design to California State) and contents, New York to Albany, used 11 April 1855.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1215.

    Morse's American Telegraph: - Envelope My Ref. MoA-Env-4a
Morse's American Env - Montgomery, Ala
Envelope as above, but poorer quality and brown, used at Montgomery, Ala.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1263.


Morse & Bain Union Telegraph.

Morse Telegraph. - My Ref. MoB-Env-1
Morse Telegraph - New London
Envelope with red cachet for Ontario & St. Lawrence. Used in Oswego, N.Y.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1206.

Morse Telegraph. - My Ref. MoB-Env-2
Morse Telegraph - New London
Envelope with dark blue cachet for Ontario & St. Lawrence with additional embossed of C.S.Eggleston, Books & Stationery, Artists Materials, Paper Hangings etc. of Fulerton, N.Y.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1207.


Morse's Southern Telegraph Line.

Morse's Southern Telegraph. - My Ref. MoS-Env-1
Morse's Southern Telegraph - New Orleans
Envelope with list of 22 charges from New Orleans, where used, and address of office at No. 32, St. Charles Street, Corner of Common, Up Stairs.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1262


National Telegraph.

Shortcuts to sub-sections
Atlantic & Ohio Cincinnati, St.Louis, Pittsburg & New Orleans

By the Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph Co.

National Telegraph. - My Ref. NTAO-Env-1
National Telegraph
Envelope used in Hagerstown, Maryland.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1172.


Cincinnati, St.Louis, Pittsburg & New Orleans.

National Telegraph. - My Ref. NTCLPN-Env-1
National Telegraph - 101 Chestnut
Envelope with office address of No. 101 Chestnut Street, Second Story, back room. Presumably the one in Philadelphia.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 207.

National Telegraph. - My Ref. NTCLPN-Env-2
National Telegraph - 105 South Third
Envelope with office address of No. 105 South Third Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1211.



New Orleans & Ohio Telegraph.

New Orleans & Ohio - Morse Line. - My Ref. NOO-Env-1
New Orleans & Ohio - Marietta-1
Envelope with cachet for Frankfort, Ky. Enclosure dated January 1851
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 208.

New Orleans & Ohio - Morse Line. - My Ref. NOO-Env-2
New Orleans & Ohio - Marietta-1
Envelope with yellow label for Marietta, Ohio.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1208.

New Orleans & Ohio - Morse Line. - My Ref. NOO-Env-3
New Orleans & Ohio - Marietta-2
Envelope with yellow label with a different border, for Marietta, Ohio.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1209.

New Orleans & Ohio - Morse Line. - My Ref. NOO-Env-4
New Orleans & Ohio - Cincinnati
Envelope for the Cincinnati Office at Third Street, South side, between Main and Sycamore.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1213.

New Orleans & Ohio - Morse Line. - My Ref. NOO-Env-5
Sale 39 Lot 538
Used at Cannonsburgh, Pa. "10" mark and "PAID".
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).




New York, Albany & Buffalo Telegraph.

New York, Albany & Buffalo Telegraph. - My Ref. NYAB-Env-Buff-1
New York, Albany & Buffalo
Envelope with cachet for Office at No.14 Exchange Street, Buffalo.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1223, Lot 8047.



New York, Albany & Buffalo Telegraph. - My Ref. NYAB-Env-Utica-1
New York, Albany & Buffalo - Utica
Envelope referencing the Utica Office at Dudley's Triangle, Utica.
(A triangle formed by 3 streets).    Image courtesy of Todd Parker



New York & Boston (Magnetic) Telegraph.

1 October 1846 Telegram - inside - My Ref. NYBM-Form-Sprng-184
NY & Boston Telegram - inside
This was folded and sealed with wax. Image courtesy of Todd Parker.

NY & Boston Telegram - outside
Outside. Image courtesy of Todd Parker.
Above-left of the address there is a boxed "Telegraph ..." cachet.
NYBM detail
It’s 39 mm wide by 14 mm tall. 3 lines of red text.
"Telegraph", "Mass." and "1846" can be made out.

It is thought to be something similar to that on the following
envelope, reproduced here for convenience :
NYBM envelope detail
only reading Springfield, Mass. and 1846.



New York & Boston Telegraph. - My Ref. NYNE-Env-NH-1
New York & Boston
Envelope with red cachet of New York & Boston for Hartford, Conn, used 19 April 1847 in Hartford.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1217.

Sale 26 Lot 1230
Used 31 October 1851 in New York, with charges paid - My Ref. NYB-Env-1851-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).




New York & Erie Railroad Telegraph.

New York & Erie Railroad Telegraph. - My Ref. NYEB-Env-Erie-1
New York & Erie Railroad - Erie Depot
Envelope listing Office at Erie Railroad Depot, and cancelled at Owego, N.Y.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1238.



New York and New England Union Telegraph.

NY and New England Union Telegraph. - My Ref. NYNE-Env-NH-1
NY and New England
Envelope with green cachet of New York and New England Union Telegraph Co., with address at 143 Chapel Street, New Haven.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1227.



New York and New Orleans Telegraph.

N.Y. and New England Orleans Telegraph embossed envelope used 4 June 1862. - My Ref. NYNO-Env-1862-1
NY and New Orleans
Used in Wallingford, Vermont.    Image courtesy of Todd Parker



North American Telegraph.

North American Telegraph. - My Ref. NAT-Env-Wash-1
North American - Washington
Envelope for Office at Odeon Building, corner of Penn. Avenue and 4 and ½ Street, Washington.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1228.



Northern California Telegraph.

- My Ref. NCT-Env-1
Sale 62 Lot 231
Northern California Telegraph, (compare to California State Tel.).
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Norton's Telegraphic Rooms.

177 Broadway, New York. - My Ref. NTR-Env-blue-1
Sale 74 Lot 1341
Dark blue cameo corner card, used with red "New-York 'Paid 3cts.' Dec 12" cds to Detroit Mich.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Ohio River Railroad Telegraph.

Ohio River Railroad Telegraph Envelope. - My Ref. ORR-Env-1
Ohio River Railroad Envelope
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



O'Reilly Telegraph.

O'Reilly Telegraph. - My Ref. ORT-Env-1
O'Reilly - Chicago
Envelope with cachet in dark blue for Chicago Office.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1168.


- My Ref. ORT-Env-Herk-1
Bain's Chemical Telegraph
Bain's Chemical Telegraph, "O'Reill's New York State Line" for the Herkimer, NY office at E. Caswell's store, Opposite the bank.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1196, Lot 578.

- My Ref. ORT-Env-Troy-1
Bain's Chemical Telegraph
Bain's Chemical Telegraph, similar to last, but red and black for the Troy, NY office at 8 State street, corner of River street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1196, Lot 577.


O'Reilly Telegraph. - My Ref. ORT-Env-Alb-1
O'Reilly - Albany
Illustrated Envelope for the Albany, N.Y. Office at 31 State Street, Museum Building.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1222.

O'Reilly - Pittsburg, Cincinnati & Louisville Telegraph - My Ref. ORT-Env-PCL-1
Illustrated Envelope for the Steubenville, Ohio Office at Kilgore Hall, Market Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1229.




Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Co.
(not to be confused with the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co.)

Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph envelope. - My Ref. PATC-Env-1
The addresses "45 South Third, 123 Walnut and Corner Ninth and Chestnut" sound like Boston to me. Anyone know?
Pacific & Atlantic envelope
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.




Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Co.

Pacific Postal Telegraph. - My Ref. PPTC-Env-1
Pacific Postal - Sale 33, Lot 1351
Envelope marked "Form 10" with 2c stamp and Boulder Creek CDS of 21 March 1889.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (Sale 33, Lot 1351).



Pennsylvania Printing Telegraph.

Pennsylvania Printing Telegraph - My Ref. PPT-Env-Phil-1
Pennsylvania Printing Telegraph - Philly
Illustrated envelope for their office at N. E. corner of 3rd. & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1231.



Peoples Telegraph.

Peoples Telegraph Line - Nashville - My Ref. PTL-Env-Nash-1
Peoples Telegraph Line - Nashville
Envelope for Nashville. Said to have contents dated 11 April 1850.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 210.



Philadelphia and Cape Island Telegraph.

Philadelphia and Cape Island Telegraph - My Ref. PCI-Env-1
PCI - 98 Chestnut
Envelope with 1c pre-paid and 3c to pay. Office address of 98 Chestnut Street.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1235.



Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Telegraph.

Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Telegram - My Ref. PRP-Del-1848-1
PRP - Telegram of 1848
Telegram of 29 August 1848 with simple cachet.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1236.



- My Ref. PRP-Env-1
PRP - 3 main stations
3 main stations and 8 way stations. Photo courtesy of Todd Parker.



- My Ref. PRP-Env-2
4 stations, eBay Lot 264758934716
Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Telegraph Company.  telegram of 1860s listing offices.   Image courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing).



Circa 1854 - My Ref. PRP-Env-3
PRP - 3 main stations
Listing connections. Imprint bottom-right of "Calvert & Meclaw". Photo courtesy of Todd Parker.



Form No. 18. - My Ref. PRP-Env-4
PRP - Form No. 18.
No specific offices mentioned. Photo courtesy of Todd Parker.



Philadelphia & Wilksbarre Telegraph.

Philadelphia & Wilksbarre Telegraph - My Ref. PWT-Env-1
Philadelphia & Wilksbarre - simple
Simple envelope giving address of No. 101 Chestnut Street, Phila, Third Floor.
Said to be circa 1849. Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 211.

Philadelphia & Wilksbarre Telegraph - My Ref. PWT-Env-1
Philadelphia & Wilksbarre - illustrated
Illustrated envelope giving Philadelphia Office address as No. 101 Chestnut Street, 3d Floor.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1232.



Placerville and St. Joseph Overland Telegraph Company.

Sale 37 Lot 55
Used at Strawberry Valley, April 27, 1861 - My Ref. PSJ-Env-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Polar Union Telegraph Company.

- My Ref. PUT-179-Env-1902-1
eBay Lot 401171417510 - front
eBay Lot 401171417510 - back

Polar Union Telegraph Company Telegram, Form 179 used 1902, front and back, courtesy of Newall on eBay (click on image for listing).



Postal Telegraph-Cable Company.

Form 2. Telegram.
PTC September 1896 - front   PTC September 1896 - back
Dated 1 September 1896 with John O. Stevens as Secretary, Clarence H. Mackay as President, William H. Baker as Vice President and General Manager. Courtesy of Todd Parker.


Telegram of 190?.
PTC 190? - front   PTC 190? - back
Dated 0 July 190? with John O. Stevens as Secretary and Albert B. Chandler as President and General Manager.


eBay Lot 401171417510 - back   eBay Lot 401171417510 - back

Front and back of an envelope (Form 40. / 110.) dated 27 January 1910 courtesy of (click image for eBay listing).



Richmond, Charlottesville & Staunton Telegraph

Richmond, Charlottesville & Staunton Telegraph - My Ref. RCS-Env-1
Richmond, Charlottesville & Staunton embossed
Embossed Envelope with name in star, used at Staunton.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1255.



Sackets Harbor & Watertown Union Telegraphi Line.

- My Ref. SHW-Env-blue-1
Sale 74 Lot 1342
Red cameo oval corner card, used with "Sackets Harbor N.Y. Apr 16" cds to Poughkeepsie N.Y.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



San Francisco District Telegraph Co.

San Francisco District Telegraph. - My Ref. SFDT-Env-1
San Francisco District Telegraph - Sale 33, Lot 1352
Illustrated envelope with 10c in stamps dated 17 July 1896. Address of Main Office, Room 5, 206 Kearny St.
"2nd NOTICE" cachet and "3rd NOTICE" cachet. Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (Sale 33, Lot 1352).



San Juan & Santa Cruz Telegraph

San Juan & Santa Cruz Telegraph - My Ref. SJSC-Env-1
San Juan & Santa Cruz in red
Illustrated Envelope similar to Cal State design in red.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1240.



Scioto Valley Telegraph

Scioto Valley Telegraph - My Ref. SVT-Env-1
Scioto Valley
The company had a telegraph line from Columbus to Portsmouth Oh. This envelope with the usual seated Zeus in black.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1241.



Southern Express Company's Telegraph

Sale 43 Lot 97
1863 Confederate on brown paper. Blue "Columbia, S.C./Oct. 10" cds. ex-Judd (Pictured in Monroe Book, pg. 49). - My Ref. SEC-Env-1863-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 107 Lot 2424
Confederate on blue paper. ex-Kramer. - My Ref. SEC-Env-1863-2
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Southern Kansas Railway Co's Tel.

Envelope - My Ref. SKR-Env-1
Grand Rapids & Indiana envelope
Image courtesy of Todd Parker.



South Western Telegraph Co.

Sale 37 Lot 1527
Confederate telegram used with a 2c red stamp and postmarked "Canton, Miss./Sep 6" cds and datelined "Summit, Sep 5th 1864". - My Ref. SWT-Tgm-1864-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Sale 37 Lot 1527
An enhanced, enlarged and mirrored image shows "JOHN VanHORNE. President, Mobile, Ala."



Another example opened out to show details. This is sealed with a 2c green and is dated 10 October 1864.
It is offered on eBay with a "Confederate Stamp Alliance" certificate (they have since changed their name to "Civil War Philatelic Society") — click an image for listing.

Front of telegram.
SWT Form front
Back of telegram.
SWT Form back
SWT Form detail
An enlarged view of the top of the form showing the Terms and Conditions.

SWT Form close
A view of the closed telegram. Note the "NOV" marking. If it was written on the 10th of October, there must have been considerable delays somewhere.
It was mailed by drop rate from Selma to Canton Alabama (distance of approximately 50 miles). Images courtesy of Marc Bedrin of BuyStamps on eBay (click image for listing).



Speed's Erie & Michigan Telegraph

Speed's - My Ref. SEM-Env-Pain-1
Speed's E&M - Painesville, Oh.
Envelope giving the Office address as "over Marshall's Hardware Store, Main st., Painesville, O."
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1243.

Sale 108 Lot 1207
Used at Detroit, Mich. "COLLECT" - My Ref. SEM-Env-Det-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Stebbins Line (part of St.Louis & Missouri Telegraph)

Stebbins Line - My Ref. SLM-Env-Steb-1
Stebbins Line - SL & M
Envelope marked "By the Stebbins Line" giving no reference to the Telegraph company. Used at Lexington Mo. Jul. 11, 1859.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1242.



Susquehanna River Telegraph

North & West Branches - My Ref. SRT-Env-1
Sale 67 Lot 2573
Used in Bloomsburg, Pa.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Troy & Canada Junction Telegraph

Troy & Canada Junction Telegraph - My Ref. TCJ-Env-1
Troy & Canada Junction - Burlington, Vt
Embossed Troy & Canada Junction Telegraph Envelope giving the Office address as "Bank Block, up stairs, Burlington Vt."
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1244.



United Lines Telegraph Company
Operated by the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company

Form 1. - My Ref. ULT-Send-1-188-1
UL Telegraph Form 1
A telegraph form 1 of the 1880's courtesy of Rolf Lamprecht.
F. W. Jones, Assistant General Manager; Dwight Townsend, Secretary and E. S. Stokes as President.
According to Rich & Rich, John W. Mackay took control of the Postal in 1884, and subsequent to that the Postal absorbed the
Bankers' & Merchants' Telegraph Co. (see American Rapid), and the United Lines Telegraph Co.



Form 7. - My Ref. ULT-Env-1-187-1
UL Envelope Form 7
A telegraph envelope, Form 7 postmarked 15 September 1887 courtesy of Todd Parker.



United States & Mexico Telegraph Company.

U.S. & Mexico. - My Ref. USM-Env-1
U.S.  & Mexico Telegraph
The company had a line from Denver to Santa Fe, but the line was sold to WU before reaching Mexico City. This was sent to Denver.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1245.



Vermont & Boston Telegraph.
See also the Electro-Chemical Telegraph.

Vermont & Boston Telegraph. - My Ref. VBT-Env-1852-1
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
An illustrated envelope with 50c to pay.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1251.

Sale 23 Lot 155
Similar to last, but space on the left for Office address at Cheney & Co's Express. Charges paid - My Ref. VBT-Env-Chen-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Vermont & Boston Telegraph. - My Ref. VBT-Env-1852-2
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
A similar illustrated envelope marked "NO CHARGE".
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 214.

Vermont & Boston Telegraph. - My Ref. VBT-Env-1852-3
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
A similar illustrated envelope marked "NO CHARGE" higher up and a different colour.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1249.

- My Ref. (for telegram) VBT-Del-1856-1
- My Ref. (for embossed envelope) VBT-Env-1856-1

Sale 30 Lot 411
Vermont & Boston Telegraph Company. 1856 telegram with embossing. Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).
Office at No. 4 Market Street.

Vermont & Boston Telegraph. - My Ref. VBT-Env-1856-1
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
A clearer example of the embossing on the envelope.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1253.

Vermont & Boston Telegraph. Date unknown, but for now - My Ref. VBT-Env-1860-1
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
A different envelope with "Through N. H. and Vt. to Boston, New York, and all the principal towns and cities in the U. S., and Canada".
Used at White River Junction, Vermont.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1254.

- My Ref. (for telegram) VBT-Del-1862-1
- My Ref. (for envelope) VBT-Env-1862-1

eBay Lot 264758940482 - front   eBay Lot 264758940482 - back
eBay Lot 264758940482 - enclosure

Vermont & Boston Telegraph Company. 1862 telegram with enclosure.   Images courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing).

- My Ref. VBT-Env-1862-1
eBay Lot 264758923531
Vermont & Boston Telegraph Company.  telegram of uncertain date.   Image courtesy of Fred of fgkii on eBay (click on image for listing).

Vermont & Boston Telegraph. - My Ref. . VBT-Env-1862-1
Vermont & Boston Telegraph
Another example, a bit clearer and perhaps to the same person.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1252.



Wade's Telegraph

Wade's Telegraph. - My Ref. Wade-Env-Col-1
Wade's Telegraph - Columbus 1
Wade's Telegraph Office, giving address of Odeon Building, Columbus, Ohio.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1185.



Washington & New Orleans Telegraph

Washington & New Orleans Telegraph. - My Ref. WNO-Env-1
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph
"W. & N.O." / Tel / N.O. Office in red oval dated 15 May 1850.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1171, Lot 215. (Also sale 1102, Lot 1257).

W & New Orleans single line "TELEGRAPHIC", horizontal in blue. - My Ref. WNO-Env-SL-blue
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph - blue
Single line "TELEGRAPHIC", horizontal in blue, October 1851.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1258.

W & New Orleans single line "TELEGRAPHIC", diagonal in blue. - My Ref. WNO-Env-SL-blue
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph - blue
Single line "TELEGRAPHIC", diagonal in blue, 30 May 1851.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1259.

W & New Orleans single line "TELEGRAPHIC", diagonal in red. - My Ref. WNO-Env-SL-red
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph - red
Single line "TELEGRAPHIC", diagonal in red, February 1851. The red may indicate urgency, since the contents related to insurance and 200 packages on a sunken ship./
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1261.

W & New Orleans single line "TELEGRAPHIC", upwards in black. - My Ref. WNO-Env-SL-black
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph - black
Single line "TELEGRAPHIC", upwards in black, November 1851. /
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1260.

W & New Orleans - Brownsville. - My Ref. WNO-Env-Brownsville-1
Washington & New Orleans - Brownsville
For use at the Telegraph Office, Brownsville. /
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1265.

Columbia, S. C. 1848. - My Ref. WNO-Env-Columbia-1
Sale 94 Lot 591
Very similar to above, but for Washington. It gives different addresses for some of the offices listed above.
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Washington & New Orleans Telegraph. - My Ref. WNO-Env-2
Washington & New Orleans Telegraph
Embossed Envelope giving the Washington address as "by C. F. Hall. Cincinnati", and the New Orleans address as "Under St. Charles Hotel, N.O."
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1264.

Washington & New Orleans - Southern Telegraph. - My Ref. WNO-South-Env-1
Washington & New Orleans - Southern Telegraph
This apparently is part of the Washington & New Orleans Telegraph. This is marked New-Orleans.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1256.



Western Union Telegraph Company.

Shortcuts to Western Union Stationery sections
Envelopes Sending Forms Delivery Forms Door Hangers


Western Union Envelopes.

WU - 50c charge
Hand written for NY with 50c charge. Courtesy of Todd Parker.

- My Ref. WU-Env-1857-1
Sale 55 Lot 1200
Western Union Telegraph, imprint with small Zeus and Lightening bolt illustration,
on cover to Salisbury Center, N.Y., franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red tied by Huron, Ohio cds
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

Western Union Telegraph Consolidation. - My Ref. WU-Env-Con-1
Western Union Telegraph - Consolidation 1
"Consolidation of the HOUSE, MORSE, O'REILLY, WADE, SPEED & CORNELL Lines"
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1266.

Western Union Telegraph Consolidation. - My Ref. WU-Env-Con-2
Western Union Telegraph - Consolidation 2
Consolidation as above with additional "Under the control of the NEW-YORK & MISSISSIPPI VALLEY PRINTING TELEGRAPH Co"
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1182, Lot 173.


Western Union Telegraph - ornate. - My Ref. WU-Env-Orn-1
Western Union Telegraph
Post consolidation, ornate - This is from


Western Union Telegraph. - My Ref. WU-Env-1867-1
Western Union Telegraph
Simple design with a 1c postage stamp.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1267.

- My Ref. WU-Env-1867-1
Sale 45 Lot 383
As last, 1867 New York, N.Y. To Langon, France. Western Union Telegraph cover sent unpaid with "New York, 9, Mar 67" cds
debit to France (3¢ U.S. inland and 6¢ sea) and "8" decimes due handstamp. scarce transatlantic telegraph cover. 
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


San Francisco.
Sale 35 Lot 581
Wells Fargo & Co./San Francisco. Blue oval date stamp on 1864, 3¢ pink - My Ref. WU-Env-SF-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Here is a similar one of July 1867 showing the original contents.
- My Ref. (for telegram) WU-Del-Wade-1867-1
- My Ref. (for envelope) WU-Env-1867-1

July 1867
Image courtesy of Everett Ramsey.


- My Ref. (for telegram) WU-Del-1-Orton-1867-1
- My Ref. (for envelope) WU-Env-1867-2

Sale 38 Lot 2313
Western Union Telegraph Co. from the 1860's
This has Orton as President. He became President of WU in 1867 until he died in 1878.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


- My Ref. (for telegram) WU-Del-Orton-1871-1
- My Ref. (for envelope) WU-Env-1871-1

Sale 62 Lot 232
Sale 62 Lot 232
San Francisco envelope and Pacific Division letterhead enclosure datelined "San Leandro, Jun 15th 1871".
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


William Orton.
Sale 98 Lot 4534
Used 6 April 1878 in with a (Kansas & Pacific Railroad) K. & P. R.R., Silver Lake double-circle - My Ref. WU-Env-Orton-1
courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).


Front and back of Form 1529. It is undated, but refers to a cable service, so perhaps 1930's ?
WU Form 1529 - front   WU Form 1529 - back
Opened with a guillotine ?    Images courtesy of AsianStamp - (click one for listing).


Form 117. This was used in Canada in 1897, but there appears to be nothing that limits where it could be used.
Western Union Envelope - Canada 1897
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).


Form 120. This was used in Canada in 1901, but there appears to be nothing that limits where it could be used.
Anywhere where there was a "District Superintendent's Office".
Western Union Envelope - Canada 1901 - front
The bottom is marked "If not called for within ten days, return to this office."

This was sent Registered from St. John, New Brunswick (28 June) to Aspy Bay, Cape Breton (via North Sydney, Nova Scotia), arriving 3 July.
Western Union Envelope - Canada 1901 - back
Images courtesy of CanadaPostalHistoryandStamps on eBay (click image for listing).


Another envelope used in Canada, this in 1926, and again nothing that limits where it could be used.
Western Union Envelope - Canada 1897

In fact the imprint at the bottom shows it was printed in the U.S.A.
Western Union Envelope - Canada 1897
Image courtesy of vgstamps2015 on eBay (click image for listing).




Western Union Sending Forms.

Western Union Telegraph. - My Ref. WU-Send-Blk2-1
Western Union Telegraph - Sending Blank No. 2
Sending Blank No. 2, dated 2 August 1871 with attached frank. President William Orton, Secretary O. H. Palmer.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1133, Lot 624.

- My Ref. WU-Send-1572-189-1
31-3-1901 sending form

31-3-1901 sending form

A rare Form No. 1572 Sending Form. These should all have been destroyed in the normal course of events. Somehow this survived.
It was sent 31 March 1901, near the end of the Spanish-American War, using a 1901 Frank. In addition, there is a 1c Documentary tax stamp
With a handstamp saying "RECEIVED / MAR 31 1901 / J. J. Sebell." From 1898, these were required for a number of things at the time, amusements, liquor,
tea, and tobacco, as well as for some business transactions like bills of lading, manifests and marine insurance, but as far as I can see, not telegrams,
though there was a 1c per call telephone tax until 1902, so perhaps that also applied to telegrams.

31-3-1901 documentary   31-3-1901 RetroReveal

Images courtesy of Everett Ramsey.
I would really like to hear from anyone that can explain this usage, or has any other sending forms.



Western Union Delivery Forms.

This was shown above with the associated envelope. I repeat the top part here (larger).
"Blank No. 1." — Dated 12 July 1867 showing J. H. Wade as President and O. H. Palmer as Secretary.
- My Ref.    WU-Del-Wade-1867-1

July 1867 - J.H. Wade
Image courtesy of Everett Ramsey.



Again repeated from above (larger).
"Blank No. 1." — unknown date, showing William Orton as President and O. H. Palmer as Secretary.
Orton became President of WU in 1867 - My Ref.    WU-Del-1-Orton-1867-1

Sale 38 Lot 2313
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).

The top part of another Blank No. 1 form, this used in 1874. - My Ref.    WU-Del-1-Orton-1874-1

WU-Blank_1 - 1874
This now has Thomas T. Eckert as General Superintendent, New York and George H. Mumford as Secretary.
The 1874 Business Frank card is signed by Mumford as Vice President.


Again, just the top section repeated from above larger.
No form number, and just for the Pacific Division. Dated 15 June 1871, showing William Orton as President and O. H. Palmer as Secretary.
This used in San Leandro - My Ref.    WU-Del-Pac-Orton-1871-1

Sale 62 Lot 232
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Form No. 168. 195 Broadway, N.Y. - My Ref. WU-Del-168-1906-1
Sale 22 Lot 28
Western Union telegram cover with original enclosure datelined "Apr 20, 1906"
This is reporting on earthquake damage 2 days after San Francisco earthquake. Paid to repeat message back.
Courtesy of Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions. (click on image for listing).



Western Union Door Hangers.

When a telegram could not be delivered these could be placed on a door knob, or perhaps pushed under a door to inform the intended recipient.

DH dated 13-1-51 - front  DH dated 13-1-51 - back DH dated 25-1-51 - front  DH dated 25-1-51 - back
13 January 1951 - courtesy of Everett Ramsey 25 January 1951 - courtesy of Everett Ramsey

Since these do not appear to have been completed, I am guessing that the messenger had a quantity of these 66-A cards with the Office pre-stamped, to be used as and when needed.
It is a matter of conjecture as to the writing on the back. (S)econd subtracted from (F)irst perhaps, or S could be Sold, but then what would F be ?



Wilson's Conversational Telegraph

Wilson's Conversational Telegraph. - My Ref. Wil-Env-1
Wilson's Conversational Telegraph
Envelope listing offices at - New Haven, No. 7 Brewster's Building.; Seymour, Eagle Factory; Ansonia; Birmingham; and Waterbury, No. 6 Savings Bank Building.
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1212.



Wisconsin State Telegraph

Wisconsin State Telegraph. - My Ref. Wis-Env-1
Wisconsin State Telegraph
Simple oval Wisconsin State Telegraph cachet
Courtesy of “Siegel Auction Galleries” Sale 1102, Lot 1205.



T.—No. 91.  /  S B or X B
"Government Telegram / to be given / PRIORITY"
Anyone know anything about these?

Government Telegram Priority

It was with some US Postal Official Seals, so I'm assuming it is from the USA, but it may not be.
It is perforated with guage 10 - Any information would be welcome.



Comments, criticisms, information or suggestions are always welcome.


Please include the word 'Telegraphs' in the subject.



Last updated 6th. June 2024

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